Hey Smokejumper here are pictures so you know what they are:)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Cloudrat, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    I tried to get these on the market during a questions answered podcast, but SJ didn't seem to know what they were hehe. I have heard from many crafters that would love to have these available in SC and goblin games.
    Soo I am posting pictures to avoid any confusion. I am saving up for them.

  2. ARCHIVED-Xianthia Guest

    I hope that asking for these to be put in SC doesn't mean that the drop rate gets nerfed on the apprentices...or taken away completely.
  3. ARCHIVED-Smirkey_of_Nektulos Guest

    Xianthia wrote:
    Leave the drop rate in the game alone and put them up in the store for between $0.50 and $1.00 each. Good solution for those with tons of apprentices and those without.
  4. ARCHIVED-hanksloka Guest

    Good point Cloud. That would be awesome
  5. ARCHIVED-Healani Guest

    We have just about every kind of potions, this would be a good one to add as well, for those of us who would like to have them. Of course without adjusting the drop rate from the apprentice for those who don't want to spend SC on the potions.
  6. ARCHIVED-agnott Guest

    This is like selling nails as you lay in an open coffin.
  7. ARCHIVED-DuneWarrior Guest

    Cloudrat wrote:
    Wouldnt it be SMARTER to let them be craftable by Alchys?
    I mean, from one crafter to another? or is it all about YOURS?
  8. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Zaktull@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I gotta be honest, thats the first thing I thought when I saw this thread. The trick here is making them tiered for different levels. Make them require a rare component, and boom, profit!
    Er I mean, suddenly we have something crafted by crafters that is consumable and desired by crafters. Wouldn't that be an amazing idea?!
  9. ARCHIVED-DuneWarrior Guest

    Ulrichvon wrote:
    exactly, weird concept i know
  10. ARCHIVED-Haciv Guest

    I thought calling out a Dev was against the Forum Guidelines. Take it to a PM.
  11. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Ulrichvon wrote:
    Yes it would and we have had such great luck getting new things for crafters that I am sure if you send your idea to the crafting developer that would be awesome!! Why not both?

    and Yes of course it's all about me!