New Expansion - Itemization and Rewards

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mint, Aug 30, 2021.

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  1. Juok Member

    1. No loot boxes were small with only one item dropping in many heroic and 2 in main raid crates more often than not. And Master level spells as well are super rare especially for raiders. There was a time when raid bosses dropped at least 1 master per crate. With 24 people in a raid and a very wide selection of spell names to choose from it is not unreasonable to allow that and have the ancients/celestials be uncommon drops from last boss in each zone and guaranteed of last expac boss in regular raid zones.

    2. Liked the idea of tradeskill recipes being rewarded for tradeskill missions and not dependent upon overseers or drops off trash as some in community are more tradeskill based than actual adventuring. The void etched runes should be obtainable via multiple avenues as uncommon drops or achievements since they are truly needed to be able to experience end game content to the fullest. an ultra rare drop from boss chests and then making them notrade and or heirloom discouraged many from even attempting to obtain them. AoM and ToT where tradeskillers were utilized to obtain recipes and runes was a foundation stone that should never have been removed as it built an aspect of need of community and teamwork between multiple avenues for all players.

    3, I think the coin based reward system was a solid idea. This encouraged people to group to do weeklies and raid to obtain the better gear. The price for the armor items was a little steep IMHO but the jewelry items were near the ball park. The etheral coins has baffled me since I returned to the game after a hiatus in January of 2020 after the etheral summers on ToT and older expacs. Seems very difficult for players that have only one character they play to obtain all the coins they need even though the unlock system seems a little easier to manage if you run alts like many of altaholics do.

    4. The cobalt crate gambling system sucks. That some spent $100's or $1000's of dollars to get nothing where others got an item that some raids required by doing a free in game daily overseer shows that the RNG is broken way to administer items that cannot be obtained by doing what was meant to be done PLAY THE GAME!. An item that good should not be based totally on an RNG and money expected to be spent on it and possibly NEVER obtained. I know of three long time players that quit the game because of that mechanic. Sure the item is worth money like the familiar buff, mount, and mercenary, mount and mercenary buffs. Do NOT make players depend on a RNG to obtain those items as more often than not they end up with total junk bag wasting temp adorns instead of the items they truly want like mount, mercenary, familiar, spell reducer potions and the above listed buffs. I do understand that there needs to be a capital generation engine in place but items like the buffs and mounts mercs and familiars should be actually able to be straight bought at a fair price so that players that want to may obtain the item and not throw money out window to point of leaving the game in anger over a flawed system.
    Hartsmith likes this.
  2. Uwopo Active Member

    Loot progression was unfortunately completely broken by infusable loot, both from prior expac ethereals and PQ loot. If infusing is going to still be a thing going forward then it needs to either be removed completely, returned to all items or perhaps limited to specific item slots and enabled for all items in that slot. The idea that infusing was limited to best in slot items just wasn't implemented well, the reality was the only thing that made the items BIS was the fact they were infusable. The flood of celestial PQ items at the start, meant many people obtained items they would never replace in the first few weeks of the expac and the damage was already done by the time the drop rate was reduced. I realize that removing infusing is challenging because it was a significant part of the selling point for collector's and premium expacs and loot crates.
  3. Obano Well-Known Member

    What I really want to see is more green adornments on more pieces of gear. Increase the number of greens players can wear (from 3 current) to 6 or higher. This way we can better customize our gear now that reforging is gone. There should be lots of different stat options to choose from.

    The leveling of the Green adorns will extend the usefulness of content. Usually after an expansion releases there is a lot of excitement for the first month and then people kind of stop doing the zones after they get all the loot. Leveling all these extra green adorns will keep people running content. Give the adorns LOW starting stats and then ramp up the stats as they level up. This will reward the most active and engaged players. Make getting the green adorns EASY (they should drop like candy) but leveling them up should be HARD.

