New Skyshrine Lore

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Bionickai001, May 2, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bionickai001 Guest

    Since the game update came up I have not seen any threads about the lore surrounding the new area and quests. Do we have any info or are we waiting for the guilds to defeat the raids?
  2. ARCHIVED-SOE-MOD-02 Guest

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  3. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    We've been talking about chronomagic in another thread. That is used quite a bit in the Skyshrine quests. Generally speaking someone has to ask a question before we start discussing something.
    So, did you have a question?
  4. ARCHIVED-Mccar42 Guest

    most of the stuff in Skyshrine is all related to time travel through chronoportals to unlock different places.

    There is one book reward about 2/3's of the way into the heroic questline in Skyshrine called;
    "The Loss in Western Wastes"
    \aITEM -1862072698 -2048593098:The Loss in Western Wastes\/a
    haven't found a link to it written out online; its a pretty long book and not going to transcribe it here but it tells of the status of the Western Wastes, as well as mentioning some other landmark areas like Temple of Veeshan and some of the lore that led up to the current situation in skyshrine. Quest is from Jorlak in Skyshrine called "She's a Keeper". It's the quest just before 'Final Item for Jorlak' (the boot reward quest).
    It's an interesting book if you can get a look at one in someone's house or you can finish the quest.

    anyway I don't think we will be heading to the western wastes. =p

    I like to use EQ maps as a reference, can help sometimes when places are mentioned that are gone or not yet in EQ2.
  5. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    Ragefighter@Permafrost wrote:
    Yeah, I've had this book a while and that was the most disconcerning part of it. I have really been looking forward to Western Wastes and now it seems my anticipation has been in vain. The odd part of it though is, that according to the Producer's Letter in Novembe, they were planning Western Wastes to be released.
    "We’re going to create more content for “Destiny of Velious” through 2013. Skyshrine, the Withered Lands, Siren’s Grotto, Cobalt Scar, the Western Wastes and more are all being worked on currently and will be released periodically during that time. Velious is a huge continent and we’re giving it the justice it deserves. Please note that there is no additional price tag for this content if you own the “Destiny of Velious” expansion; all this content will be open to you when it is released."
    I guess we will just have to wait and see.
  6. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    well most of the western wastes was destroyed...but not all of it. the portion, and probably a good portion out from it, that the Temple rests on is still there. have to be able to defend the place on land and air.
    what we know is several of Skyshrine's 'sage/mystic' type dragons have been 'hidden' in time to avoid thier deaths in the seige of skyshrine. the chronomages are trying to use us to attempt to hinder/break the invasions when it started and recover items lost during the seige.
    Kera's just as powerful and cunning has he ever was. after his initial strike on Skyshrine, and felling Yelniak...the Crusaders ame to face him. he retreated, only to strike at the place they apparently came from, the Temple. He sacked it, comletely, and now has eggs and young hatchlings to rear however he sees fit. and when the Skyshrine dragons tried to save thier young/take back the Temple, he had some of his more powerful elemental dragons destroy the Western wastes and collapse all of it but the land the Temple rested on into the sea.
    this killed a lot of skyshrine's dragon defenders/eggs/children caught in the collapse.

    we found the corruption of the withered lands was the Skyshrine dragons twisting the land to make it a barrier against Kael...even though we have undone/started the process of undoing it, they aren't happy with us. the Upheaval was thier work apparently as well. the storm dragon that prevents flight is an ally of the awakened, furious that one of her kids, and a skyshrine loyalist, were mutally killed in combat..thier bones are near Alvian where the Holgresh reside.
    We know leadership issues are still being worked out with the Combine. and that all major cities are a part of it.
    the Protectors of Growth are working to stave/reverse the Corruption, and we provide help with that, which seems to be working/reversing it.
    the city of Dracur is cut off from upper skyshrine...and apparently the fighting isn't going well. the legions of the Awakened are very near to conquering it as well.
    Dozekar is inthe underdepths zone/raid...haven't done that yet to see what his part to play is..but I bet he's an ally to his son.
  7. ARCHIVED-Celline-Layonaire Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    Hehe thanks for the brief summary.
  8. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    Got to do the underdepths. and here what I gleened.
    Deozekar is free of his 'cursed' state in the Temple. who let him loose or why is unknown, probably his son to aid in the sacking of Skyshrine.
    One of the four crusaders betrayed the rest, and murdered two of them, seriously injuring the third. Seems like now the one dragonic force that was really a potential threat to Kera is pretty much eliminated, the last one retreating to warn the king of the other's treachery. why that one betrayed the others is unknown. So the defenses of the CoV against KEra just took a major hit in thier ability to fight against the Awakened.
    Which means they'll need the Combine more then ever. and I would not be surprised if certain Gods get involved in out of the way manners. like Tunare restoring the Wakening Lands and empowering the denizens to aid Skyshrine. or Karana lending his aid to hinder/help any airborne assaults or attacks at somepoint.
    provided the council can agree on they are just as worried about the unstable kerafyrm as anyone else is.
  9. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Where does the forgotten swords timeline continue?
    Since it was this timeline that got us to WL in the first point, shouldn't this story continue on in a more meaningful way?
  10. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Well, at the moment the next logical step for the swords is Dartain's plan to use them against Kerafyrm to absorb Theer's power back. Since Kerafyrm isn't yet in the game, I don't think the continuation is in.
    Alternately, the Continuation IS in the game, but since no one has killed Rallos Zek yet (The Fallen Swords: Endgame) no one can see it yet.
  11. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Dranikos@Butcherblock wrote:
    That's actually backtracking from the newest Fallen Swords quest, I'm pretty sure the last one released prior to GU63 was based on the assumption that Endgame already happened and Rallos Zek was dead.
  12. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    So Western Wastes was destroyed, huh? That's too bad that the Dragon Necropolis is no longer around then. That would have been a great place for players to learn a little more about the possible ancestry of the Ratonga. What about the Siren's Grotto though? It'd be nice to see what that place looks like after 500 years.
  13. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Well, the only evidence that WW is gone happens to be an in game book, it's possible the ones writing the book aren't being totally truthful. I wouldn't put a whole heck of a lot of hope on that idea, but I didn't say it was likely.
  14. ARCHIVED-Celline-Layonaire Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Smokejumper already confirmed in his twitter that Cobalt Scar/Siren's Grotto will be coming Post-GU64(Qeynos revamp) and they're working on it.