Question for Experienced Coercers

Discussion in 'Coercer' started by ARCHIVED-MDryer, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-MDryer Guest

    Hey all...very informative posts here so far

    I currently have a 23 berserker and was thinking about restarting as an evil toon with my rl brother (just purchased the game and can't stand the thought of dancing elves). We'll be playing a lot together as well as looking for the experienced groups etc.

    My question here is this... Would a Coercer teamed with a Defiler or possibly Inquisitor be a good duo? Or should we stick with the more traditional Priest/Warrior concept ..perhaps SK. I'm intrigued by the Coercer's spell list and loved playing main CC type classes in EQ-L and DAOC (enchanter/healer). It seems like the power regen added with great CC/Root would make duoing groups of mobs very viable. Is this the case? And also if anyone has any Coercer dots stack well with Defiler or other classes??

    Thanks much in advance for any info.

    Dain 23 Zerk (Highkeep)
  2. ARCHIVED-Tanatus Guest

    With all my love and satisfuction with coercer class answer will be no....
    Coercers untill lvl 37 dont get insane DPS (which hopefully come with charmed pets) and while you can seriously disable combat abilities of mobs (stun, root, mez, silence, slow ect) you actual DPS arent high
    If you 2 want to try evil side my suggestion would be pick pair:
    Berserker-Defiler or Berserker-Inqusitior or Berserker-Fury/Warden
    Berserker so far class that have most DPS (giving fact that he have bard AND enchanter to be able keep him in rage mode) all he need just some healing back up
  3. ARCHIVED-ClockworkVII Guest

    My brother and I duo. 27 corercer 27 defiler combo. How good is it and why do we play these classes over Tank + Healer?
    EQ2 isnt hack and slash, the traditional tank + healer will have tons of down time and little way to stop front load damage.
    Front load damage is the initial big DPS from 3-5 mobs, which is a huge factor 20+ and lvl 30+ which is what u will hunt at 25+.
    So hence u need CC+breeze type spells to keep the downtime to a min and the spam healn to a min.
    The defiler can tank as good as any none-guardian. Only reason Guardian is better, basicly hes got ubr taunts and the shields are pyscho AC. Fighter DPS is good and zerker would be a great partner for a defiler, but it wont work 25+. You will have to be in more 4-6 man groups come 25+. Being a corercer and defiler will kill two birds with one stone to any group. CC+ heals is a must, no gorup can function without it. But most groups 9/10 only need 1 tank 2 dps 2 healer 1 CC, if u bring CC and one healer to the table u wont limit urself to only being duo.
    If u do only duo <even thou i know it will slow down> You'll find easy prey in all zones all tiers unless they say groupX2 or a tier 3 con. We can kill names yellow tier 2 without downtime, oj teir 2 none named mobs, all this duo without downtime and minimizing losses from adds and give ourselves plenty of time or a jump if we need to run.
    Defiler wards are insane for front load dmg. and SOW is a must to travel and breakn/help to escape. The Crack and CC from corercer is un matched in pimpness in a game where combat stops all regens and freedom is max movement.
    I can keep 5 yellows mezd at lvl 27 while my bro kills the first two yellow solo without burning pwr himself. his ward at lvl 27 absorbs 1k dmg easy. he has more HP and ac then any fighter with his gear and spells maxd, I think SK have great tank potential in a few harder situations over a Guard, based on the have Wards, wards = no healing required.
    I do think Inq. has equal pwr to a defiler as a second partner but no SOW. Druid well, i think they heal the best but have the least front load preventive maintance , ie: ward absorbing 1k dmg. as compared to druid healn over 2mins for 1.2k hp. timer saver and instant life saver.
    I consider defiler DPS very nice with the big dots, the inq can DD very nicely but they are not pwr efficient, the druid has So so DPS, worst imo as i get higher <out of the healers>
    Corercer+defiler = most insane combo i have seen and i know alot of other combos and they either have crap DPS or bad downtime.
    There is other semi ok combos like temp+ Pally or Temp + Guard or even Defiler + SK but i think its all opinion on a persons play style.
    Best of Luck and Happy hunting