/pizza made it on Yahoo! :)

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-TB1970, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-adsclark Guest

    Could try to keep it within the genre of the game...

    /buxom wench

    /roast pig on a spit


    would have much prefered /kebab or /sundayroast - but thats just be being english.

    and before anyone else does it - /nice cup of tea
  2. ARCHIVED-Blackguard Guest

    For those wondering about the "/harry potter" and "/star wars" commands, those are entirely hypothetical and are not to be taken literally.
  3. ARCHIVED-Jacobine Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Orraloji Guest

    It also was mentioned on the "Today Show" this morning courtesy of NBC.
  5. ARCHIVED-TygerBlueEyes Guest

    I hear SWG is going to add /ensure for their staff to use...lol
  6. ARCHIVED-Schadwe Guest

    I told all you fanbois that /pizza was only the beginning. "S-T-F-U, this is only ONE advertisement command." is what I'd hear...

    Hmm, "told ya so" is SOOOOO gratifying. The floodgates are now open. Get ready for ingame adverts and spam.
  7. ARCHIVED-Sardunos Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-Silversnow Guest


    So i can experience the awesomeness of that other game.
  9. ARCHIVED-naladini Guest

    You mean the new SOE design studio in Seattle isn't building a Harry Potter MMO? ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-QuaiCon Guest

  11. ARCHIVED-Onetree Guest

    I read the story online and in the papers a few days ago.

    So, what's next?

    /browse http://www.google.com





    Too bad Pizza Hut makes lousy pizza in my area (San Jose). I have no interest in using /pizza until there are better choices.
  12. ARCHIVED-Yinmay Guest

    Commands already in game :

    Underdevelopment :
    More vendors will be added to the major commercial districts (Qeynos Harbour and Freeport East), instead of selling in game items or providing any in game service they will be an immersive way for you to shop online for real life stuffs. Check the Target vendor quickly : he'll be doing an automatic instant 10% rebate for the first 1000 costumers!
    Please note that due to marketing issues the vendor avatar in Freeport has been changed from a troll to a High Elf because Target felt it was bad for its image and doesn't want its brand be assimilated to the image of a troll to EQ2 players.
    Furthermore, the vendor avatar in Qeynos Harbour has been changed from a Halfling to a tall Barbarian because most people think being short means being weak and untrustful and we don't want people to think that about our brand.

    same day, Major annoucement from John Smedley, CEO of SOE :
    It has been raised to our attention that Europeans feel as an injustice the fact they are billed 18% more for VAT. However, because they don't have access to all those great features and in game real life products vendors we have decided not to modify our european fees.

    1 month later : After the stunning success of our in game real life products vendors, we are pleased to announce the opening of similar shops with the help of great european partners. Now that our European and North American costumers are all on an equal level, we agree it is no longer fair for europeans to be paying more! Therefore we have decided to raise the monthly fee for north americans by 18% as well.

    "We are working for a better EQ2, with you, for you!"
    Message Edited by Yinmay on 03-03-2005 11:26 AM
  13. ARCHIVED-Nahsav Guest

    Hypothetical, like the way all the adventure classes are hypothetically balanced, The artisan class is hypothetically a viable route to go instead of having to adventure. I like this one,

    Hypothisis: SOE Actually cares about their players/fanbase.
    Findings: SOE Actually cares about the bottom dollar NOW rather than 2 or more years from now.

    Hypothetical, I like that word.
  14. ARCHIVED-Rangoit Guest

    You people can be so [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] ungrateful.

    I mean, they go out of their way to do something that we *should* appreciate, and you people [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] all over it.

    [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot]... if that was me, it would be the LAST time I tried to do somethin nice for you.
  15. ARCHIVED-DCpunk Guest

    It was on CNN either yesterday or the day before, too.
  16. ARCHIVED-DCpunk Guest

    Sony offers pizza feature for hungry gamers
    Monday, February 28, 2005 Posted: 10:50 AM EST (1550 GMT)
    NEW YORK (AP) -- Sony has built the ability to order pizza into its latest online multiplayer game. Type the command "/pizza" while playing Everquest II, a fantasy game with 330,000 active players, and get the Pizza Hut Web site, where you can place orders for delivery.
    Chris Kramer, spokesman for Sony Online Entertainment, said he believes this is the first time a game accepts orders for real-world items.
    Sony plans to integrate the pizza function more tightly into the game, so players can charge pizza to their monthly game subscription bill.
    "The goal for the future is to eventually let people do more things like this," Kramer said. "They could type /harry potter and get the new Harry Potter book delivered or /star wars and get the new Star Wars DVD."
    Many games incorporate ads and product placements, but such opportunities are limited with fantasy games like Everquest.
    Though the new pizza feature might satisfy appetites, caution is required as the game doesn't pause while you're ordering.
    "You wouldn't want to order pizza in the thick of combat, but anywhere that's safe is a good place," said Kramer.

    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  17. ARCHIVED-Eelyen Guest

    I am so for this command.
  18. ARCHIVED-Moonlance Guest

    It was also the butt of a Jay Leno joke this week.

    Way to go to improve the image of the average gamer!
    Message Edited by Moonlance on 03-03-2005 06:31 AM
  19. ARCHIVED-LoofLirpa Guest

    What are you talking about? Our server continues to grow at a rapid pace. Everyone I've talked to rave about this game. Sure some people leave for many reasons. Some game related some personal related...Thats not new or surprising. Do you have documented information on this or are you just trying to stir up poop? There are some people who go through life whining and complaining about everything simply to suck the energy out of people. If you don't have proof to support such a statement; " imo a grasp at a straw to help subsidize an otherwise bad turn of events for Sony in regards to the game." then keep your mouth shut!
    btw..if people want to use /pizza to order pizza while playing....and pizzahut is willing to pay SOE for it..then in the end we all win.

    Message Edited by LoofLirpa on 03-03-2005 06:55 AM
  20. ARCHIVED-Brusilov Guest

    hehe it even made the Dutch radio last week :)