New EQ2 player seeking advice

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Donaven, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Donaven New Member

    If I wanted the best priest for solo/molo content who could heal/support in dungeons either with friends or using a group finder which priest should I use? I don't care about raiding at all. I will probably never do it or do it so little it shouldn't be considered at all.

    I love soloing challenging content which I think can be a ton of fun with mercs. When I get lonely/bored I love to jump in dungeons with people and focus on keeping them alive. I hated the chloromancer in rift so I'd prefer to focus on healing over dpsing in dungeons.

    For dpsing while soloing I like staying busy pushing buttons. Waiting on long cool downs is not my thing. I don't have a melee/range preference.

    Are there any priests that fit my preferences?
  2. Gaealiege Active Member

    Probably want to play a druid. A warden or a fury.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  3. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Wardens are more melee, fury is gonna be more a caster, both rock.
  4. Dethrayzin Active Member

    If you want to stay busy pressing buttons, I'm going to say Inquisitor or Warden; Wardens more than Inquisitors. Both are melee and the spells seem to pop quickly. Honestly, I have five healers and I enjoy them all, and they all seem fairly good at soloing.
  5. Tanker1979 Member

    Channelers are beast for solo'ing and heroic, can't go wrong with it... leveling can be a bit slow though
  6. Donaven New Member

    How can they be good solo but slow levelers?
  7. Tanker1979 Member

    because they start out slow, but turn into beast mode as you level up, end game they're amazing.
  8. Treiko Active Member

    I would go for warden or inquis for soloing... IMO they are the most fun while lvling.
  9. Donaven New Member

    What about mystics? How well do inquisitors heal dungeons (not raids necessarily...)? What makes inquisitors so good as solo characters?
  10. Treiko Active Member

    both clerics get an AA called steadfast, as long as they stand still they are a lot less likely to be interrupted when casting spells (this is good because heals are really slow to start). inquis, however, are going to easily outdamage a templar, and they also have group buffs that increase dps a little bit. oh.. and verdict :p (sets mob's hp to 1 at a certain HP% threshold.

    mystics are okay, but while i have a 95 mystic, it's not really my style i don't think.. havent played him in a while with so many alts happening though.
  11. Tierr New Member

    Mystics are good healers but real slow to get started. Once you hit around level 30 with a couple dozen AA they start to come out of their shell. I would agree with what everyone else here has said, I have played all the healers, but the only two I kept were the Inquisitor and Warden. Both are just solid from beginning to end and a lot of fun to play.