my sig says i'm a Zwerg

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-raxerex, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-raxerex Guest

    [p]At the time of this posting my Signature from the EQ2Player Forum Signature Generator, says my race is a Zwerg. last time i checked i was a dwarf.[/p][p] is this a bug or did some one transmute me, or is this the new evil race?[/p][p]reloc[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Seagoat Guest

    [p]It also says your class is "Templer." So, either you build places of worship, or they misspelled "Templar." ;)[/p][p]I think it's a bug...but a bug meant to torture us and raise speculation, since there haven't been any official announcements about a new evil race.[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-SOE-Jabru Guest

    I think the Germans are familiar with the Zwerg...short folk, with beards. It looks like your sig is localized for germany right now.