heroic instance rotation?

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-chardz, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-chardz Guest

    I target main target. Blasphemy, insidious whisper and hateful slam in rapid succession, followed by my aoe's (exept for grave sacrament, which i keep for boss fights or mem wipes). Rescue, sneering assault and grave sacrament i use when i loose aggro.
    And here's the problem : i loose it constantly, i loose it to swashy's, to locks, to assy's. And once i loose it and i dont have my aggro saviours ready there is no way for me to get it back either.
    My sk is 90, full pq Woe gear, some DoV fableds, 95%cm, 165%cc, 85%pot,... 230 AA's.
    Does my rotation deviate from those sk's use in heroic dungeons?
  2. ARCHIVED-chardz Guest

    allright, im bumping this untill someone starts answering this. I see three posts on this section asking the same question, none of them answered. I checked eq flames, as my guildies advised me, but its a maze and i cant find anything back there between kids having egofights.
    Surely there are raiding Sk's roaming these forums once in a while.
    Please, at least a link to somewhere with decent sk rotation information. Thanks
  3. ARCHIVED-chardz Guest

    bump (so, it becomes visible in recent topics again)
  4. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Let me guess, the DPS is doing way more than you?
    SKs today are not the same as TSO where we did as much DPS as the DPS classes. As such you have to adjust. In my case (full RyGorr) I ended up adorning in Hate Mods.. this solved all my problems. I also no longer tank in Offense stance but in Defensive.
    As for your starting rotation, it is not much different than mine. The problem is most likely you are suffering from the same hate problems we all struggled with at the beginning and for that there are adornments and specific group setups to help. Personally with Critmit out the door for most zones, it only makes sense to go hate mod until your gear gets better.
  5. ARCHIVED-chardz Guest

    actuallly, i hardly parse above the healer, most of the times im last or just not above.Not a clue what to do about since use so much abilities there are times literally EVERYTHING is on cooldown. And since dps plays such big role in the aggro meter these days (it does seem like dps is more important than it was pre DoV), im pretty sure it will help me get and keep aggro as well.
    The problem is : i already have to spam blasphemy, insidious whisper and hateful slam. Then, in comes a lock or an assassin or a swashy and they steal my aggro like its nothing...i see my threat meter going down fast. So then i start using stuff like grave sacrament, i gain two positions up the hate ladder...i loose aggro again the same second. So i use sneering assault...and yes, same story, loose aggro AGAIN.... by now i have used abilities, that allltogether should have moved me up 4 positions up the hate ladder, FOUR in a group of SIX.
    I hope you begin to notice how utterly frustrating this is, but wait, its not finished, cos finally, as last resort, i use rescue, giving me ANOTHER THREE hate positions and guess what? Indeed, i keep aggro for one second only to loose it again
  6. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    chardz wrote:
    Like I said, I had the same problem until I got yellow hate increasing adornments for my gear. Now I rarely lose aggro. Between yellow and white adornments you can up your hate by 50% As for your DPS I think most likely only gear will help. I am not doing a whole lot myself as I am not the end all be all of SKs lol. But on DoV content I do about 20k+ on solo mobs and 40k+ higher on group pulls. I do not run with chanters or bards so I do not get much if any DPS boosts from support. Our DPS does more than double the DPS than I do and I now manage to hold aggro off them without having to worry so much. The hate adorns changed my life and eased the frustration of losing aggro all the time
  7. ARCHIVED-chardz Guest

    Thanks for the advice, looks like ill have to bite thru till i have my Ry'Gorr gear grinded together then cos im not wasting 50p per adorn on pq gear
  8. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    chardz wrote:
    Well the yellow adorns are 5 tokens and 5p per so 7 of those 35p would bring you to 35% Hate Mod.
    Then get the T8 Manas which are cheap and get 4.7% from them instead of paying for the T9 Manas
    Or wait.. the Rygorr stuff will be easy to get in a week or so if the shard changes go live. Luckily for me I run with a small guild group all the time and I just had the DPS tone it down a bit til I was in Rygorr and my Hate Adorns.