New Dirge saying HI

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-FoxxyCub, Dec 12, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-FoxxyCub Guest

    Hello from the Faydark Server! :manvery-happy:
  2. ARCHIVED-TWValkyrie Guest

    New Dirge saying hi right back from the Faydark Server!

    Dirges UNITE!!

    had a mage call me bard last night, and i corrected him where hes stood, and licked his blood off my claws after the fight.

    the few, the proud, the deady Dirges!

    Brysis Bloodsong
    Kerra Dirge of Qeynos
    21st rank Explorer Extrodinair
    Faydark Server

    I spell it like i see it! darn human toungs dont fit well in kerra mouths, except in small bites!
    -Brysis Bloodsong
  3. ARCHIVED-Sheistizzle Guest

    What up, checking in too, haven't posted much cause to busy playing but the servers are down. Lovin my gnome dirge, seems a good fitting class. Word up to all the Blackburrow folks up in here.

    27 Dirge
    The Legionnaires of Light
  4. ARCHIVED-Pamalla Guest

    New Dirge as of today on AB server:womansurprised:
  5. ARCHIVED-Iruath Guest

    Welcome from Runnyeye
  6. ARCHIVED-Spellsinger00 Guest

    Thought I would drop in and say Hi aswell, not that new on my Dirge, but still not old either :D
  7. ARCHIVED-Morganth Guest

    Waving hello form Blackburrow! :smileyvery-happy:
  8. ARCHIVED-rizza Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Panath Guest

    New Dirge on Nektulos server saying "hi".

    Panath - 21st Dirge or the Qeynos Consortium