Multi-boxer, you better becareful.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Maxee, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. Taysa Well-Known Member

    You clearly have no idea what ACT actually does and therefore should probably refrain from commenting on it.
  2. Voleur Member

    To be fair, potential revenue goes down when any player leaves or decides to stop paying for a games service.
    Also, the people here aren't saying their bot, they're saying they box. Those are, despite any opinion you may have, two entirely different things. I frequently two-box. This does not, in any way, shape or form, make me a botter, especially as no software is involved. Most of my boxing is merely to powerlevel a character on my secondary account - as it is far cheaper to maintain two subscriptions than it is to buy multiple character slot extensions - especially when the ones I had purchased or "won" and consumed via Legends of Norrath have disappeared.
    Lateana likes this.
  3. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    I was just trying to think of something I dislike more then botters. Thanks for clearing that thought up for me.

    No kidding. I was just thinking what a jerk.
  4. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    It's always rather amusing how some take their level of importance in the bigger picture. Perhaps that is the need for the public declarations of quitting and the demands that everyone must quit with them. It always reminds me of 14 yr old girls who cannot go to the bathroom by themselves.
    Livejazz likes this.
  5. nergalisafreeportscrub Member

    Fact is they will never get rid of boxers unless they add some sorta detection that can see the hooks.also not only boxers use bot software a lot of people who play just 1 toon use it to so that they can get high DPs ubah fast heals and for raiding can do the entire scripts efficiently .I know a lot of people in WW guilds that used bot programs to play there toons a lot was in the last WW guild on AB with out saying names.but they can't stop us. I made over 200k in 5 years from this game.another reason I quit the population dwindled and it made selling not worth it.I single handedly made kronos go from 600p to over 3000p.say what you will I know my stuff.

    Long live your God,
    Kraeref likes this.
  6. Taysa Well-Known Member

    I hope you invested some of that 200k into some basic typing lessons and grammar classes.
    Juraiya likes this.
  7. nergalisafreeportscrub Member

    Not a ubah phone typer. And auto correct FTL..but you get my point.
  8. Erszebeth Active Member

    I had never heard of this program, but botting/boxing was never an interest to me either, so I looked up the one mentioned in the OP and honestly....the front page looks like botting to me....
    Sounds an awful lot like botting and clear violation of the ToS to me, and thats just 2 points from their front you got away with it for awhile, good for you, now they're cracking down on it, you got a slap on the wrist and a warning, could have been worse.
  9. nergalisafreeportscrub Member

    Inner space isn't the botting program its the program needed to hook into eq2 to run the botting programs.basically the engine for the car
  10. Awkk Well-Known Member

    200K of what? Plat or dollars?
  11. Nolus Well-Known Member

    If you are broadcasting keystrokes it is automation. I box, but I do not broadcast keystrokes.
  12. Stylish Active Member

    All this talk of keystrokes...

  13. Serenaheq2 Active Member

    You quit and came back so many times ALL of Freeport has lost count Gixx. and your threats of outing the botters isn't new either, and though I wouldn't mind if you actually did that, the fact that you claim these people are your "friends" however and yet you are so quick and willing to throw them under a bus sure says a lot about you.

    Here is hoping this time you're retirement is permanent. Though if history has taught us anything you can't stay away long and will be back spamming general with your random thoughts sooner rather than later.
    Dulcenia likes this.
  14. Ogren New Member

    Personally, I think this is just another sign of how out of touch DB is in regards to the whole EQ culture. Boxers have always been a part of EQ1 and EQ2. And in my experience, they haven't hurt me or influenced me in any way. It was different back in the early days of EQ2 when people where fighting over harvests and slow spawning mobs, but the game as it now has become so solo-friendy and downright "easy mode" that I rarely even notice boxers or even botters. We have to remember that the CS section of SOE just got gutted and I bet someone complained about the OP boxxing (I bet it was someone harvesting, lol) and the "streamlined" CS team is acting more aggressively. And I feel the OP is right saying that if they change policies now, 12 years into the game, DB may lose some of their best paying customers.

    Frankly, I am done with EQ for good... baring a miracle. I've logged in like once in the last three weeks and my membership will run out in a week. I have a strong feeling this game is going to either fold soon or, at the least, go into a low resource maintenance mode, similar to what happened with Vanguard. I will be amazed if there is another full blown expansion for this game. I hope I am wrong, but I don't feel like I am.

    I game this company 17 years of my business. No regrets. I had fun and it was an amazing long time for one series of game. I was there at the birth and I'll be here when it dies to pay my respects, but I won't spend another dollar on Daybreak.

    EDIT: Forgot to add... I scanned the thread though and saw some old EULA and ToS quotes but has anyone posted the rules from the new Daybreak Terms of Service, updated last week (March 13 2015) ? Rule 10 on cheating specifically says this...

    Seems a lot more clear now that they don't want boxing. I don't think anyone could argue that boxing using that isBoxer program doesn't gives you an advantage over someone without it.

    But like some have mentioned... DB should have been pro-active in educating and informing the playerbase before they just start handing out bans. Just my 2 cents anyhow.
    Juraiya, Gaealiege and Feldon like this.
  15. Pothole New Member

    This specific action was the result of a boxxer *********** a contested mob and killing it in front of a raid guild. They didnt ban him they suspended him for interfering with gameplay. This gentleman is obviously upset and brought something inappropriate to the forums but Im sure anyone who doesn't take contesteds from end game raid guilds(repeatedly) would have nothing to fear.

    IIRC Soe used to have verbage in the eula about duplicating keystrokes. I am too lazy to look to see if its still there.
    Juraiya and Dulcenia like this.
  16. Maxee New Member

    Well after 10+ years playing multiple accounts you tend to accumulate a lot of money. To me, I usually don't need to buy anything from the market and I do not sell my plat so yes, I accumulated a lot of plats over the year. Yes I've made slr runs, yes I've made weekly update runs for donation, but then what is wrong with that? The whole game was made and catered to the SLR system that we have now.

    One of the joy I got from playing this game was giving things away in form of charity. I spent a vast portion of my plat giving aways things like Kronos and starter mounts to new players and to veteran players who just needed some extra sub time on their account. It saddens me to end this tradition after 15 years.
  17. Maxee New Member

    I'm curious as to why when a person pays for the same service as a guild and said person cannot utilize the same content as that guild. I don't want to turn this into a debate

    The email I received is not in violation of disruptive gameplay. The verbiage of the email prohibit the use of third party program including program that's been allowed since the inception of EQ1 as stated in my original post.

  18. Pothole New Member

    Could be splitting hairs. Pulling a contested mob in front of a raid guild using a third party program is known to be frowned upon. So in this case its not the third party program creating a problem but what the end user chose to do with it.
  19. Maxee New Member

    So according to your interpretation, multi-boxers are second class citizen and you better stick to left over content or we'll punish you.
  20. Awkk Well-Known Member

    The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.
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