New Player: Class Advice

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by sarasvatri, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. sarasvatri New Member


    I'm installing now and trying to decide on a class.

    I enjoy high single target burst DPS and quick kills- happy to sacrifice survivability as long as I can mitigate well enough to solo, and I'll probably be soloing a lot at first to get a feel for the game.

    I like to be mobile in combat. Not as interested in a turret class, not as interested in lots of channeled abilities.

    Not really interested in a caster, unless there's one that's... I don't know, different? Interesting to play? Subjective, I know...

    Assassin seems like an obvious choice here, so I'm wondering what else I should consider? Also any general advice on building this sort of character once I've picked the class?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. Elite Active Member

    Assassin makes for a good mix of ranged and strategically positioned DPS. Personally, if I was doing a lot of soloing, and seeing your requirements, i'd probably roll a Monk.
  3. Vastranis Member

    What papa mc grappy pops?

    Embrace the future! Take the matters in your hands instead of sitting around like a rock and fight the evil! I dare you to become a Bruiser!

    That or be what you yourself said what you want to be: an Assassin.
  4. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Assie, ranger, bruiser or brigand.
    Pretty much any class can be soloed once you learn how to play it.

    I'd roll one of each and delete what you don't like.
    Finora likes this.
  5. Raff Well-Known Member

    Brigand is more of a "in the face melee"...with lots of stuns, debuffs, stealthed and unstealthed positional strikes etcc. Can be ranged to a degree. But not like the ranger or assasin. I have all the scouts, but I like the brig the best.
  6. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Not sure why ppl are telling you to roll a brawler when you are looking for a dps toon.
    Brigand is the most obvious one based on your description. Assassins aren't that fun solowise since most of their attacks comes from stealth and backstabs before prestige. Well not really, like any scout most of the dps comes from autoattack :p
    Brigands beat Sins at soloing tho due to all the Xtra mitigation and avoidance they can get, and lots of stuns wich is helpful pre-ToV.
  7. mouser Well-Known Member

    Different? Mobile in combat? Interesting? That would be a channeler.
    An archer/healer that keeps getting bonuses as long as you keep moving.

    Not so high on the DPS list though, but that's what mercs are for.