Frostfell Bugs and Feedback 2013

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Kaitheel, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Two requests/suggestions: can we PLEASE make the summon pet scribe things (Snowmen, gummy things, etc.) Heirloom/No-Trade instead of Heirloom/No-Value? At least that way, those of us with 80 gajillion leftovers (/raises paw) can Vendor them? I literally have about 40 leftover Snowmen pet scrolls from years past (per server, and only 9 characters max/server), and I'd rather Vendor them than have to Destroy them. Or at least, make the summoned pets able to be turned into House Item plushies to have some place to put them. I would've put this in the Frostfell Wishlist, but saw it was still the same way now in the new zone, and was hoping it could get fixed once and for all... :-/

    And can the Frostfell tree that Santa Glug is by be made big enough to shade the snowy/ice island area he's in now? Even with the Personal Torch turned off, it's literally risking snow blindness being in that zone, by Santa Glug, during its "day" hours. I miss the big uber-tree he used to be near; at least the good, solid dark contrast helped to save the eyes. :-/

  2. Finora Well-Known Member

    Oh please don't make them no trade. Remove the no value but please leave them tradable between alts (heck I'd be even more pleased if the heirloom were removed so I can trade them among accounts.)
    Cyliena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That's what Heirloom is, tradeable between alts. I don't know how/if No-Trade would affect that if combined with Heirloom (if that's possible), I just want the No-Value tag taken off. I know the Powers will have hives if we ask they be made Brokerable; all I'm saying is, let them be passed around the alts and able to be sold to vendors. ;->

    who really doesn't like having to Destroy anything, as can be told by the state of his House Vault, Bank Boxes, multiple alts' multiple houses... ;->
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    It's weird...Feedback re: the critters we have to fight and kill in order to celebrate a season of peace and gift-giving: they may be "easy fights" once they're "spawned," but the sheer fact that you can't target them at all until they jump you (and they can see through Stealth and Invisibility) when you get close enough is pinging my can't hit them with spells, you can't hit them with arrows or thrown weapons, you can't set your pets after them from a distance at all and get in the first shot. If you're in a group, then your Scout can go invis once the opponent "spawns," but if we run across things like these of higher level and difficulty in EQ3, basically it will be impossible to truly solo with anything that doesn't clank around in Plate ("The wonderful new AI will make it so you have no clue who an enemy is!!1!!! Leet!1!"), and the mercs aren't that reliable, frankly. If this is an indication of what will be in EQ3, count me out.

    one of the few, last, proud, red-hot true soloers
  5. Deaby Member

    I like it when it was a little dark made it so much easier to see
    Karrane and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  6. Smallcorners Well-Known Member


    No Trade will cancel out Heirloom, so the request should be to just take off the No Value tag.
    Turn off BLOOM in order to see better is really bright zones.
    EQ2 has had quest spawn on location mobs since day one. They should be equal level to you and solo encounters.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Finora Well-Known Member

    You can easily target the quest mobs before they become killable. You can't hit them with a spell until they are active, but they can certainly be targeted so you are ready when they become attackable. Then you can shoot/stun/backstab/nuke/let your pet do the work to your heart's content. For the ones where a second mob spawns after the first activates, just keep attacking the first & retarget to the second after the first one dies (or most likely it'll self target itself because hit hits you).

    The only part I've found the least bit difficult was when someone else who was apparently the same level spawned a second Jarok & Frostbite & I kept targeting the wrong ones with my coercer.

    Mobs spawning when you reach a certain point in a quest has been in game for years and years. Makes me think of the mobs for the original lvl 20 armor quests present when EQ2 released. You really COULDN'T target those before they attacked. Shadowdash and Ott Stompgut would just spawn when you got to a specific area & stomp you if you weren't ready for them (not so much these days, but back then they were tough).