  4. Ziefren Active Member

    1. We definitely got the gear we needed to push forward in terms of stats and such

    2. I would personally love to see more loot come out of chests vs what a lot of us now call the weekly disappointment (raid quests).
    Give us reasons and excitement to open those chests, some of which we worked super hard for! I love the idea of some of the challenge zones and having something to farm
    for with my team i do feel like we need to see some of those nice rewards be extended into raids as well though to give more people a fair shake at some good loot. In terms
    of some of these crazy rare drops - i do think we need to see more of them. Most recent example is that belt that dropped from the VT Challenge heroic: making it a guaranteed drop
    definitely makes us more excited to get back in there and try to grind that zone over and over on a weekly basis. Give us something to grind towards and we will grind it.

    Bottom line: What felt most rewarding was that boss drop and opening up that chest not the RNG stuff that we see on quest rewards. Obtaining gear that we can also use for a while also makes it fun
    and also gives us that feeling of really wanting to get it and farm for it. We also like having things to do outside of raid, i think a great example was PoP (Maybe it was CD) where we had the mount
    to grind for or some of the other BiS charms that made us really want to run the content you guys make for us.

    3. I think the use of this is great to give people an end goal to grind towards, looking back to past expansions that had a currency we could earn and buy gear made me want to run some of that stuff over and over.
    It would also be nice if that currency was heirloom to make alts a little more viable again! If we are going to have such a currency system in place, I would like to see it available from the start though vs mid way through.

    4. I would love to see spells dropping again as rewards and I will mention it again - give us more loot coming out of those chests! The excitement of opening a chest is much better
    then the disappointment from a quest that drops rng loot that we cant even use sometimes.
    Hartsmith likes this.
  5. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    The vast majority had all the ethereal items and just swapped in and out depending on gear they looted, so essentially they(we) all had the same option. They could give us the coin option back, and make it show like 25 items but when its all said and done you will only be able to obtain 10.. now thats when you have to put some thought into it... That's challenging.
  6. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    1. Solo and heroic did help gear up for Raids, however, PQ's dropping loot that was able to be infused and lasted the whole expansion over raid loot kind of took away the feeling of accomplishment, when we could just beat on a spider or crab or wolf, etc to get a great BIS item.

    2. The Sig line dropping BIS weapon until raids was great, but then every chest in the game seemed to drop weapons galore that no one needed. If you BIS item is going to be a weapon from the Sig line, then weapons shouldn't be on 90% of the loot tables.

    3. Coins of Cabal came around too late really to be effective as VD gear just obliterates it. T13 Gear from killing emperor as quest rewards.. and then VD added in and getting T16-17 from a heroic. VD 2 gear is on par with Challenge raid gear.. Whats the point of raiding really. IT is challenge and it should have the best gear hands down. If you solo or only run heroics then, thats the type of gear you get. BIS weapon is great and everything else should be earned.

    4. Public Quests need to go away. It is a drag on the system and the only reason anyone was doing them was because the BIS items were dropping from them, which made heroics irrelevant. You want people to run zones and run them often then reward them. PQs was not the way to do it.

    I would love to see set bonuses come back. It does exist on some items already, which is good but I also think it would make people think about loot more instead of, I just need ADC gear/ resuse gear and casting speed gear. With reforging and infusing goign away, set bonus from wearing 3 pieces of armor could add fervor, or pot, or CB. Do not add procs to them, as thats what broke them back in TOS and its already been commented on that they wouldnt' do it again. This would/could be a way to do it. 4 set bonus gives you Fever overcap, etc. People could then choose if they want set bonuses, break up sets, etc and really customize theirselves to a point.
    Virtuosity and Sigrdrifa like this.
  7. Scalo Active Member

    1. Its great that every tier of the content (almost) rewards something that remains useful towards the end of xpac, i.e. BiS or almost BiS items:
    - PQ - Infusable Celestials (yes, infusing is great, as long as it goes on those special items - it makes us enjoy those items even more; I understand people who complain at infusing, but its because they had no luck lol - a separate problem to address).
    - Heroics - besides rare celestial gear and infusers, collection rewards are very nice (RoS & VD), although Vex collection reward really sux.
    - Brawl - red & white adorns. there is item set! (besides, the zone is super cool).
    - Oscuris - belt & mount.
    - VD2 has a nice charm that stacks with Brawl set!
    - Normal Raids - Phantastic weapons, earring and mount.
    - Challenge Raids - runes.
    Spreading BiS rewards across tiers engages all players and makes better use of the content.
    Making those rewards relevant until end of xpac (or longer) gives a sense of earning something that lasts.

