General Channel Sales

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Evilary, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Almost daily I see someone selling crate bundles for krono. They are selling 3 20 packs..blah blah blah. You see it too I'm sure. They value for almost 100 bucks worth of DBC if you were to buy them but they are selling for 2 krono.

    This has got to be a scam but I don't understand how it works. Is it they take your krono and don't give you the bundle or what?
    DreadRoberts and Twyla like this.
  2. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Russians cant sub atm, their only option is to sell that stuff underpriced and use the Kronos for game time.
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Evilary Well-Known Member

    How do they buy the crates? That's what I'm not understanding. Krono costs cash, crates cost DBC which is cash. Unless they have a ton of DBC saved up, I don't see where they are getting their supply.
  4. Smashey Well-Known Member

    People can gift them and they pay them through either bitcoin, paypal or some other service.

    You can get krono for less than 10 dollars a piece if you play EQ1 through a site I wont mention.
  5. Dannni Active Member

    If Russians can buy Kronos from third parties for less than daybreak sell them, why would they instead sell crates vastly under value? makes zero sense
  6. Evilary Well-Known Member

    That's what I'm trying to figure out. It's not making sense and getting
  7. jonnyandme New Member

    some say scam some say there using stolen cc to buy crates for kronos only exchange with someone you know or a name you see daily to be safe