Fury or Defiler?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Morbic, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Morbic Member

    I prefer caster/ranged classes to melee/combat arts classes so I was trying to get a general idea of which seems to be more viable in the game nowadays?
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    If you're looking for a ranged caster, fury is your best bet. A defiler still gets big bonuses (tribal rage and wards procced from melee hits) for being up close and personal with the mobs.
  3. Morbic Member

    I don't mind some melee, but I prefer it to be more of a side benefit or after I soften up my target before it reaches me.
  4. Brigh.Guk New Member

    Fury all the way. 8) I love mine. If you can get a merc, hire the SK in Neriak and go nuts 8)
  5. Morbic Member

    Thinking I might go Sarnak for my Fury or Defiler since I prefer Evil or Neutral races more then Good races. Is there any reason to pick another race instead?
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Depends on what you're looking for. I like tracking, so I frequently pick races that have that as a racial skill..
  7. Morbic Member

    I had forgotten about tracking. That might be pretty useful if rare spawns are still needed and move around.
  8. Jeorge Member

    At this point in the game, Furies tend to melee too. The playstyle is completely different though: Do you want to never take any damage and slowly whittle things away, or blow them up and be more likely to get blown up yourself?

    You could always just roll both in any case. And I second the tracking thing. Super useful
  9. Morbic Member

    I just wish some of the evil races had tracking. Looks like I'm leaning Wood Elf versus Halfling if I go for tracking.
  10. Jeorge Member

    Kerra are neutral and can track. My Fury started as a Warden in DLW.
  11. Mae- Well-Known Member

    You can always betray, you can't even start a defiler as a good class so you'd have to betray anyway.

    P.S. Halflings are awesome.
  12. Morbic Member

    I'd rather have a race with the option for bonus Wis or does that not matter much?
  13. Morbic Member

    I was referring to if I started a Fury, I probably would just get by without a tracking race as a Defiler unless I played a Kerran.
  14. Jeorge Member

    Attribute bonuses on the Character tab is a thing of the past. Idk about the base for each race, but stats are so inflated these days that it's not going to matter that much.

    The thing to consider now with races is appearance and the things like track, repair (gnomes), and disarm trap. Also of note at lower levels (before 50 when you can get the carpet) is featherfall. For non healer classes the ability to breathe underwater might be useful if you're a miser and don't wanna buy totems. (Me)
  15. Morbic Member

    So most of the racial traditions that give stat bonuses are more flavor nowadays even for F2P players unless they grant an ability the class doesn't already have and is useful in the long-term?
  16. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The amount of the boost your racial bonus gives you is pretty much irrelevant by the time you get to lvl 50 or so compared to everything on your gear, etc.
  17. Morbic Member

    How useful is repair and disarm trap on average? Still probably gonna stick with a Tracker for my Fury, but was just curious for if I choose that or a port to group race for the Defiler if I decide to role one of them as well.
  18. Davngr Well-Known Member

    the most useful racial ability is the transpor2player, the others pretty lack luster. i don't even use track on my scouts other than pvp.
  19. Morbic Member

    Not much in the way of rare NPC spawns or anything that would require tracking?
  20. Jeorge Member

    TBH they really aren't that useful, I was just listing the only useful racials that I could remember.

    And yeah, I forget about the teleport, mostly because I'm so so sick of both elves and erudites, which are the only ones that get it as far as I can remember.