Necro needs some stat advice

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Lemont, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Lemont New Member

    I'm currently running mostly drinal gear w some heroic fabled and advanced solo stuff with a few upgrades here and there. I will admit I don't have my full compliment of adornments atm. But I'm wondering what stats I need to be working on. Most of my gear is reforged into ability mod and I don't use LB often as I don't raid and don't trust pug healers so I've left off health for the most part. The issue im having is even at my best on a single target without utility in a heroic im barely breaking 200k (when soulburn isn't bugged). I feel I have my cast priority down and am able to cast any spell while all the others are on cool down. I was hoping I could post my stats and get a little advice.

    current stats:
    crit chance 357
    crit bonus 275
    potency 264
    ability mod 7532
    casting speed 129
    reuse 69
    spell reuse 36

    I am limited as we all are on what to reforge into but would like a little advice. And I think im about 1k too high on my ability mod to be useful. I was thinking a little recovery speed might help at least when lag isn't an issue.
  2. Lemont New Member

    Better yet can anyone name off a few top necros for me to look up. I can handle a little monkey see monkey do.
  3. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Just look up the top guilds on eq-raiders and check their roster for necro mains. I know who I generally look at but I'd rather not put their names here. =P