    2. The harder it was to get, the more sense of achievement it gave.
    I enjoyed getting Brawl and Oscuris stuff most.
    But its good that not all best items only come from challenge content -> see 1.

    3. 560 is a bit steep.

    4. Your Smart Loot is broken.
    The good loot DOES drop more often when content is released. It is very apparent.
    People who join the fray early, get the best stuff.
    Later on, trying to get that rare drop item (like infusers/mounts in experts/vd), is a wasted time.
    I wouldn't be surprised if loot boxes had same issue.
  8. DENSER Well-Known Member


    As a non raider my concern is about heroics zones.
    I would like so much to see again these loots so rare in these heroic zones which push us to farm em non stop.
    Now, seems after discovering those zones during a month, u re just turning in circle. The only goal of these heroics is to complete a side quest.
    But when is it after having validated it, who would want to relaunch to do these heroic?

    This is a big problem for me, the interest of these areas quickly fades. And becomes irrelevant to many. For 6 months or more.

    Also more interest in crafting would be interesting, more interaction between players, more content, more more. Because this extension, it was really really limited
  9. Shonshazzitt Active Member

    I forgot, one change I did not like, was the change from BoL to RoS with overland solo named... Place holders.... ugh
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  10. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    I strongly believe that the approach to itemisation in this expansion was one of the worst in general. There were some nice things, but, as others have mentioned, there were no reasons to do heroics. Basically, for almost a year, untill the recent patch and VD we had no group activity in the game, since the best items came from solo questlines, PQs and a bit of raiding.

    And no, I did not feel like I was earning the gear I needed to progress. I felt bored and tired at the best.

    I am a casual raider now, but I do raid and play the game. Last summer etherials, celestials and many runes are still the best in slot items (even after almost a year), meaning that at least 5-7 slots from 21 did not need an upgrade, plus quest rewards, plus PQ items- I only did a few solo zones and heroics to get my resolve up to the required level and complitly forgot about them for months.

    The pattern have continued in a raid enviroment. After a couple of months, noone needed anything except weapon patterns.

    Well, it is not an easy question to answer. From a hobbit inquisitor point of view, the original quest line reward had no value. Seriously, could you please add two-handers usable by clerics to the choice of signature rewards and celestial weapons. It's been several expansions already when you are trying to force a one-hander or a shield on us. You add a special items for beastlords, you even add a two-hander for shamans and druids, but no for clerics!

    Right, so the initial signature reward was usless. Thank gods, the cloak from the continuation of the line was good. So were a couple of trinkets from the achievments. So, we can say that 1-3 items comming from quests/achievments were fine.

    Gear from solo and herocs dungeons, including the added mid expansion Vex zone, - not rewarding, useless, never carred about it this expansion.

    PQ rare drops-very rewarding, but I was ready to bite someone after a couple fo days of farming it. Did not endure it much longer and just stoped doing PQs at all, inspite of me getting only one of multiple items I had wanted. Hate it with all my heart, do not want to see it again. RNG is bad.

    Expert heroics- not rewarding. Moreover, when they came out the gear required to do them was far over the rewards from the zones themselves.

    Challenging zones- I like the idea, but unfortunately this type of content is accesable only to few dedicated people, who also happen to be, as we call them, "pay to win". I guess you are familiar with the term. Should never happen. Rewards are nice, or would have been nice, if more then a dozen of players could run them.

