New City Aligned Good to Norrath in 2009 or 2010?

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-betatester7, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Iamken Guest

    Yes, I have seen it. The fighter revamp was something that would directly influence all characters in the game in a major way. A new city is optional content that does not have the same influence.

    Of course everyone has the right to voice their opinions about any topic in the game. I was just hoping you could start your own "I hate new cities" thread and discuss it there instead of stomping all over the premise of this one
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Quinleigh@Najena wrote:
    Come up with a substanstive idea for a new city that equates to content that is needed in game and I'll praise it and add my own ideas to make it better.
    Contine to suggest bad ideas and I'll say why I think its a bad idea. You, SoE, and everyone else is entitled to ignore my opinion, but I have every right to 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' new content ideas as you do.
  3. ARCHIVED-Dreyco Guest

    Some ideas.
    • Mission hubs within the cities: IE, new missions for new expansions having you go to specific guilds for information. Writs that take you into those dungeons, etc.
    • Increase in Vitality regeneration while inside a city, or camped inside a city. (NOT a guild hall)
    • A Requirement to go back to the trainers within the city to get new abilities when you level. (Similar to Vanguard)
    Will think of more.
  4. ARCHIVED-Rashaak Guest

    betatester7 wrote:
    I don't a new city or even a new player race, the only thing I don't want to see is new starter zones. There are already a ton in game, and only starter zone that really gives you good content + gear + aa and that is Gorowyn. What needs to happen before a new player city is brought in is a complete revamp of the starter zones.
    What I'd really like to see is Outpost of the Overlord and Queen's Colony done away with completely. Main reason is there is no point to them anymore. Races starting in Qeynos or Freeport should start in their areas. You can only level to maybe level 12 or 14 in those zones before having to head to the city anyways. So basically it is wasted content. The orginal lore is not even a factor anymore since a player is no longer considered a Refugee and having to choose their path. So why keep those zones? With zones such as the Graveyard or Oakmyst Forest adj to their respective city zones there is no need to have a seperate zone for those two cities. Especially since that content can be completely bypassed without ever going there. Gorowyn, Neriak, and Kelethin starter areas are right next to their cities, the same thing should apply to Qeynos and Freeport. city/race I give two thumbs up for. New starter zone to go along with it I give thumbs down for.
  5. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Dreyco wrote:
    I've advocated Shard-like Faction questgivers/merchants on another thread myself. I like your Vitality idea as well especially for the Crafters who go through it like water in the desert. Add to that, speeded up (non-combat) recovery from Death Debt.
  6. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    AGAIN I will point to Thurgadin & Kael Drakkel -- two high level cities that acted as quest hubs, & very much could do so again.
    After all, in EQ1 both Kaladim & Ak'Anon were n00b starting cities ... both of which turned into mid-to-hi-level quest zone dungeons, as did Felwithe. There is not one shred of reason to claim, or even imply, that a new city has to be yet another mostly useless n00b zone that will be quickly deserted.
    & of course, unless I've totally missed all mention of it, there's been little-to-no mention of Cabilis ... which, by its location, would have to serve as a hi-level zone.
  7. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    Sounds good, however we've not rediscovered Velious yet. Might be a bit tough to bring them back in.
    Cabalis, perhaps, but don't think that could be 'good aligned', but could make for an interesting lore/quest/adventure type zone with perhaps a raid instance deep inside.
  8. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Which is why we're talking about the NEXT EXPANSION, in hopes that Velious will be it. However, I merely offered them up as examples of perfectly usable hi-level quest hubs. It doesn't have to be them; it could be a wholly new city.
    & yea, Cabilis would initially sound wierd for a new "good" city, but ... a lot has changed in the last 500 years. After all, who would have expected that Kaladim would turn out to be a dungeon loaded with kobolds & bugbears, or that Felwithe would turn into Vampire Town?
  9. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    We could also be talking about a live update, much the same way Neriak was brought into the game, something for all players to have fun with while a new Expansion is in the works.
  10. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Since the next expansion has not been announced (or even patented afaik), I highly doubt they would be talking about what content it contains yet.
    This city is a live update imo.
  11. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Noaani wrote:
    Thats possibly true hehe
  12. ARCHIVED-Nakaru-Nitepaw Guest

    Why not do what they did with Majdul? Majdul is a level 50-60 player city that you don't start out in, but you do get a call ability and a home there. You just have to work for it. Thurgadin or Halas could be like that. Just a thought.
  13. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Eschia@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Thurgadin would need a full Expansion behind it, but I wouldn't be suprised if it is a high level gathering area like Maj'Dul (Unfortuantly Mara, Somborn and Teran's Grasp do not continue the trend)
    Halas can be added with maybe a support Zone with a high level area slightly seperated by a canyon or on a mountain top.
  14. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Zabjade wrote:
    I would love to be able to earn my way into those two cities.
  15. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Now if only we could have multiple houses....
    MajDUl license, unused. Not moving out of South Qeynos, the Mage Tower is my Home. :p
  16. ARCHIVED-Thunndar316 Guest

    A Vampire race with a Mistmoore type of city would be neat. However, I long for Halas and a possible return of Velious.
    Unfortunately, I doubt this team has the resources to do Velious right. Thus, I would rather not see it at all.
  17. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    TwistedFaith wrote:
    Make it a heroic quest series from 65 - 75 and i'd agree, kind of.
  18. ARCHIVED-BleemTeam Guest

    While on the boatride through Erud's Crossing, on your way to Odus...
    You peer off into the sunset....You sort of doze off and on for days...
    You open your eyes and see a great tree on an isle in the ocean...
    Soon you are overtaken with Aviaks...
    When all of a sudden one of them asks.....
    "Hey dude, you got sum cash? I just started the game"

    Ugh... Odus? Erud's Crossing? New race Avocets? My vote is into the pile
  19. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    The aviaks didn't live anywhere near Odus, but I want to see it return. I loved the set-up and design of Erud's Crossing.
  20. ARCHIVED-BleemTeam Guest

    Well I have some sort of fact(ish) claims to back up my theory Cusa =)
    Aviaks in EQ1 that lived out there in Lake Rathe could have found refuge on an island paradise to the West of Feerrott/Mara. That would be a nice little halfway point of discovery for adventurers and a nice little newbie starting island.
    Then getting into Odus proper, you'd have all sorts of things...Erudites, Savage Kerrans, The Hole... maybe even a vast Kobold empire. I could see this Continent being really utilized well with EQ2 and the whole "500 years later" aspect.