Inq 2.0 debuff (Divine Righteousness)

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Malleria, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Could we get this appearing in the maintained spell window when its cast on a mob?

    And it'd be awesome if the duration could be extended a bit (doubled would be nice) so we don't have to recast it so often :(
    Silzin likes this.
  2. Derfel Active Member

    I'm with you on the duration. Between keeping dr up and topping off fanatics protection I hardly have time for anything else in raid.
  3. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's a rather strange decision. I see no point other then make us annoyed. Noone ever wants to spam abilities. The recast is shorter then the duration. Such spells should have at least 1 minute duration, like our Condemn.