Fiery Blast

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Zypherous, May 18, 2013.

  1. Zypherous New Member

    Does anyone know how it is calculated exactly? I've searched around but couldn't find the math for it. Wanted to know what % is stored and single target vs aoe damage. Any help would be appreciated thanks
  2. Wuzzy New Member

    FieryBlast "record" all ur Direct Damage for 10 secs and return 35 % of that as a single hit when it expires. Only exception is Manaburn where u only get 25 % returned. Dont bother casting DOTs b4 launching FB, they wont be added to the "record"
    Needless to say u can get a much harder hit from and aoefight than u can from a singletarget. Imagine how powerfull ie Firestorm is with 10 adds if u have FieryBlast "ticking" on the named.
  3. Zypherous New Member

    Thanks! One last question, is there any point to timing time warp with fiery blast? Does it do anything for it at all?
  4. Wuzzy New Member

    Absolutely! it wont affect FB in itself, but timing with TW is everything. Say.. u get messege: TW in 5 secs. That should give u time to cast any given "regular" spell, like Ball of fire or Flames of Velious, then prime FB with Freehand and without wasting precious seconds during TW, be halfway or more into ur (slooow)cast of ie Fusion when TW actually proc. that way u will have a garanteed dbl cast on Fusion and any other given spell u can cast during the 5secs TW is up,That includes instacast Eci if u have enough increments, instacast Blast of deva+ w/e u choose to hit during ur FB rotation-- so TW+FB=Loads of dmg. Biggest challenge is to get ur illy to hold TW back. TW has a 10sec faster kooldown than FB, but its worth training him to do it imho. i could be wrong tho. dont forget that all casters benefits from TW. i e- ticks on a DoT cast during TW will continue to dblhit during full cycle even if TW isnt active anymore. A dot with 2 weeks duration will dbltick for two weeks regardless TW only last for 5secs.