Is A Defiler Still Overpowered?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Javilan, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Javilan New Member

    Hello All! I am recently getting back into the groove of Everquest 2 and I have some concerns over old characters. I quit around a year and a half to two years ago during DoV with a Defiler at the 90 cap. Being that I want to get back to the insane warding / healing abilities as well as the high DPS abilities between specs:

    1) Is a Defiler still "wanted" for raids and instances
    2) Can you still output great DPS for being a healer (enough to solo instances like Library or newer instances)
    3) Any great healing or DPS AA specs to share for instances / soloing.
  2. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    1) Yes
    2) I wouldn't call it 'great' DPS, but with a merc you can pretty much solo anything.
    3) Sorry, Can't be arsed. That's 320 AA points to explain. Someone else might have more energy to do that, or find a Defiler you like and check out their spec on EQU or Players.

    Welcome back :)
  3. Javilan New Member

    I guess instead of explaining the perfect AA spec point by point, I would love a general consensus from fellow Defilers or links to their AA :)

    And thank you Arielle!
  4. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    If Defilers were ever considered "great" DPS ever even by priest standards, that's news to me (could of course have been before my time).

    With that said, a well played defiler, like any well played priest, is definitely an asset to a competent raid force.
  5. Estal Well-Known Member

    The big problem with Defilers and raiding is this: A lot of raidforces only want one, Mystics have a far higher chance of getting a raidspot, so you may end up having to betray to raid,

    As for AA's, with the most recent big update they made it very easy to have multiple profiles, so just make one for max dps and one for max survivability, then use the dps for everything unless a specific encounter requires you to switch.

    For heroic stuff, never had a problem getting a group on my defiler, plus you can easily solo heal a group against all heroic content.

    DPS? you will be in the bottom half of most parses, so you can't really call Defilers dps, but its certainly a lot better than years ago when we did like 1k dps:p
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Well, if everybody is doing their job all priests should be in the bottom half of most dps parses ;)