Producer's Letter: May/June News!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Windstalker, May 16, 2014.

  1. beagley Well-Known Member

    Wholeheartedly agree. Please, please, please let us get decent XP from questing in new concent rather than having to grind old content while chronoing down. After all the name of the game is EverQUEST not Ever GRIND;)
    Feldon likes this.
  2. Carni Active Member

    If you are still using Skyshrine for exp, you are doing it wrong. Hit HK contested, load up on quests wthin the zone, have a pot running w/vitality cranked and at least 10 alts maxxed, the exp will fly in.
  3. Estal Well-Known Member

    All loot in HK Contested will be worthless the second the expansions launches, meaning they can then just remove the stacking dmg increase thing and then everyone can fight each other in there over trash mobs instead of doing so in SS.
  4. BettyBoop Member

    No offense to you or anyone else that enjoys running the new zone, but I'm not stepping foot in there again until they fix the issue with mobs aggroing through walls, floors, ceilings, etc. My friends and I have been in there twice, and it just isn't fun for us.

    We've all been gaming together since EQ2 came out back in November of '04, so we know each other and our toons I'd like to think pretty darn well, although currently we're pretty casual players because of our odd and constantly changing play times throughout the week. I mean, we're competent enough that we've still managed to clear all the heroic ToV zones, but even with that said, we all agreed that contested high keep is not for us simply because of the buggy aggro...

    Plus we're all working adults, so we don't have 10 maxed alts. I have three 95s that I enjoy playing, but the rest are a smattering of 50's to low 90's that I play when I get around to it. So until they offer us more casual folks a better spot to xp (please, please, please make it with the new questlines!) we're relegated to running Skyshrine with about half the server it seems, lol. AT least that means more xp and mobs for you more dedicated players, or those fortunate enough to have better play times available to you. :)
    Geroblue and Wirewhisker like this.
  5. Blueiris Member

    This is my complaint, all the work that we have put into getting the extra bonus each time we have gotten an xpac since level 80 is on us and players are leaving the game. They don't want to keep grinding toons back up to the bonus levels every time.
    Feldon likes this.
  6. Blueiris Member

    Some players actually play from level 1 and go through the game for what the game was made for. Now everyone wants to be 95 and in raid gear or running 95 zones. New lower lever content is always nice, it doesn't always have to be max player based, not everyone in this game wants to play at level 95. I still think we should get a new starter zone and maybe a new race to go with it, just something to break the monotony of all the high end gaming that just keeps going on endlessly.
    Naramsin likes this.
  7. Estal Well-Known Member

    Please reconsider this...

    Increasing the supply of muted materials (mana, infusions and so on) is an absolutely horrible idea as adorning is the last bastion of actual profits in crafting.
  8. Charlice Well-Known Member

    I understand that and I'm one of them, but, I still consider it a waste of resources working on new starter content. It simply wouldn't get enough use compared to max level content.
    Torvaldr, Dulcenia and Avahlynn like this.
  9. Calthine Well-Known Member

    Theoretically there's a finite number of new materials it can inject into the system, as those old currencies are obsolete.
  10. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you don't get mana's/infusions from the exchange merchant mutables anyway
  11. Naramsin Well-Known Member

    This Terrain Tool sounds interesting, is this a new housing tool? Or is it for custom dungeons? I would like to hear more on this if you could. I would love to have this feature for housing, plus triangular building blocks and the ability to make the shapes of current building blocks and other house items editable.

    Blueiris mentioned that she would like to see new starter islands in the future. I believe she is on a roll, but it would be even better if you made new newb zones, one for evil aligned, and one for good aligned, but make both totally new zones. It seems that would be good for people new to the game, perhaps even a new race for L&L and language quests.
  12. Starrfeesh Member

    It's a dev tool for creating new zones, it has nothing to do with housing.
    Feldon likes this.
  13. Sambril Well-Known Member

    While the currencies are obsolete in the sense that anything you can obtain with them is not useful to a max level character, all the content that awarded the old expansion currencies is still there and trivialized by modern characters, so anyone could generate as much old currency as they liked and far easier than when the content was live.
  14. Armageddoux Active Member

    Feldon and Calthine like this.
  15. Pauly Well-Known Member

    at the exchange rate of 125 currencys to 1 astral transmute mat... have fun with that. I'll farm Cella at 1000x the pace you could earn old currency
    Wirewhisker and Calthine like this.
  16. Sambril Well-Known Member

    Fair enough, I hadn't looked into the details of what was involved, I was just responding to Calthine.
  17. Calthine Well-Known Member

    The event currencies are no longer obtainable.
  18. Sambril Well-Known Member

    True - but isn't the exchange merchant about old expansion currencies - obols, prime velium shards etc.? We can already exchange old event currencies for city tokens at city festivals.
  19. Avithax Well-Known Member

    Those are Gnome counterfeit tokens, don't trust them!
  20. Calthine Well-Known Member

    Hm, perhaps we need some clarification!