Guk Guide Gatherings

Discussion in 'Guide and Player Events' started by Guide Norika, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Necrocon Guide

    Oh Friggawitch! Your reporting skills are astounding like always! You are the reporter extraordinaire! The picture below that you posted has got to be my favorite! The other guides and I had so much fun putting on the party for you! Special Kudos go out Norika for being our Hostess of the Party!

    By the way, I will be doing my HOME TOURS tomorrow night (TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st) at 5:00pm PST. I will have our newest Apprentice Guide with me as well! Norika is going to try to make it, too!

    So, be sure to send a mail to Necrocon in game if you would like me to add your home to my list of homes to tour. Remember that I can only tour your home if you are in it at the time. :) See you tomorrow night~!
    Ranla likes this.
  2. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Aww shucks Necrocon <blushes> If it wasn't for all the great things yous Guides do for us here I would have nothing to report on. As always I totally enjoy and appreciate all your hard work. Hopefully these reports bring more people out for these events when they see what great fun you allow us to have as a community! Keep up the great work <Hugs to all>
  3. Aurawynd Guide

    Friggawitch your screenies are awesome! It was a fantastic night as much for us as for you guys! Our Guk Players truely make our job easy, as we really have alot of fun spending time with you all! I've heard a rumor that you can be expecting another such event in the not so far off future! (winks) And of course I am sure there will be any number of souls running around Norrath seeking assistance between now and then! Thank You all for being such a great group of people /hugs!
  4. floofloobunny Active Member

    Im only asking because I thought it was advertised to happen since Ive missed out on guide stuff for years. I only managed one time to see a guide randomly (not advertised) in the last 3 years, so having a heads up really helps those who play at odd times. Im missing so much stuff that only guides can hand out, 10 year vet and still dont have all the guide collections completed and some of the holiday only quests that were available the first year only. /sadpanda
  5. Aurawynd Guide

    Floofloobunny I can appreciate that people do play at odd hours, and I will advertise as much as I can, to give you as many oppertunities as I can and hopefully you'll catch more events! It's not always possible to advertise as sometimes guides will do events spur of the moment, but I will try to give as much notice as I can as well so maybe you can arrange it so you can attend! Our Goal is to do whatever we can to bring enjoyment to all our players, as much as is possible! I hope that helps a little bit /hugs!
    FriggaWitch likes this.
  6. floofloobunny Active Member

    thank you for that. Im thinking, even if its like, sometime this week, you might want to check out (place) around this (time) for (quest/event/etc). I would log on if possible every night that week at the place and time and see if the guide pops on. At least then it can be somewhat spontaneous but also lets those who needs heads up plan to login around those times. Hopefully this is the year I can participate in something.
  7. Aurawynd Guide

    ** Upcomming Events !!! *** <evil voice> Something wicked this way comes! Sat Oct 25th be watching as evil stirs and lurks in the lands of Norrath! Spirits have been called upon to wreak havok across the land, there will no doubt be enough oppertunities this day for you to show your bravery and lend a hand! Will you rise to the occasion ????
  8. Aurawynd Guide

    These next couple of months are packed with excitement! Make sure to do all the last min things to wrap up NoTD! Then we'll have the new Expansion to explore as well as Soe's Anniversary, lots of exciting things to look forward too. I know the guides are also looking forward to helping keep things exciting and fun, I Sincerely hope you had a blast with this year's NoTD!
  9. floofloobunny Active Member

    still never got the guide quest creepy collection. :( I keep saying "oh well, maybe next year" but the stars still never align me with a guide. grr
  10. Aurawynd Guide

    Floofloobunny I am sorry to hear to you didn't get a chance to get it this year, I know the guides handed it out every chance they had.... Altho NoTD is over for this year the new exp is comming up and Frostfell as well!! There will be lots of events, and lots of Guide events comming up as well! So just keep a watch, and hopefully you'll get a few chances to participate!
  11. floofloobunny Active Member

    NOTD is over after Monday, still a few days left.
  12. Aurawynd Guide

    ** Upcomming Event** I have it on good authority that Weds Nov 5th, at approx 4PM PT, in the vicinity of Thundering Steppes...... there will be a Lad who's gotten himself in quite a pickle! So if you're a good problem solver, this guy could use alot of help !!!!
  13. Aurawynd Guide

    ** Upcomming Events ** I am told a young individual in Halas will be seeking help from any who offer Nov 6th at approx 10 PM PST. As well, mark your calendars for Home Tours !!! Norika and Psionis will be available Sat Nov 8th at approx 1 PM PST to do Home Tours with those who wish to participate !!!
  14. Aurawynd Guide

    Hey guys! Just curious what you think of the new Islands so far? I have to say I LOVE the new house stuffies, and the new armor is pretty nice too! I havn't had much of a chance to do much crafting - is it as much fun? Has anyone made any of the new carpenter/house items? I am going to try to get some crafting time in this weekend!

    BUT speaking of fun - ** Upcomming Event ** If you happen to be in the Antonica region Monday Nov the 17th at approx 10am, I hear there will be some excitement in the area, and maybe someone who needs a hand.... maybe you have the skills they need *wink*

    Have a fantastic weekend /all ! /hugs.
  15. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Hiya, Sorry been kinda busy with RL and haven't had a lot of time to spend in-game. Hope everyone is doing well. Things prolly won't be back to normal for a while now that it's grown colder out and work is real slow so I will be fortunate to keep the internet up.Sometimes RL is such a drag, lol. Hugs to all see you soon!!
  16. Spurn Member

    Great new guide quest in 'Altar of malice - the Nebulous Newsies, but AHHHGGGG!

    I've looked high, low, under buildings, on rooftops, in bookcases, riffled every chest, and bonked everyone on the head.

    I've poked all the shrubberies, checked through the grass, opened every barrel of smelly fish... I even checked the fishing boats AND the graveyard, but still no "a book called Magic and Potions in Ghorkaal".

    How about a hint? Even a little bitty one? I promise I won't tell anyone!

  17. Aurawynd Guide

    FriggaWitch I sincerely hope to see you online when your able! Things in life sometimes get pretty hectic we all understand that! We look forward to your reporting and LOVE to see all the screenies!! ** Spoiler** Theres something brewing for Frostfell comming up You'll want to be at *wink*

    Spurn the only hint I can give you at the moment is this "a book called Magic and Potions" IN Ghorkaal ! Keep searching it is there! As you well know sometimes GREAT things come in small packages! Good Luck !
  18. Spurn Member

    Oh those sneaky, tricksy elves
  19. Azomonas Active Member

    Any indication when the AoM event will be running again? Seems I missed it last night
  20. Aurawynd Guide

    Azomonas I will forward a request to the guides and hopefully there will be another oppertunity for you soon! Keep watching the forums and I will try to post an upcomming event for it, so you can plan to be there !
    Azomonas and Quillyne like this.