Guild Harvest Depot Borked?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Grouse, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Grouse Active Member

    I'm trying to craft in the guild hall. The forge thinks that I "don't have any resources". I just dropped about 50 of each one I needed into the box. They worked while in my inventory.... but disappeared into the box.

    Level 40 recipe calls for "Raw Fulginate".

    I harvested a bunch of "Rough Fulginate" from Lavastorm.

    I was able to craft as long as it was in my personal bags. As soon as I dropped them into the Depot, I as shown to have zero resources for crafting.
    Sabaar likes this.
  2. Senya Well-Known Member

    Make sure you don't have that box checked that says to disable crafting from the depot. If you're using a custom ui I'm not sure where it is, but on the default window it's on the bottom of the crafting window.
    Sabaar likes this.
  3. Sabaar Member

    Probably a custom UI that did not get updated. There is another thread on this that I just responded to 3 minutes ago.
  4. ITPalg Member

    This thread was first.
    It has nothing to do with custom ui.
  5. Grouse Active Member

    You called it! Apparently, as part of adding the new [Quantity] button, they decided to reset the "Disable Supply Depot" to checked. Since I've been working in the guild hall for years, I had forgotten that button existed.

    PS - They must have reorganized the forums at some point in time, as all the links on your project page are broken.
  6. Senya Well-Known Member

    If you were talking about my links on my projects page that was links from the old forums.
    My new thread is here and now I've changed my sig to redirect there. Thanks! I forgot I needed to do that. :)

    The newest things are near the bottom since they are in the most recent posts. I couldn't add them all to a single post anymore because of the new 35 minute edit lock (which really needs to go away).
  7. Grouse Active Member

    Wow! Some of those layouts are simply unbelievable!

    (I like the fact that I am a new member, even though I've been here on and off since beta!)