If you could have any non-functional entertainment spell...

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-SeTSwiPe, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-SeTSwiPe Guest

    Which would it be?

    I'd probably like to have swirl of debris from the Necromancer Line
  2. ARCHIVED-Raminicus Guest

    cool question, i'd like to answer but i don't know many of these spells from other classes
  3. ARCHIVED-Junaru Guest

    Shadow Knight FD fun spell.. It so fits a Warlock too..
  4. ARCHIVED-SeTSwiPe Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Banshye Guest

    Feign Death.. they get a targetable feign death. If you as a mage are getting beat on, the SK can target you and force you take a dirt nap. The mob loses interest and you regain the ability to breathe.