Fun with math (Fallen Gate) An experiment.

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Shaidin, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    The xp amount is an obvious money grab, people are buying pots why would they make xp a reasonable rate?
  2. Xephane Active Member

    It is reasonable, people just don't realize how much there actually is to do because they are so used to going from one quest hub to another instead of actually having to find all the content that is out there. The game has headed in a fairly linear direction in terms of quests, so going back to actually having to explore to find new things isn't something people are used to or willing to do. It's Everquest, there are hundreds of quests in Vanilla alone, people just don't do enough searching to find them all.
  3. dooya New Member


    i'm seriously upset about how fast vitality is being consumed for crafters. At level 15 i get 2 levels doing writs. I call total and utter BS on that. On stormhold, with vitality at level 20-30, i could get around 8 levels
  4. Mashef Member

    I'm okay with the slower exp. I actually was able to mix up my progression and handle multiple zones quests and then go back to zones where the quests were significantly higher level than my toon. This was cool as I was able to complete quests that you normally just level past. seems to be getting more and more tedious as you enter T2, T3 and I can imagine T4 is painful.

    While it shouldn't be so fast that you can just solo quest to 50 it should be a little more viable where a decent mixture of groups/quests will work. Having to just dungeon grind non-stop sounds painful.
  5. Xephane Active Member

    It would make sense if progression was like that, but there is actually much more linear questing the higher up you get, yes t2 is painful because CL/Ant is VERY spread out and give fairly little rewards in terms of quest experience. T3 however isn't that bad and you can blast through it in a few days doing a good mix of questing and grouping. Nek Forest has a fairly linear quest series, Ts is kind of painful, but you can do something like Fallen Gate, or even mentor and play with some buddies (I've done this a lot) and you will get through it.
    The higher you go, the more there is to do, you just have to push through the lower tiers and it gets better. My only recommendation would be a boost to combat experience, so it is more linear with the level instead of each mob giving the same experience, based on relevance to you and it's tier. Or at least some bonus for grouping so it feels a little less boring to grind an entire zone like Fallen Gate and not even get 1 level. Heck, maybe just bosses should get a special exp reward?
  6. Tearofsoul Member

    If you are looking at leveling with vitality always on and 4-hours 100% exp potion, get ready to pay $150+ per character in order to hit 50 within a week or so (assuming you have a static group).
  7. Shaidin Member

    Are you one Fallen Gate? Mentoring has been disabled. If you have found a way to use it, it's probably an exploit and you shouldn't be using it.
  8. Xephane Active Member

    It's not an exploit to mentor, there was an exploit to do with mentoring yet I'm not using it.
  9. Shaidin Member

    The point I am getting at is this, When you log into the Fallen Gate server the message of the day is "The mentoring system and the Inheritence (yes they spelled Inheritance wrong in the MoTD) merchants have been DISABLED until the next Patch"

    So if you are able to use Mentoring currently you should probably stop and send a bug report.
  10. Xephane Active Member

    It's not an exploit if it's a disadvantage to me though /shrug
  11. Xephane Active Member

    If I get banned, at least I go down as a guild leader who was doing the best to help their guild.
  12. Arieva Well-Known Member

    I've decided fallen gate literally isnt worth spending any serious amount of time on without either vitality, or an xp potion running due to abyssally slow xp gain. What sucks is when you have fellow player friends that choose to go the blatant cash grab route and completely leave you in the dust on leveling. That said this server experience really wasn't ever anything I expected to enjoy and I'm only doing it because live is dead atm. So I'll pop in to this server every 3 days or so once some vitality has accrued and try to do some leveling. At that rate I may only make it to 30 and be done but it is what it is.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  13. Filnydar Member

    It's not that bad if you get a group when you have some vitality or when you need/give some help on heroic quests, and advance your solo questlines otherwise.
  14. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I was at like i think 200 quests when i hit 50, and that was what I was doing when I wasn't grinding, however a lot of the higher level zones it's harder to solo the quests at least as an assassin due to their difficulty.
  15. Zenji Well-Known Member

    It isn't much better as a Monk. I attempted to follow the "Soloing Timeline" on eq2 wiki in Everfrost and quickly got to quests requiring ^^^heroics to be killed. That is not solo content for most classes.
    Adoninilol likes this.
  16. Whitewine New Member

    xp is just flat out GROSS. Its obviously a cash shop play but, wow. When its worse than SH was when it launched. There is an issue there. It REALLY needs to be addressed. At least bring it up to SH levels.
    Pixistik and Mizgamer62 like this.
  17. Nomyai New Member

    It was fun for a couple of days and then it wasn't.
    I hope everyone else has fun. I just don't have the time to xp grind my hours away.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  18. Dude Well-Known Member

    I think it's funny people complaining that they aren't being able to solo efficiently. You know the solution? Group! That's one of the main reasons for the TLE servers.
  19. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    This must be where the slippery slope that is "micro transactions" has led us. We tried to tell SOE when they ran the show, now Gaybreak is picking it up where they left off and doing the same thing...its one of those little traveling fairs and the folks running the show are all a bunch of carnies that dont give two squats about what we think, if they did they wouldnt have tried to hide the xp we get in game.

    Fun factor has all but left and I burned out already, but I am having a blast watching more than one instance of zones spawn and remembering how great it was way back what point was it the game took a turn for the worse?

    Oh yea... FTP and Marketplace!

    Thanks much for the math OP.. I am too lazy to sit down and do it myself
    If they really want to make an improvement..make us a server for those of us that pay subs with NO cash shop..That would be a win!..oh and put Battlegrounds back in!
    Shaidin likes this.
  20. Whitewine New Member

    Grouping is just as painful as questing for experience. Its just not an enjoyable experience to play for 5 hours with maybe 2 levels with a 100% experience pot in a full group. The reward isn't there.