    Raids -rewarding after a fashion, but for a short period only. The period highly depends on one's luck of getting useful items from weekly rewards and coin boxes.

    Speaking of boxes itself -hate it. Hate RNG, Hate RNG, Hate getting the same useless shields 15 times, hate RNG, do not want to see boxes in any form in the game ever. Replace it with the currency and give us a list to buy from. Or, wich is much better, just add more items to drop from bosses.

    Crafting gear-uselss, pointless, not rewarding.

    VD zones-finaly something great and very rewarding, and, I believe, being accessible to almost everyone.

    Different coin systems- I'd say the are more on a positive side, but basically every currency, besides Coins of Cabal, had very short life spawn, with PQ currency being the most useless.

    Bedlam order gear-by the time my guild has achieved the required reputation to buy the items, we did not need them.

    Celestial weapons- the idea to make them from different items from multiple zones is fine, but I really dislike the crafting involvement. I am not a crafter. I'd rather see making these weapons in some sort of a quest line, similar to the old signature lines we had in DoF, KoS and so on.

    Etherials- I do not like the idea of etherials in general. The game balance shall never be around the old items, and items from the previous expansion shall never be relevant and competitive in the new expansion. Every expansion shall be a gear reset.

    As I've said, currency is an OK thing, but most of the types of currency had a short life circle. I wish to see etherials removed, you are creating imbalance and unfairness. The current etherial rewards are even more "disgusting" since they affect AAs and give permanent buffs to accounts. People who are late, or do not want to farm for days, will be significantly weaker. It is a wrong approach.

    Speaking frankly, I dot want to see any currency system in the future, I'd rather see more items added to drop and drop list. But if we had to use currency, make it one currency for every type of content; different content gives different amount of coins. And if you are worried about people stockpiling it, reset it with every major gear update.

    In short: RNG is bad, farming is boring and tiresome, Pay to Win is wrong. If I had to chose between the game being shut down and having Pay to win options and players in the game, I'd rather see the game closed. I strongly believe that balancing the game around P2W palyers is hurting the game. Just look at the current expansion and a huge drop of activity. People log in just for raiding, ignoring the rest of the content.
  11. Laughing Owl Active Member

    Posted as a non-raider, but long time player:

    1)Only real complaint about gearing is crafted gear should be viable. IMO Common crafted should be comparable to chest gear (195) though perhaps with different choice of stats. 'normal MC' should be end of line solo, so 225. Rare rare crafted should be challanging but several (Void Etched barding, etc) have component costs way out of scale with reward.

    Do agree with Bazaar coins, helpful at start, but soon sort of irrelevant. Perhaps a few 'utility' consumables would give some use for them after you no longer want gear. While alot will have Tinkered repair bots, perhaps coin buyable repair bots, Call of Veteran style tokens, Or perhaps for slightly more then the 'normal' chest allow a section of 'catagorized' chest, so it is ONLY agents, or only reducers,. Or heck, cut out the middle man, instead of 'gear' give option to straight up buy Fragments for coin.

    2) Personally a fan of Achievements, they feel the most 'rewarding' as have clear defined goal, and something to work towards. Although I do wish Achievements made it clear if they were solo, heroic, or raid content (especially say some of the collection), Dropped no trade shines are major downsize, especially Random dropped no trade shines. Vasty style no trade in a you pick reward bag is much preferable if wanting to gate the collection to something you have do to the zone for. Dallies/Weeklies are reasonable, though one thing to point out, if 'bonuses' are going to be given, the bonus period really needs to be matched to the cycle, or you have people that do the Weekly before the bonus and so lose out,

    3) Overall think reasonable, Do like that Solo can earn some coin, even if slower then heoric/raiders, though do wish coin was made account wide a fair use for excess coin, would be for gearing alts. In regards to Etherals, personally think it is a very bad design to have something available for limited time, that remains functional (if not almost needed) for long several expansions afterwards. Even if it is slow (perhaps weeklies) or even a 'market place' buy, please allow 'old' etheral coins to be obtained; (or perhaps here again is a good use for coin, allow Bazaar coin, to buy 'previous' etheral coin. 'Current' Expansion Coin, buying older expansion Ethereals would allow players that missed some how, a chance to 'earn' the items.

