Please make the mount patterns stackable for Zimaran

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Trilly, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Trilly Active Member

    It takes forever to get the advanced crafting books for the zimaran mount patterns to be made and meanwhile I have patterns all over in each character's bank and boxes. Please, please make them stackable as past ones became at some late date. The mechanics to upgrade from those patterns to the next level is not going to be very workable for most crafters either I don't think.
    Kattt and Twyla like this.
  2. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough, while not stackable, they *are* tradable -- so I've been stashing mine in a broker bag :D
    Twyla likes this.
  3. Trilly Active Member

    I have too but it is unwieldy when you want to go make some. I have one main char who does mount items and she is overloaded at the moment with them in boxes, extra boxes in my bank...just seems very messy and I don't understand how hard it would be to get them to stack??
    Breanna likes this.
  4. Kattt Well-Known Member

    Like some previous ones, they should also be able to be placed into the harvest boxes...or any depot they wish to use. But anything is better than MORE bank clutter. Harvests is best so they can be drawn on when crafting though.
    GrunEQ, Breanna and Twyla like this.