Moving from XP to 7...

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Uwkete-of-Crushbone, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    ...not quite from scratch, but I'm trying to get used to all the new ways of doing things in the OS, so I feel like a complete babe in the woods. I've gone to the Microsoft DirectX site, downloaded what was needed, installed what was needed (hopefully; can't seem to find where it went now), and got advice on how to re-install the game on my shiny new system. The old files are still on the E: drive, what used to be the C: drive in the old days. My techie spouse suggests I put the game on the new C: drive (and no, I'm not gonna devote one entire drive to just EQ2, I don't need to do that any more [FPS in the low double-digits is fine with me, and I don't care about Shadows, Flora, raiding, PvP, etc.]), which might mean I'd now have 2 copies of the game? Shouldn't I just try to overwrite or add to the old stuff already there on E: (yep, I've saved out the player files and the house layouts from the regular servers and Test)? Re-installing apparently entails just going to the official website, and instead of creating a new account, just click on "Already have an account? Click here to download the game and all your worries will vanish!" or something like that. But then, the file that popped up to be saved said something about "Streaming! You want Streaming! Everyone loves Streaming! You must have it!" or something similar, and I don't want it. I LOATHE streaming, will not play with it on, and have never, ever gotten any good use whatsoever out of it, so I'd like to avoid that if I can.

    Should I just try to log into my Station Account like always through LaunchPad.exe on E: and let the game do whatever adjustments it needs to on its own? :-/

    a major noob in many areas, freely admitted
  2. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    I am running Windows 7 Pro/SP1 64bit with UAC enabled. My recommendation is to install EQ2 anywhere but the Program Files structure. I have installed at "C:\Games\EverQuest II" since I only have 1 HD. This gets around the UAC and file writing/modification issues and lets 3rd-party updaters like DrumsUI and EQ2Maps work better.

    I do NOT use the streaming thing. My LaunchPad.exe file is in "C:\Games\EverQuest II" as well.

    After I installed the game, I then copied over my old UI settings files and stuff on my old HD that I wanted to restore.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That's another thing the Spousal Unit suggested: to make a separate directory for EQ2, rather than letting it go into Program Files. But did you come into the game as a new player from Win 7 on and didn't have to worry about an old OS's files? If I did put it into a new directory in the old hard drive, I'd still have the "old existing copy" issue, probably? :-/

    I also have most, if not all, of the old discs...would that be more useful than going through the website, not at all, or...?

  4. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    My old computer that I was playing EQ2 on fried and it was running Windows XP and bought a completely new system that had Windows 7 already installed on it. I installed the game fresh using the installer I got online making sure I was doing the full install. I had to attach my old HD to the system using a USB to IDE adapter and copied over what I needed.

    I did not use the discs I had cause they were so old I figured it would have to replace everything anyway so I really wouldn't save any time doing it.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Feldon Well-Known Member


    Unlike many games and software, EverQuest II isn't really "installed" on a computer. It doesn't write much of anything to the registry. You just run the patcher and it starts writing its files where you tell it to. I have been dragging my EverQuest II folder from computer to computer since 2008 and never had a problem. If only all software worked this way. ;)

    When you go to Windows 7, make sure you have a full backup of your existing hard drive under XP. When Windows 7 is up and running, Copy your profile from your old c:\Documents and Settings folder to the new c:\Users folder. That should get some of your data files/settings loaded up. You'll still need to reinstall all your programs though. Make a list of all the programs you use on a daily basis and then track down the installers for all of them before going to Windows 7, so you are ready.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Feara like this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! Just like me. :)

    Well, except for the having to separately attach the HD; we've got 3 of the buggers, and they all fit in the case still. One thing I miss is my A: drive, but we've got an external floppy drive with a USB connection, though I may decide to give up on the idea of getting everything off our old Win98 machine one floppy at a time...I do still have stuff on the flops that doesn't exist anywhere else, and I have just the nearly 0.5Tb place to put 'em. :)

  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Very cool! The techs already got us 7 on the biggest hard drive (500 Gb...makes the mouth water!) on our multi-HD box, so now it's more a matter of moving stuff over from the old C: (now E) to the new C: ... should I move over all my EQ2 files over, then let the patcher take a peek? And should I put them in the Program files, or in a separate directory?

  8. Feldon Well-Known Member

    C:\EverQuest II
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.