Pictures of my babies...

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Isaac7410, Dec 12, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    I'm not one to gloat, but I just wanted to share my babies to you...

    Master 1 Grimspell Binder

    Here we are posing in The Enchanted Lands at the beach.

    Here we are having a staring contest in the graveyard!

    This here is my Master 1 Betrayer

    Here we are staring towards The Runnyeye Citadel...


    I told this great joke, but I don't think he found it funny...


    And here are my pet rats... Adept 3

    Here we are having some fun on the beach!


    Hope you all have some lovely pictures of your pets to post as well! I love mine.

  2. ARCHIVED-Xxithsiss Guest

    WOW masters I am so jealous. I too love my pets <hugs to my buddies>.

    Does the shadowy stalker tank well as a master? I find that mine (adept 1) can do alright, but when solo I prefer my adept 3 Undying Adherent.

    Nice to see that he gets taller...I thought perhaps they combined app1-3 and adept 1-3 graphics for the master version.

    Criimson Nightsky
  3. ARCHIVED-Baneful Guest

    Man, /jelous

    Where are you getting all these Master drops?
    In the Enchanted Lands?
  4. ARCHIVED-Bubbaq Guest

    is that a male or female dark elf?
  5. ARCHIVED-Jakanden Guest

    No doubt, I havent seen a Master drop anywhere. The only one I saw for sale on Fence was 10g lol
  6. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    Yes, the Master 1 is a pretty decent tank. It hits between 60-80 dmg, and poisons.
  7. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    I found the Grim Spellbinder Master 1 in Broker for 10g, so I bought. Found the Master 1 Assassin in Broker for 16 gold, I bought.
  8. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    His name is Nefarious and he is a male Dark Elf.
  9. ARCHIVED-Myros Guest

    Are both these pet without any texturing? Did the devs forget about them? ;p

  10. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    My settings are for high performance, so texture in my screen shots aren't any good.
  11. ARCHIVED-TelMegiddo Guest

    hey Nefarious we have the same name tis me Nefarious from Neriak, BTW love the pics cant wait till i too have the same ones.
  12. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    I hope you don't like PVP --because I do. And as soon as Sony opens up a pvp server & allows character transfers, I'll be there. ;)
  13. ARCHIVED-ScarletTears Guest

    Wow thats awesome, i was hoping the binder would set himself on fire higher up. =)
  14. ARCHIVED-Samedi Guest

    Hey Nefarious, good to see another fellow Necro hasn't given up on his class yet. I'm 36th. That's awesome that you got both of those Master 1's. I never use the shadowy stalker because he's pretty much useless at adept 1 since the caster does more damage, but now my adept 3 24 pet does more damage than my app2 level 34 caster pet. I hope a sage gets to level 34 quick so i can upgrade that shiz. peace out.

    -Samedi of Blackburrow

    -gonna keep playing my broken class because...well i think/hope it will be fixed one day and then we will pwn, i have faith in you devs, i'm sure various spell issues with all classes are harder to fix than everyone thinks, so work hard :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Isaac7410 Guest

    I'm also 36. The Master 1 Grimspell Binder stops leveling at level 35. I'm now using my Master 1 Betrayer because he is putting out more damage than the caster pet (slightly).