Freeport’s Fantastic Rumor Mill

Discussion in 'Guide Events' started by ARCHIVED-Naylie-DelANews, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, I tries to make sure they can at least understands all of the languages.. but they just has horrible pronounciations........
  2. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, Qeynos is getting ready to changes.
    And of course such a thing can't goes unnoticed, so this weekend there will likely bes a few mugs raised and so forth. However, to gets ready for this, them Dwarfies is working to make sure they has enough supplies.
    So, anyone in the Antonica area this evening (7/19), at around 5 PM PST should looks somewhere near the South gates for a dwarf lookings for some supply help. He may has a few drinks around for the peoples who helps him as well as some other treats.
  3. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Karilee wrote:
    Thank You!
    Did this on out newest druid. Gawd is was so easy. Though not an Iksar Ship in a Bottle it surely looks like a reasonable facsimile. Going to run the rest of the crew through before it too vanishes.
    There was a swinging net house item from another docks, in Moors of Ykesha that I must do to go with this one.

    Was on our newest druid, in Greater Faydark, towards the evening. Know what I heard? Crickets!
    Further continued to think how there are in-game froggies that do their froggy noises, but them crickets sounds outside in Kelethin sounded more soothing.

    Had hoped that a Guide could perhaps design a 'cricket in a cage' with an event to gather items, perhaps even fabricate a level 1 crafting cage (would get some players over the initial crafting hump). Then the guide with a wood pail full of lucky crickets could poke one inside. The quest would complete with a unique house item that made cricket sounds. And since the game already had cricket sounds this should be even easier for a developer to fabricate.

    Then there would be a lot of homeless froggies 'cause everyone would have Lucky Cricket in a Cage!

    What says Boss Mouse?
  4. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Squeecha wrote:
    Missed it, rats!

    Wondering if should move new druid to Qeynos before the overhaul, or wait. Not overly fond of the acorn wall & floor colors. Is the housing changing any? Will the Tunarian Alliance quests still be made available to other elfin creatures??
  5. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, as I mentioned, there should be a few other odds and ends goings on today.
    At various and sundry points, a Dwarf may be found wandering the regions of Qeynos looking for others who are also skilled in hunting down a good drink.
    And at 10 AM PST this morning (7/22) he'll be having a bit of a drinking contest in Qeynos Harbor.
  6. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    We are mostly lizards, we don't do mornings like you mouse-peoples.

    Anything good happening? It is MONDAY! Mon day... hmm...
    We going to go around saying, "Hey Mon, what be happening today mon?" /ducks
  7. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, the early Ratonga catches the cheese.. and doesn't get caught by kitties.
    but apparantly most folkses was lizards yesterday since the Dwarfie told me that nobody seemed interested in any drinkings until the afternoon.
    So, he's going to tries again this evening. Stop by Qeynos Harbor at 5 PM this evening and get in on his little session of evaluating beverages.
  8. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Boy, oh boy, I take a LITTLE time off and i miss the drinking.....drat. And I wanted to eran a Tumpy Tonic for my museum, too.....
  9. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    We getting guides in the evenings for the Tinkerfest Guide quests this week too?
    This is the only one I miss, from years ago on Antonia Bayle. Had thought was a normal quest though...
    A Tinkerer's Clockwork Catalog

    But to be fair also saw, The Tome of Tinkering. Not see this one before...
  10. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    Well, some of us has been out already doin these since Tinkerfest started yesterday..

    But.. tomorrow at 5 PM Pacific time, some of the SOE folkses will be having their meet and greet in the Community Lounge on Freeport, and some of us wills be there too with toyses, shinies, snackses, and maybe a few odds and ends like that as well...
    .. for those who show up at least.
  11. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    I wills give one hint though...
    Don't always be looking for someone named "Guide". Tinkerfest IS a Gnomie holiday, so it may be some Gnome standing off on the side of things you'll want to talks to.
  12. ARCHIVED-Njorde Guest

    Only two days left and no guides seen. Must be my odd working days, have the evenings free.

    Freeport server.
  13. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    There have been several things happening in Steamfont and elsewhere, but I'm sorry you;ve missed them so far.

    Fortunately, I saw an announcement posted from the folkses at SOE that it's been extended through Sunday the 12th.
    So that gives you a bit longer to look around for strange Gnomes near the festival areas.
  14. ARCHIVED-Thornrose Guest

    On August 8th around 2:30PT Come to New Halas's Festival site and be on the lookout for a researcher excited about compiling a book of historic tinkering recipes.
    Around 4PM PT head to Steamfont. There may be someone there who believes nothing is more important than a good explosion! Whether you agree or not, perhaps you can help him out!
    And at 5PM PT, one of those pesky gnomes should be in the Greater Faydark, looking for some help testing his newest invention.
    Be aware of two things, one all times are Pacific time zone, AND two though we do our best, sometimes that demon Real LifeTM can lay waste the best laid plans in Norrath.
  15. ARCHIVED-Thornrose Guest

    August 8, 2012
    Head to Darklight Woods and help out that henpecked Arasai around 6PM PT
    August 9, 2012
    A foolish halfling may be running around Nektulous Forest looking for help again around 6PM PT
    August 11, 2012
    Planning a romantic feast for two... but oops... what if you forget something kind of important? Your help will be needed to save the day in the Greater Faydark, at 4PM PT.
    Got a knack for lyrics? A young musician will be looking for some help in Butcherblock around 8PM PT. And trust me he really needs the help...
    August 12, 2012
    Ever find yourself unable to leave your pie dough? A halfling in the Greater Faydark will find herself in that position needing a bit of help around 6 PM PT
    Be aware of two things, one all times are Pacific time zone, AND two though we do our best, sometimes that demon Real LifeTM can lay waste the best laid plans in Norrath.
  16. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    THREE CHEERS For Guide Thornrose!!!
  17. ARCHIVED-Squeecha Guest

    While I agrees with the cheers for her, I should be fair and mention that although she, or I in some cases, may be posting them it doesn't mean that's who is doing these.
    There's a slew of other folkses runnings things too.. just not as visible (or pinkish/purple) as Thornrose.
  18. ARCHIVED-Thornrose Guest

    Really Boss Mouse? You have to be *that* fair??
    /fit of giggles
  19. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Squeecha wrote:
    Did meet an apprentice last evening on Thurgadin docks. Role played with him a while. He tried offering a once-bitten cheese collectible - since already had one I refused it. Later he teased my character with two flower collectible links but that was it, he was teasing!
    He made a campfire to keep warm and I felt I was taking up his time so bid him a fair ado and departed. Is fun when Guides can role play, but why do they always offer once-bitten cheesey poofs of the Boss Mouse? Oh yes, he mentioned that sneaky ratonga of being the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

    Least this one knew Koada'Dal.

    (Squeecha's got huge, sharp, pointy teeth; can leap about Norrath. Don't say I didn't warn you, but will you listen? Oh, she's just a harmless little ratonga, isn't she?)
  20. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Thornrose wrote:
    Sadly RL got me on this one. By the time I got home was after 3PM, logged in at 3:30 - wireless issues.

    The other item that I wanted was The Tome of Tinkering & missed the quest again. I keep asking for the 'catalog' for some reason, instead of 'tome'. Did get set up with the catalog quest, for that I thank you Senior Guide Squeecha.

    Did get to a quest over at Steamfont Mountains. Upon finding the quest giver was hit with a white wall of text. The photo is more of a funny (GAH!) but was what I saw. /grins

    Some day hope to acquire the tome.