[Female Avatars] How did we go from . . .

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-LordFyre, May 29, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    Ratonga don't even have underwear!
  2. ARCHIVED-Polywogus Guest

    Robes in EQ2 have always annoyed me. They're understandably boring in the beginning. But when I see a 70 running about w/ the same robe (altho w/ a different skin)...I never say 'Wow, where can I get that??"

    I go back to EQLive last week for a few screenies & am suddenly loving my Nec's robe, when prior to leaving I was FD'ing (har) for a replacement. Finding another robe in my bag (lesser stats), I throw it on, & there's a very obvious difference. Colour, obviously, but the cut, pattern, & coverage have all changed.

    I would prefer to enjoy how my avatar looks *and* having it grant me +4000 hp/mana/end too. (oops, nvm the endurance, see what too many years of eq does?). Wanting more looks, for all armour, doesn't mean taking away the ultra stuffy matron look & replacing it w/ something akin to pornography.

    *edited for formatting [curse, expletive, swear]*
  3. ARCHIVED-hansomepete Guest

    [p]careful what you wish for, they might just give us more NPC clothes to wear but in diffrent colors... :p[/p][p]There are two but you need status to get them the formal wear has that sexy look, no mit but dam sexy. I don't ask for much just take the leggings out of the robes to show leg like the NPC clothing, and maybe give the chick plate a choice to show a mid drift and possibly the leg plate to show some leg. i have a guild wars char that is good looking and it's something you could go out and fight in.[/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    [p] That's what I'd like to see. No, I do not want my tank to run into battle with a bikini or anything, but I also don't want every inch of my body covered constantly by armor that all looks the same.. I want to see a good mix, different choices, just more. I hope we see that someday.[/p][p](Especially when it comes to my casters. I mean, they're sure as heck not wearing their robes for protection against swords or anything like that. Let's see some creative styles! Head to toe robes and those weird pants.. all the time.. ugh..)[/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Image_Vain Guest

    I, have complete faith in the DEV team, I believe right now they're sweating and pulling 19 hour days to revamp the armor, yes SOE will Update the game and when we log in our characters will look like abunch of badasses
  6. ARCHIVED-Novusod Guest

    When have you ever seen a wizard? Last I checked they don't exist and never did. Maybe they all just like to take a lot of baths and don't have time for real clothes or maybe they just want to hide that they have no belly buttons.
  7. ARCHIVED-Cersiana Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]I'm tired of hearing that eq2 armor is realstic. Its not... At all.. Monks tank in scraps of cloth and helms protect you even if you can't see them. Not to mention but I'm sure you wouldn't walk through a desert luggin round mass amounts of plate armor.. And heck you wouldn't go even near a volcano in the first place, much less in silk or plate which would melt or something =p. This is a fantasy game there can be a little bit of fantasy in it![/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Now no, I'm not askin for chain mail bikinis or nearly nothing in the way or cloth armor. But my "evil" enchantress looks more like a court jester in bright yellow than well... an evil enchantress. ((I like the conju white/gold combo of the exact same model mind you just the yellow/black is very unappealing.. specially for an evil race...)) So if a monk can tank with nothing.. And I'm not supposta get hit at all.. Why can they get cool looking armor and I have to look like I'm layered up for winter in the robes or well.. W/e you wanna say the class sets look like. [/face][/p][p][face="Comic Sans MS"]I have respect for the art team building models that look nice and don't take up tons of memory isn't an easy job. I just wanna see a little more thought go into this "realisim" arguement. And maybe something a little more magey for my mages! Btw my ranger loves her fabled class set I think it looks great. I just thing the fabled set for Coercers is well.... a bit silly for what they are.[/face][/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Maybe... You could be on to something there. Maybe their robes hide the fact that shhh they really are wearing some kind of armor. And sure wizards exist... just as much as minotaurs, centaurs, and any other taurs you can come up with. Stating "When have you ever seen a wizard? Last I checked they don't exist and never did" would suggest that the whole point of the game is lost on you. Then again, I've never seen you so maybe you don't exist. SOE just needs to get on the stick. Give us a time table. They've been on this for a year now (at least) and pardon me if I'm a little impatient. I'm tired of my characters looking like they can't dress themselves, have no style, and can't be more than clones of every other character I see.
  9. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    Cersiana@Lucan DLere wrote:
    None of that has anything to do with whether or not the armors in the game are realistic in an artistic sense. The armors look quite a bit like their real world counterparts, but with a bit of artistic license. Some people just want the artists to have more license and less accuracy than others. None of that has anything to do with deserts or volcanoes.
  10. ARCHIVED-selch Guest