    4) Please look at stacking: Bounty items, patterns (or even more ideally please look at patterns, stacking AND be more generic. so a BARDING pattern, not pattern of X. (or possibly barding pattern of adventuring / crafting (and each covers all respective possibilities).

    5) Previous things...

    Option to obtain the Terror of Thalumbra 88 slot bags, for those that weren't playing during that expansion :)

    Personally I miss Legends of Norrath, though not sure there is enough that feel that way to make it worth bringing back.
    If you are going to stay with the current crafting of needing thing like lunar materials, please make it one step... instead of mass-crafting boots, then transmuting them one at a time, please give each profession a 'craft material' make it have whatever cost you wish to balance, but just saving a few hundred transmute clicks would make me consider it.

  12. Ronoc Member

    1: the gap between solo and heroic was a bit much, and there wasnt really any need to run heroics past ethereals once they where out. i feel VD really screwed some things up, mainly with what kind of gear we are getting. i run VD2 with my guild and im seeing gear that comes from Vex2 raid. that kind of gear should be earned through that zone alone. yes, i do think that these heroics should be dropping raid gear, but it should be the kind to prep guilds for Vex1 if they have not already been there, rather than gearing out of the Vex2 raid with a simple heroic.

    2: Cabal Coins where irritating to get, i was not geared enough when i joined my guild and they where running Vex heroics to get those coins, and i was not getting much from raid, if you have another currency like that in the future i would love it if more could drop or have them drop more frequently on other things like heroic quests. doing the achievements was fun to go and do to get stuff like the 260r cloak or hope's beacon, i got good stuff from them that ive held onto till now. the same issue with heroics that ive seen can be applied here as well

    3: the Cabal Coin issue i mentioned earlier applies here too. the only thing i have ever used my RoS raid currency for are the crafting books for the recipies, which i think is just stupid, i dont want to have to be a max level crafter, raid for the currency, then raid for the head that has a chance drop for 2 bosses, and have to give it up to guild first kill (though i dont mind that as much), then gather or buy the materials i need just to make one trophy. if you could ditch the crafting thing and make the GH trophy pedastals useful again that would be amazing. if it where me i would go back to the crate system and just make the crate heirloom and then tradeable on free trade servers. sorry i derailed that lol it just irritates me a bit as i collect them

    4: the trophies i mentioned above could fall under this category

    5: a few more things: bring epic weapons back as a 3.0 or make the 2.0 relevant again stat wise. and DONT REPLACE IT. that weapon should be best in slot for the entire expac and maybe throughout the next, they where rewarding weapons, and it felt good once i got both of mine.
  13. Argent Active Member

    1) Yes. I like the combination of getting the best items from a combination of quests as well as drops. However, for quest rewards it was not always clear what to select. For example early on in the expansion when completing all the sigline quests, and being presented with a choice of rewards and not knowing about celestial PQ drops may have not made the best choice ie, Yistorilith for a mage or defiler thus locking them out of the Choplicker/Honor Guard and Choplicker/Hope's Beacon combinations to have two celestial items. Similarly, cloak choices for Whispers of Tyrany - not knowing that ADC would end up being a stat somewhat difficult to increase later wished they had made a different choice. For these types of quest reward BiS items, I feel there should be some type of exchange vendor that can offer a one-time swap of items.

    2) So, "rewarding" vs. "satisfying" are different but both are nice. Rewards, clearly from quests -- either stand alone, or for example when killing Grimling Hero and getting the better chest reward (still technically a quest I suppose). I personally don't consider a boss drop to be a reward, as that is not a guarantee. Kill boss X doesn't guarantee you will get one of it's drops. On the same lines, often the most satisfying reward is a rare drop that you've been trying for.

