game acting weird today

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by suka, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    all day, the game has been acting weird. first, it refused to cast my spells, making shortcuts in my chat window instead of casting. as though i was trying to link them instead of casting. so i had to camp and come back in to straighten them out.

    now, i wanted to cast call to home and it showed i had 6 minutes left before i could so i went and killed a few things and waited it out. only,

    then a few minutes later it changed and now says i have to wait 17 more minutes to use it. not sure what is going on. just strange stuff today.

    and then, weirdly, after i finished writing this, i went back and it ported me home. strange. i also find myself losing my target a whole lot. not sure what that is about. in the middle of a fight, i cast and suddenly i am hitting my pet, or my merc. weird.