    Cersiana@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Hey there, we tank by dodging... not getting hit , beside you can see our helm kilometers away :p
  11. ARCHIVED-Cersiana Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Arrex - Its goes back to the armor being realstic to the area/times ect. It's a very very old arguement. I think I've been around too long, And just stating the fact that guess what... Its a fantasy game =/[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]And as for monks. I love your hats lol. They look awesome. Its just the fact your tanking in so little but mages are not supposta get hit at all.[/face][/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    Cersiana@Lucan DLere wrote:
    You'll have to come up with a more compelling argument than that. It's a fantasy game, but a large part of it is based on the real world we are quite familiar with. Gravity works, there is magnetic north, the sun rises in the east, world is a sphere, etc. There is fantasy, but it's seems the devs Dropped a whole lot of reality in your fantasy. It's a tired, trite, and IMO hollow argument to whip out "it's fantasy".
  13. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Arrex@Kithicor wrote:
    And that isn't a compelling argument either... Norrath is a planet, its very likely large enough to have gravity to have an atmosphere. If it has gravity it probably has a magnetic field thus compass directions. Call North, North is just a convention so people would understand. The sun rising in the East as well. Stating that "the devs Drooped a whole lot of reality in your fantasy" is as trite, tired, and hollow as your "realism". If you want realism try reality. There is a difference between immersive (not sure there is a word immersive but should be) fantasy and whatever you're talking about. The realism you are latching onto is all there to give us our bearings and allow us to interact with the fantasy elements.
  14. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    I don't need a compelling argument, because I don't want to change anyone's opinions. I like the status quo, I am not trying to enact change. Norrath didn't have to be a planet. It could have been flat, or on the back of a turtle, but it's not. They made it operate exactly like a planet in real life. The sun could have rose in the west and set in the east, but it doesn't. The theme for EQ2 could have been high fantasy, but it's not. I'm not saying you don't have the right to ask for what you want, but I am saying that you should have a better position than "it's fantasy" like that's some kind of "Get out of a Debate" card. Realism and Fantasy are at opposites end of a slider, and the game wouldn't work if it was too far at either end. Saying "it's fantasy" is pointless and accomplishes nothing. If I wanted to belabor the point I could always reply with "it's realistic", but what would that accomplish?
  15. ARCHIVED-Xevik Guest

    Arrex@Kithicor wrote:
    If you are going to take a stance opposing what is being asked for, then you do need to have a compelling argument for it...if you don't have an argument, then what is the point in saying anything at all? And anyway, yes the world behaves somewhat realistically in some senses, but at the same time it is very different. Look at Kingdom of Sky for example...I don't recall ever seeing islands floating in the sky anywhere on earth....is that behavior that operates exactly like a real planet? Not to mention that the world is filled with magic, which doesn't exist in the real world...and it is filled with elves, orcs, fairies and lizard people...that isn't like the real world. The point is, the game is a fantasy game, not a realism game. Think of it is a fantasy world that is somewhat grounded in reality, but make no mistake, the game is all about fantasy, and as such, should be filled with sights and objects that cannot exist in the real world. If we wanted reality, well, we have reality. Saying it is fantasy isn't a "get out of debate" card as you say, but rather it is calling the game what it is...fantasy. That is indisputible. That being said, I do think that the devs try to make content that is believable to some degree. At least in the sense that stuff you see in the game is stuff you could imagine seeing in the real world if the real world allowed for such things. I think it is very possible for them to make content and armor that looks imaginitive and magical while still being believable and somewhat realistic.
  16. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    And it is a fantasy game already, so calling it fantasy in and of itself doesn't really change anything. Even if they never come out with a revealing bit of armor, it's still a fantasy game. It being fantasy does not really have any bearing on the debate. There is fantasy in the game, everyone knows that, but that doesn't require the changes being requested, so it really doesn't have anything to do with the discussion at hand. It has been and will remain a fantasy game regardless of whether or not anything is changed.
  17. ARCHIVED-Cersiana Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Lol, this has gotten silly. I don't even want what you'd consider normal fantasy attire. (Girls running around 90% naked ugh) I just think that it would be nice if we had more opitions for well, not looking like we have on bath robes? All of this post is personal opinion. I don't are to change anyone elses veiws. And personally I'm prolly not gonna care if you like my arguement or not. The robes we have now look good... They looked good back when the game came out... But I have played this game since decemeber after it came out and I just want a new model. Something a bit more fantasy to fit the realms. I don't want a full revamp and would ratehr like to keep the current robes (my warlock arasi looks adorable in her oracle robe =p) I just want more choices for robe wearers that doesn't transist over to being a vest.[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]You guys don't get all up tight cause someone wants a bit more of a fantasy realm in her fantasy wear! I have an eyeball on my hat! Why can't I have a cute dress with eyeballs on it to go with it ! Lol geeze silly ppl ~ <3[/face][/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-selch Guest

    [p]That's not argument at all.[/p][p]You could simply add a post to yet another billion topics opened with very same subject since start of the game.[/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    This debate really has nothing to do with EQ, or even MMOs, it's a very common debate in the fantasy genre. RPGs, literature, games, anywhere people gather to discuss something fantasy related will probably address this debate at some point (likely ad nauseam). I don't necessarily even disagree with your opinion, but it's gets old and tiresome to see someone say "it's fantasy" like it's some kind of debate trump card. I suppose the basis of the debate could be extended to scifi as well. For someone that has been playing D&D for nearly 30 years, and playing computer RPGs since the Commodore 64 era I just get a little irritated at seeing people say "it's fantasy" like it was an end to the debate. [size="xx-small"]This board SO needs a preview post option![/size]
  20. ARCHIVED-Cersiana Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]I've been playing D&D and other such games for years myself. And I think the point its a fantasy is a good reason to have lotsa thing. Flying carpets, dragons, and alkidna races. Why can't it be a good arguement for wanting a different look to clothes. [/face][/p][p][face="Comic Sans MS"]And which ever dev made my eyeball hat... I've grown to love it and its ability to freak ppl out <3's for you![/face] It grows on you ^_^[/p]