    Having these particular mobs spawn like this is a way for the developers to have mobs that are level appropriate for everyone doing these quests without having to create a special instance for the mobs.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Deaby Member

    The house in snowy dwelling is so nice I love the slight snow fall...
    Avahlynn and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Finora Well-Known Member

    Completely an aside from bugs, but I would totally pay for a Humbug petamorph wand. I was just using one as my Coercer's pet and I'd like one for keeps =)
    Skeezie and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hnh! Like what they have for the shadow critters for the channeler questline (which I haven't remotely bothered with, other than to try to avoid having my poor newbs slaughtered by them)? I hadn't thought of it that way; it just threw me off to have to fight many triggered opponents in order to celebrate Frostfell (even the ones in McScroogle's Future maze were red-outlined), without much of a choice in the matter...I mean, if I wanted to ignore the Icy Keep dragon questline and just do everything else Frostfell, that was possible in the past. This is annoying, distracting, and takes too much time, imho. ;-/

  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Looking back on it, I don't remember having to go through the level 20 armor bit at all (even though my oldest characters, all the first 7 ones on Crushbone and Test, anyway, started on the initial Island), but I may have been twinked by guildies and not needed to (it's been awhile). I do know that I really, really hate encounters where I don't have at least some choice of having some control in the matter from the get-go. And seriously, I need to know which critters are hostile, right off the bat (if I have to talk to everything on the planet in EQ3 before I can find out if it'll give me a quest or bite me in half, I don't think I'll be participating); part of my having some control means I know when to walk away and hope they don't notice me (one reason why I really hated the channeler critters in the lowbie areas, especially where they couldn't be avoided [you can at least see them at a distance in The Commonlands and avoid them if you're not a young Channeler]). ;->

    So, that's my 2 cp on the encounters in the new Frostfell Village questline and zone; I now return you to the rest of the thread in progress. ;->

  12. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    In Gnip Gnopp's Gizmo Shop there is no sound effect when you kick the boards off the door. Can't recall if there was last year, so it may or may not be a bug.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Dreadza New Member

    The new Frostfell is absolutely amazing, kudos. Only fault I found, the number of "presents" to harvest. There were only four of us competing for them and they just did not respawn fast enough or in enough places. No one, including myself, was going after the presents on the ice. Took too long to finally stop sliding and be close enough to the presents to harvest them, just was not worth it. Love the abundance of trees and "hilly" type land. Just love it all.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Kaitheel like this.
  14. Alenna Well-Known Member

    i really need to get on test to look at this.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Deaby like this.
  15. Kaitheel Developer

    That'll get changed! Thank you.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Kaitheel Developer

    There's quite a bit of work being posted here, and from the in game reports, too. I've got myself a busy day ahead!

    ~ Kaitheel
  17. SgtPmpkn Well-Known Member

    May your work be fruitful, and your cup full of coffee. Goodluck sir.
  18. poldira New Member

    Something I was noticing running Deepice Mystery was once I spawned Frostbite, there were several that also spawned (non-killable) if there were many people on the same island at the time. It made it difficult to target and a little confusing when they crossed my path during combat. After the battle was over, he didn't spawn to talk with him again for a bit (I ran to other islands looking for him).
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Deaby Member

    agree with the presents on the ice you would have to try and run backwards or if flying hope to land just so. I found that it took forever to harvest a few certain items. Like brandywine .. I would just harvest as I was going from one ice island to another..
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Kaitheel Developer

    And here's what was accomplished today:
    • Frostfell Fanatic! - Frostfell Decoration Committee now advances the achievement as intended.
    • Crafted scarves and cloaks now have a maker's mark.
    • Frostfell decorations that were conflicting with the world globe, at the Thurgadin Docks in Great Divide, have been moved.
    • The number of Frostfell harvestables in Frostfell Wonderland Village has been increased.
    • The sparkling sack of coal has been removed from Mr. McScroogle's Boudoir.
    • A Deepice Mystery - Quest now offers "Frost Fae Drake Plushie" as an additional reward choice.
    • Frostfell Candy Grab: Commonlands - Collecting candies now has sound support.
    • Frostfell Candy Grab: Antonica - Candy Grab scoreboard now only lists the competitor's highest score.
    • Santa Glug's Frostfell tree within the Frostfell Wonderland Village is a bit bigger.
    • The three key recipes now have the proper holiday events being triggered, allowing you to counter them.
    There was also another change that should be heading to Test soon, too:
    • Purple Adornments are now level 92. (So they'll work on frostfell armor!)
    As usual, I am not sure when these changes will be on the Test server, but they should be included in the update notes when they are.

    ~ Kaitheel
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