New Level 80 Instance

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Geothe, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-arksun Guest

    Saavedra wrote:
  2. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    The suggestions from everyone else are rather good, not sure if I can really add to them.

    Two things I do wish to suggest, tho...

    1) Please, please have the instance not be one where you must be in legendary and/or fabled just to complete it. Not everyone has that, many are in T8 mastercrafted or the RoK suits. I understand for those in legendary and/or fabled there must be a challenge, but their challenges much of the time can be a seemingly impossibility for others.

    2) Please, please have this a good place to gain the much needed L70-80 masters. The largest complaint on masters for T8 that I'm seeing in both forum and chat channels is the lack of drops and a very mean RNG. There have been times when for a week steady the current T8 instances are run by friends and myself only to come away with just one master for all that work. Just very disheartening to go thru an instance looking for exquisites and get small chests and treasured for 99% of the drops.
  3. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    Disagree a lot here.
    All current INstances already are really easy.
    Maiden's USED to be a bit of a challenge, but it was nerfed down to mind-numbingly easy mode a few months ago already.

    The last thing needed is another fall-asleep-as- you-run-the-instance zone.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ferunnia Guest

    Agree with the last post. Every instance can be done with a legendary geared tank and one legendary geared healer each with all adept 3s or close to. Dps doesn't even have to be that great, I've done all the instances with my fury and tanking as my guard in various circumstances, and have never needed a single raided item from tier 8 to tank or solo heal the existing instances. The people who are bored the most, and want new instances are the ones who have run the existing ones out of sheer boredom until they are as fully geared as is possible without raiding, or who raid and get nothing out of running instances at all. Having a difficult x2 mob at the end of the zone would be great, especially if there was a decent script involved. Hell, make a number of the mobs in the zone have scripts, or randomize which mobs pop where, or make mobs and scripts change randomly so that it would be a challenge for longer.

    Like say if you fight mob A in room 1 it does this. If you fight mob B in room 1 it is affected by that room script but has it's own special things it brings to the table. Some combinations would likely be tougher than others, but still doable. (Read: more people would bother carrying their own cure potions). Just something different would be nice...oh and it'd be great if the loot wasn't the suck and all classes could benefit from drops in the revamped dungeon. (Not just because they can farm masters there).
  5. ARCHIVED-Rashaak Guest

    I always enjoyed the music from RE...I wonder if they'll keep that?
  6. ARCHIVED-Steve11418 Guest

    I have run all instances on both my Swashbuckler(Raiding T2) and Warden(Never raided). In most cases once you know the script on a named they are reasonably easy. I have Tanked them all on my Swahy with 2 healers.
    The only exceptions to this are Sandstorm and the sisters in Maidens as they require CC. (Sandstorm can be done without CC replacing it with extreme DPS but that’s not likely in a Master crafted geared group). The last named in Chelsith can also cause issues for a low dps group.
    If you cannot complete these instances then there is still content for you to explore as you probably have not done deep Seb or deep Chardok either.
    The new instance should be completable by anyone who has completed the current ROK instances. Should offer additional reward for completing it quickly (timed quests), and should also offer an optional x2 encounter(s). Most named should also involve scripts to be learned (thus difficult on the “learning” runs of the instance).
    I though Maidens was AWSOME the first few time through being surprised by the encounters.
    You know what would be really funny… Pirate Jones pre nurf waiting at the end of Runnyeye. Now that was a hard encounter.
  7. ARCHIVED-de lorian Guest

    Tbh....i think the reason this was chosen to be a lvl 80 instance, directly relates to your numbers about where people are spending there time......
    True..If i have an alt of RE lvl ...that is where i will take him/her....why though is the issue.

    I go there because....XP is good...HUGE amount of named mods that drop decent stuff.....Alot of AE encounters and wide social range....2 final instances to get to with chance of fabled loot.

    Here is my main point....If you have chosen the "ART" of runnyeye based on numbers of people that go there currently.....I think you are missing the point as to why these people go there.

    If the NEW lvl 80 runnyeye doesnt offer the same gameplay aspects i listed...then unfortunately i think you will miss the mark in reusing the "ART" content.

    If i had the choice of zones to redo as a lvl 80 would embody the "Gameplay" aspects of runnyeye and would be based in any zone people have given you data they enjoy aesthetically.

    ....for me...that would be a zone like.... Sol Eye,...RV,....Everfrost......New Tunaria...although obviously, apart from sol eye, mostly overland zones. 2c worth....overall i think it is an excellent idea...and i hope you do this with more old world zones.

    other zones that scared me when i first went there that i'd love to see redone as lvl 80 "instances"

    The Caves
    The Graveyard
    The whole "down below"/"Vermins Snye" tunnel network
    The whole Thieves way (freeport version of down below) tunnel network
    The fallen Gate
    The Ruins of Varsoon.

    Final note......the change from contested dungeon instance reward....should A: be apparent...but B : not affect the gameplay reasons we currently go to the lower lvl versions of these zones.

    good luck with this endeavour.
  8. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    I know some people who would come back to EQ2 when this is implemented.
    What a great revamp some the popular old zones.
    Stormhold and RoV next please.
    Great job SOE.
  9. ARCHIVED-Dragonlancer99 Guest

    Make sure it drops plenty of wooden chests off the named. :)