minted masquerade token

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Nina, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. Nina New Member

    Hallo Leute.

    Can someone explain to me exactly how I can get the minted masquerade tokens please.. I'm not a raider but I do the herald quest every day and only get the celebration token.. please help
  2. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    You have to be part of the raid forces that kill the avatars. They're designed for raiders, and all the gear that uses that currency is raid gear.
  3. Terrius Well-Known Member

    Minted Masquerade Tokens currently come from turning in the random drop avatar camp items (the ones that are no-trade and can be sold for status or turned in at the camps) of Fabled or higher rarity obtained in BoZ Heroic or Raid zones. Other than that, there is no way to obtain them at this time.
  4. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Items for turn in can also come from heroics, so that everyone has a chance to buy the weapons.
    Cusashorn likes this.
  5. Ssskary New Member

    Who do I turn in to and where?
  6. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Any herald at any camp.
  7. Ssskary New Member

    Thanks :)
  8. Ssskary New Member

    Sorry for being a noob, what items and what herioics? A bit more info would be really appreciated. And how exactly do you turn in an item? The heralds don't have an option when hailed
  9. Miaga Member

    As far as I know any solo/heroic/raid encounter in ballads of zimara can drop the items, they are all no trade items that appear in the loot chests after you kill a name. Once you have an item you can go to any of the diety camps and when you hail the herald their will be an option to click that says something like "I found something you might be interested in" clicking this will then remove any of these items from you inventory and reward you with tokens/masks depending on the tier of the item (there are treasured items up to celestial/mythical) the higher the tier of the item the better the return you get. You should also be able to run 2 quests in each camp one that rewards the dark paw tokens (from a book/alter thing you click on in the camp) and the other from the herald that will normally be an adventure type quest (go kill x and get y tyow thing) but I guess this may be level dependent (I know anything over 125 on live can get the herald quest but not sure about under 125 or what they do on tle servers)
    Ssskary likes this.
  10. Ssskary New Member

    Awesome. Thanks so much for the info.