Maximizing DPS

Discussion in 'Assassin' started by ARCHIVED-Draylore, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    My DPS isnt what I think it should be (avg 16-20k on raids) so would appreciate any advice on how to maximize Assassin DPS. Yeah i know first rule is to NOT DIE so much. [IMG]

    Here is my current spec that I use on raids: hopefully link works.

    My basic mode of operation for named/long fights is to hit temp buffs then my debuffs, bleeds and Mark first....go thru non-stealth CAs until Dispatch is in then proceed with Conceal chain. For trash/short fights I usually skip the debuffs and bleeds. I try to make sure Intoxication is applied before each pull as best I can.

    I try to hit Mark everytime its up and when Im not spamming thru a conceal chain I try not to miss auto-attacks while hitting CAs.

    ATM my Conceal chain is Masked Strike->Ambush->Mortal Blade->Jugular Slice->Eviscerate->Assassinate->Fatal Followup.

    Ive played around with adding the 2 blue stealth AEs into the chain but not too sure about that? I also have tried to sneak in a auto-attack or 2 in the middle of the chain but not having much luck with that.

    From then i just I try to hit Mark everytime its up and try not to miss auto-attacks while hitting CAs as they come up.

    I save Death Blow for when mob is under 30%.

    Again would appreciate any advice.
  2. ARCHIVED-bluefish Guest

    Definitely fit those two AE stealth attacks into your concealment before hitting fatal followup .. it will add to your FF damage .. I even wait to add a second Ambush in there before hitting FF at the end

    On longer fights, wait and debuff first as to maximize your hits. If fights are around a minute or longer dont wait to use death blow at the end.

    fights that are short, you really wont have much time to debuff ..

    You said you are averaging 16 to 20k, but what is the dps of the whole raid? .. if you are doing 12 to 14% of total raid dps .. I think you are doing just fine.
  3. ARCHIVED-On3iron Guest

    Teeboy@Butcherblock wrote:
    You just lost all credibility with that statement. A second ambush will add NO dps to FF.
  4. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    Teeboy@Butcherblock wrote:
    Our raid force has 2 Wizards and 2 Assassins. The top 4 parsers and we each are about 8-10% of the total raid DPS.
  5. ARCHIVED-bluefish Guest

    Caedo@Splitpaw wrote:
    the reason you probably dont see a difference is that the second ambush has to be hit within 10 seconds once the concelament chain is started ..easily done with jester's cap .. other wise you have to be really quick with clicking.

    But hey, you go ahead and keep hitting only once.
  6. ARCHIVED-Kaeth Guest

    Stop posting false information. Each attack only adds once, So if you manage to get PB off 2x it will only add a 1 multiplier.

    Each Stealth CA adds a multiplier of 1. (5 Total)
    Stealth Assault adds a multiplier of 1.5.
    Slate adds a multiplier of 2.

    Maximum possible is 8.5.
  7. ARCHIVED-Draylore Guest

    Kaeth wrote:
    Woot useful info :) Thanks. I was never clear on how the FF multipliers worked.
    But I always knew that each CA can only count once as a multiplier :)
  8. ARCHIVED-Nyriel Guest

    Kaeth wrote:
    Thats very interesting, thanks for the info :)
  9. ARCHIVED-Jrel Guest

    "Slate adds a multiplier of 2."
    Hmm, what is "Slate"?
  10. ARCHIVED-Warrid Guest

    Nyfe@Butcherblock wrote:
    Called "Massacre" now - blue DD AE
  11. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Kaeth wrote:
    That's good to know. I knew about each one only being able to count once but I thought they all only counted as 1.
  12. ARCHIVED-Kyaaadaa Guest

    So a question in response to the title of the thread:
    I'm about to start using Betrayal's Song and Carotidcutter (I don't have my epic yet, Assassin is 77 atm), but I am currently using 2.5 second delay weapons. Once these 4 second delay weapons are on, I'm curious as to how long I should wait between combat arts to ensure these things go off. In my head, I believe that only a brief pause (less than a second) should allow the AA to go off, but is there a window of "DONT CLICK YET!!" or would just a small delay between CA's be sufficient?
  13. ARCHIVED-gatrm Guest

    If you guys are having trouble timing your autoattacks, you should download the profit ui autoattack bar. You should be able to find it at eq2interface. It helps a ton to get your autoattacks in and will help your dps if you have trouble just takes a bit to get used to the thing.
  14. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Kyaaadaa@Nagafen wrote:
    Type /weap to get your actual weapon delay, you should be able to chain cast at least 2-3 CAs between each autoattack even with maximum haste.
  15. ARCHIVED-Warrid Guest

    Kyaaadaa@Nagafen wrote:
    Please for the love of all that is unholy DO NOT time your auto attacks
  16. ARCHIVED--=Hoss=- Guest

    no no, they should time auto attacks. In fact, its so important, its best to cast no more than 2 comba arts, then wait till you see your char swing and cast 1 or 2 more. Doing it this way, auto attack can get up to over 50% of your total damage.
  17. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Warrant@Nektulos wrote:
    You're joking... right?
  18. ARCHIVED-Warrid Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    Are you?

    With repeated stabbings and endline AGI, your CAs fire so fast that hesitating for an AA to fire off, unless you are a micro-managing guru, will most likely result in a loss of dps. Furthermore, many newer assassins are interupting concealment chains to allow an aa which is always a mistake. This is an ancient argument among Assassins/scouts. We are not Rogues who benefit greatly from timed aa.
  19. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Warrant@Nektulos wrote:
    My auto attack regularly crits for 19k+ damage. My average auto attack hit is 14k~. I raid with 27% flurry. I raid with 100% double attack, and between 28% and 48% AE auto attack.
    Timing auto attack is essential as an assassin if you want to parse well in SF. Any assassin who doesn't do it, is silly. I actually hate using concealment without either RoA or Jesters because of how much it delays auto attacking and I prefer PFT because you can autoattack while doing the chain.
    So your advice is pretty much terrible.
  20. ARCHIVED-Warrid Guest

    Gaige wrote:
    I dunno Gaige. I may need to look at this closer as of SF I have always appreciated your input on these and other forums. You seem like a very knowledgable player and no BS. Is there some mechanic that has made AA a closer item to watch. I do know that it makes up the majority of our dps despite some monstrous CAs but I have never seen any serious delays to it other than concealment chains or perhaps a late macro.
    My raid percentages pretty closely mirror yours if not a tad bit better, however, for me to obcesse over the timer in my rotation seems like it would really screw with me. I am always open to expanding my views though.