Producer's Letter: Class Changes on Beta

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Jrel Well-Known Member

    I'd like the server Raid Combat Lag FIXES to hit Butcherblock please before I change all my gear to WDB to compensate for the increasing lag and inability to activate my abilities when I push my hotkeys, or stop them from faux-firing. The scout CA changes will be pointless unless the raid combat lag is fixed first.
  2. Taiyla Active Member

    Just a suggestion about the 3rd party ui...... you might want to check them out and implement some of the things available in them to the default ui and more of us would use it.
    Tylia, Losadunai, Bashem and 9 others like this.
  3. Silzin Active Member

    IF the default had "Group/raid quick cast buttens", and the Drums "Spell Timers Window". I would consider using it
    Anunnaki and Malleria like this.
  4. Koko Well-Known Member

    This thread is great. "Competitive" raiders debating over which class does more damage with items that drastically influence damage and incredibly limited information on how and which items are used is a joke.

    The punchline is you can't compare people/classes anymore.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Serious, dudes, ship the stuff out West here. Put it in tanker cars (train), so it won't be lost if it melts, and send it out our way. We'd appreciate it! :-/

    Lodrelhai likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wonderful comments, but wrong thread? ;->

    Bristlebane stuff should be elsewhere?

  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I know at least one person had a concern about "squishy" fighters, and I can't help but agree...if you want new players in the game who, by definition, know nothing about the class abilities yet (even the baby 90s! ;->) and rely on their armor to keep them alive, they're gonna be sadly disappointed in the game. Perhaps with nothing to compare it to previously, that won't be too huge an issue, but the casual players (i.e., non-raiders) will also notice...and despite the amount of noise being made, I do think there's more casual players than otherwise. ;->

    who hopes the changes won't be too drastic, armor-wise, and that this won't ultimately force us to have to group ("I solo for the same reason I don't go grocery shopping with small children." --brilliant signature)
    Belenos likes this.
  8. Buffrat Well-Known Member can no longer use half of your abilities...for 70 potency and some weaponskills? What.
  9. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Really waiting for the much needed fury nerf/rest of healers being brought up to god-tier furies are on.
  10. Caith Developer

    The changes to Offensive Stance are preliminary, we're doing some testing to how Fighter DPS falls out with the gear changes before we add any significant offensive buff.

    Offensive Stance is going to be just that. Offensive. You can swap between Offensive and Defensive stance fairly rapidly, so if you expect to need a stoneskin, you can do some stance dancing.
    Losadunai, Neiloch and Laiina like this.
  11. Caith Developer

    All Mit armor was changed to have potency. You can also purchase a Potent Converter from the Ferrin Merchant to convert all block armor into a a version with Potency, but it is Tank only.
    FriggaWitch likes this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oh, gods, no...the stupid different Stances from World of Warcraft. No no no no no no no... X-P

  13. Caith Developer

    You do realize that Offensive and Defensive stances were always different right? That's why they had different names.
    Kuulei, Neiloch, Laiina and 5 others like this.
  14. Koko Well-Known Member

    Clerics, shaman, and wardens getting the casting skills required to land offensive spells on flurry belts/cloaks would be a great place to start! ;__;
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Malleria Well-Known Member

    I hope you're gonna take into consideration that potency benefits some tanks more than others, and that a LARGE part of tanks issues with gear was the inability to meet basic softcaps through reforging. Potency is cool and all, but you need to put some reforgeable stat on there too.
    Wintir, Ykysha, Jrel and 1 other person like this.
  16. Terrius Well-Known Member

    Any ETA on when the scout changes will be hitting the server?
  17. Toggie Member

    Dear sweet baby Jeebus, don't make us stance dance. I personally like not having to macro every other button to a skill and a stance. If you want new tanks to join the ranks, don't make it impossible to tank without having 12 fingers.

    1. Pet fixes - Love it, love everything about it. I'd love to see the warrior pet take a hit.

    2. Scouts - There will be a fine line in breaking and fixing things. Assassins now do a crazy amount of damage. It'd be nice to have a choice on how you want to play, not what you'd have to play to be competitive. I'd like to see Beastlords come back to being fun without having to spend 5 mins building Savagery before using skills.

    3. Tank stance dances. Puuuulllease, do not make this something. Managing aggro and prioritization of skills takes enough ability to do it right, but having to pop back and forth? Makes me want to cry.

    I know there were alot of things that people wanted to have changed, but at the same time, you can completely off-center the balance of the game very easily. I'll be honest, I'm scared. I've just come back and decided to tank, but I won't do it if it mirrors that other game (which will not be mentioned). We don't need a clone of that mess, we need innovation. Positive innovation.
    Belenos and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  18. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    So I take it that we can copy over our toons and start testing these things right away. Well thats after the bunny hunt is over so I can't wait to hop on over to the Beta server and check it out.
  19. Uncle Active Member


    take a look at bloodletter being able to be casted in combat now
  20. Genghes Active Member

    So the potency change on the tank armor is nice, but 253 extra potency isnt going to add much, i would have rather seen crit bonus doubled and the potency added like it was.
    the new offensive stance penetalities are a bit extreme. I understand this stance is under construction, but with no hate reduction and no way to drop hate when dpsing in said stance will cause problems. even if one were to deselect it they have to wait 5 seconds before a stone skin/ dp/ or 100% avoid buff can take place is no good.
    if you want to truly help tanks with agro against dps doing 5+ times the damage of a tank we need to be able to generate more hate quicker. Another solution for tanks to not rely on auto attack as much to hold hate is give us harder hitting ca's, then the 253 extra potency from tank armor would actually work.
    Mindsway, Bashem, Laiina and 4 others like this.