    3) I was happy with the currency system, although it did seem that Marks of Illumination very quickly stopped being useful.

    4) Commas. For the love of god can we please have commas.
    Dude likes this.
  14. badname912 Active Member

    Im going to take my time and answer this as I feel its very important and 99% of the time I never post cause it feels ignored.
    If you have to ask these questions then you already know the answer to the questions.

    Short answer everything loot based felt off. And the ethereal rewards so far are so beyond crap and lazy its not even laughable. source of loot was the PQ's at first but then the drop rate was lowered to crap to under 0. There wasn't any raid gear I wanted or could use that would be better than these celestials until Vex Challenge or Vasty 2. Raid gear had 0 excitement in it for me. PQ at the start were so good the heroics and everything else seemed a waste. Only point of running heroics is the ethereal coins. And now the normal heroics are mute as VD gives you the same ethereal coins, faster, and with better loot.

    1.1 Adornments. yes alot/all of the VIII runes (glory, champ, etc) were free out of the box this just felt lazy. There wasn't anything unique this year. Everything was a copy and paste. Greens were too rare.

    1.2 i don't solo much, since im a raider (and it bores me) But the heroics at the start did not feel like they helped progress me at all this year. the potency jump needed from heroics to raid was way to steep for the gear it gave in my opinion. especially if you are a new player.

    2. Most rewarding was the weeklies. But rewarding isn't the right word. Maybe the biggest boost. But the rng was bad. The celestial ring was so rare for me for about 6 months now I have about a dozen extra (even after gearing my 5 alts) Which was still mute fodder even at the start of the expac because of the PQ's and the last year gear making heroics for recurring players obsolete.

    3. The faction was gained to slow and the coins were gained to slow. after the first couple of pieces of 200 currency gear the jump to 560 currency per piece was too high cause VD was right around corner with equal loot. I dont even care if I turn in the weekly anymore. Not to mention they aren't heirloom. So if you need to switch mains in the middle of expac you're so screwed.

    3.1 Ethereals were broken. They were so broken you have to change the way they worked. We are still wearing last year ethereal jewlery 12 months later. Having an ethereal wave modify an aa tree is the definition of lazy. The aa modifications needs to be accessible to everyone and shouldnt be locked behind ethereals (what about new players next year) This expansion as supposed to be the aa revamp. But only half of the trees were modified. Why use the Ethereals to do your job for you. Thats the definition of lazy. They should be gear to replace the old ethereals from last year (doesnt even have to be the same slots, but again no reason to still weird gear 12 months later)

    4. Ascensions are still relevant. I hate them but that's besides the point. Still having to do Celestial Doctrine from like 3 expacs ago is awful! Dreadful! and outright Dumb to get the spell upgrades you need. As its impossible otherwise. It no fun trying to get 8 people on for the PQ you need on a 3 hour rotation for old content.
  15. Priestality New Member

    Yes! Set bonus would alot of fun if balanced! Something to make classes unique from one another. Fighters all seem very similar at the moment despite the differences in survivability/defense especially since block is broken. But like a majority of the scouts feel the same.
  16. Silvaynis New Member

    well i do doubt that you all will be reading these but i will toss in some feed back

    1. As you completed Solo, Heroic, and Raid dungeons in Reign of Shadows did you feel like you were earning the gear you needed in order to challenge the next tier of difficult content? If yes, what were the best sources of loot? (rare drops, merchants, mission rewards, etc) If no, what didn't feel right? How could gear progression have been improved?

    >>no we are not getting what is needed when i look at what is missing i see spells that i don't have grand master or celestial ,,i dont think one should be forced to raid to be able to get items to craft a weapon like the one you have to do for vex all the items for this weapon should of been in the solo or group zone crafters want to craft and most of them don't raid

    2. Of the many ways to acquire items and gear in Reign of Shadows (boss drops, tradeskill, mission rewards, etc), what felt most rewarding? What did you like about that system?

