Items Missing (adorn slots , Agi, classes, EXT.....................)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-chainsaw666, May 20, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-chainsaw666 Guest

    Missing Beastlord
  2. ARCHIVED-chainsaw666 Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    Missing ( AGI )
  3. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    This Still Needs Fixed SOE!
  4. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    chainsaw666 wrote:
    Still missing (AGI) ! Still missing (AGI) ! Still missing (AGI) ! Still missing (AGI) !
    SoE if your not going to take the time to do Your Job right, than let us run ant host our own servers for EQ2 & fix your mistakes.
    Eather put (AGI) in the Tank items or take (STR) OFF the Scout items! This still needs fixed! PLZ Fix how the items are setup in this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ARCHIVED-alaplayer Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    Well in all actuality it has to be acknowledged to be fixed, then there is the big hurdle of actually caring to fix it, that is the doozie.
  6. ARCHIVED-Lord Hackenslash Guest

    The items in this list are not broken. There is no agility on the defensive tanking neck because its for tanks. You can tell because of the Strikethrough stat which is designed specifically to empower tanks.
    There is strength on the Dracurian gorget because both scouts and the tanks who dont care about defense will use this item.
    The Katars are a 5 second delay which while I would like to have the option to use it for my BL I would generally stick to 4 second delay to match the greater number of items for our class.
    All the level 91 fables in WL have 1 adorn slot I dont know if this is a design decision or a change in paradigm after they were itemized. So this may or may not be a bug.
    There are alot of problems with itemization in this expansion and its a waste of dev time to look at the things that are not broken.
  7. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Melina@Splitpaw wrote:

    !!!!!!!!!!!Wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Just because it has Strikethrough on them does not make it for tanks only! Beastlords need Ability Reuse Speed & the only place that we can find it is on the so-called Tank items. Because of SoE being (LAZY) they made items use able by all Healers/Mages & (Tank/Scout but scouts don't get AGI on the all the tank items like the Tanks).. THIS IS UNFAIR!!! IF SoE is not going to take the time to do anything in this game right before they put it live, than they should get off the lazy (Butt) they are sitting on and fix the (Crap) they (Messed up) !!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS NEEDS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS NEEDS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS NEEDS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    SoE you still need to fix the items that are still messed up! Put (AGI) (Beastlord) & ext on the items
  9. ARCHIVED-chainsaw666 Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    Put (AGI) on the Tank items or Remove (STR) from the Scout items! How it is set up now is unfair.
  10. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

  11. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    They want it to be difficult for scouts to get reuse. Otherwise there is little point to jcap and roa. I like how some of these items are usable by scouts and have reuse on them, but no agility. It gives us a choice. They could just slap "fighter only" on it like all the stuff with reuse from Drunder or they can leave as is and we have an option to sacrafice agi for reuse.
    Or you can just make sure your troubs or mystic know how to buff you properly and use the pieces with agi on them.
  12. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    (AGI) needs to be put on the Tank items or Remove (STR) from the Scout items! How it is set up now is unfair.
  13. ARCHIVED-HBP Guest

    TBH, they just need to combine STR, AGI, WIS, and INT into 1 stat at this point.
  14. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    If it were all items, sure, but the majority of "tank" items have agi on them. It's the just the ones that have re-use that are limiting. That makes sense to me.
    Scouts are already a bit ahead of mages right now on most fights, if you gave them easy access to cap themselves on re-use you'd have to take away something else.
    Instead of screaming for the one thing you don't have, as a beastlord, your best bet is to be very very quiet and hope they don't touch your class at all.
  15. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    This coming from a Ranger? You do know that it is a ranger that holds the %1 WW spot for DPS? Not to mention most guilds will not let you use your dkp as a main raider to get the " Tank items wo/(AGI) on it " on a scout untill it is going to alts. And then you can only get it if you have a tank on that account, But the tanks can take any scout iten they want. On top of that SoE took away the 8% reuse speed from the scout cloaks like we had on the old DoV scout cloaks, Now all we can get on the new cloaks are 4% reuse Max. (AGI) needs to be put on the Tank items or Remove (STR) from the Scout items! How it is set up now is unfair. They can take all of our items, but we can't use " " Tank 1's.
  16. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    How exactly is #1 WW DPS determined in your world? But, regardless, I'm not even gonna bother with a ranger vs beastlord debate here. There are things I'd like to see changed regarding ranger utility in relation to beastlords and assassins, but I'm not screaming how unfair it all is when many fights mages can't touch t1 scouts no matter what they do.
    It really just sounds like you have issues with how your guild buffs/does dkp and you want SOE to solve it for you.
  17. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    Wrong! I want SoE to do there job and fix itemization! That is what i want!
  18. ARCHIVED-PhabiusBile Guest

    Just so you know this is not just a fighter/scout thing
    you have the same thing in the priest/mage area

    Mage only items with wis and int - they are all symbols - of course mages cant use bucklers - but since it can be used as a ranged item - eh
    \aITEM -1204245723 -1277837666:Enscorcelled Draconic Legion Barrier\/a
    \aITEM 1932214032 -1787826450:Devotee's Gospel to Veeshan\/a
    \aITEM -264642554 -898655590:Dracurion Acolyte's Tome of Proverbs\/a
    \aITEM 1134534128 -478368840:Extracted Lens of Drelkuma\/a
    \aITEM 1683535472 555565328:Infused Talisman of Drakiz Benefaction\/a
    \aITEM 1089288209 -1521207176:polished Crystal of Dozekar's Hoard\/a
    \aITEM -169941748 1384731672:Symbol of the Etched Stelae\/a

    There are no priest only type items that i know of besides the buckler which is useable by plate tanks -
    OMG let priests use Tower shields its not fair that tanks can use our bucklers but we cant use their tower shields
  19. ARCHIVED-unwritenglorykid Guest

    Crankers@Crushbone wrote:
    The first step to this is them not using a program to do it, and to hire somebody with at least a little bit of game knowledge/common sense, and to actually do itemization manually. If they addressed it manually item by item it might stop the downward spiral that itemization has been in since they destroyed avatar gear. if they wanna script the treasured/legendary stuff, and then adjust it on an as need basis that's one thing. But everything fabled from heroics and raid drops should be done by hand to avoid all of these issues. There's to much of a history of constantly adjusting/fixing things 2-4 months out after people already went for items bc of what was on them, just to have it changed to something they can't use etc.

    It also wouldn't hurt for itemization/mechanics to get together and have a plan for 1, 2, 3 years out instead of just winging it and dealing with all the repercussions later on of totally inflated, caped, useless or op stats.
  20. ARCHIVED-crackers_87 Guest

    Here is some more to add to the list to fix SOE!

    \aITEM -860603485 -1728910228:Drakinoxx Cloak of Blood\/a + the scout 1's
    \aITEM -156209158 2111635911:Theldek's Translucent Pearl Necklace\/a
    \aITEM -1482758145 -280349587:Shackle of the Honorbound Avazek\/a