    >>first i dont mind the system but doing a mission and getting overseer crap sucks overseer stuff should only come from overseers, mission rewards should be items for my class the mission reward crates suck and need a overhaul as for what i like about the system not much if any

    3. What did you like about the currency-earned gear in Reign of Shadows (Ethereals, Coins of the Cabal)? What could have been better? How would you like to see these systems used in the future?

    >>the currency system is a joke there is no even playing field for the crafters or soloer there for they all fall behind and when they want to do something they are so under par they are useless in groups there is no real balance

    4. Is there anything else rewards-related you want us to know about?

    >>lets talk class weapon new class weapons that are upgraded with each new expac not just tossed aside this is everquest so with each expac having a quest to fix your weapon just seams right
  17. Carthington Member

    1) I'm answering no on this for the simple fact that ethereals from previous xpac are still viable because they provide some stats needed for the end game better than higher resolve/tier items. This should never be the case. Progression is evolution. I want to wear what's new and powerful, not what's old and crumbling. I'm still wearing a few 235, 240 resolve infusable gear because the stats are better than current gear. Gear should be getting better as you go along.

    2) It was rewarding getting decent gear to raid with from reward crates to be able to keep up with my fellow guildmates. I think better planning of tiers as you progress should be priority. Right now, with the raid weekly, we can't get any better than T13 when mobs in the challenge raid is dropping better gear. This part I like both ways, weekly quest and boss drops. I also think that there should be more items for each slot added into weekly, not just a couple of pieces. In this way, someone who just joins the guild has an opportunity to catch up via weeklies.

    3) this actually ties into #2 in that I do like the idea of currency earned gear. The only bad thing is that some people, like me, don't play alts, so it's tough keeping up with the maximum amount of gear if we have completed all of our weeklies/dailies until the next round. Right now, I'm making alts so I can catch up so I can get what I need off the ethereal merchant to stay competitive. I don't feel it should be this big of a grind to keep up.

    4)the new VD zones are providing some excellent gear for everyone to obtain, even for people who don't want to raid. This was a pretty good idea. I think, for the future, having rewards like you get from VD, would help those who are looking into raiding.
  18. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    There's a LOT of really good feedback here. I haven't read much that I disagree with at all.
  19. Priority Well-Known Member

    Sykle likes this.
  20. Chienne-Errante Well-Known Member

    Make crafters viable again! Crafting sig line should reward the recipes for the red set adorns (similar to purple in ToT); gear to make should be better than sig line, but not as good as heroic (or very entry level heroic). Give crafters larger bags/boxes/sales crates to craft instead of only having them in the cash shop. Crafters also don't have a spell depot, these are ONLY cash shop.

    If you want to gate flight in the sig lines, then it should be gated behind just a single character completing the sig. We get it, you want us to see and explore the zones, enjoy the artwork, etc. But, people with multiple toons (& on multiple servers) it's just a grind after the first time and takes away any enjoyment we might have had.

    PLEASE get rid off patterns or give us a depot to store them in & make them stack (which means getting rid of the heirloom tag on some of them). These depots should be player made and not just more cash shop.

    I'd love to see a way to convert old expac currency into something useful. Some of us have thousands from old expacs. Even if it's a 10:1 ratio for new currency, many of us would gladly exchange them. Or make a universal currency to purchase recipes, familiars, adorns, etc.

    Please limit the number of temp adorns. I have so many of these rewarded from the overseers that they take up a lot of shared bank space. Make the Tolans appearance gear from the daily crates stackable.

    I would also like the cash shop to be things that aren't game altering. No more BiS familiar / Merc items from the cash shop. Raid guilds are always going to chase strategies that get them the best of the best and this only ends up with everyone unhappy at either being forced to pay to win or not clearing content because stats aren't good enough.
    Lateana, Breanna and Sigrdrifa like this.
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