Fan Faire 2005

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Khuzad, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Khuzad Guest

    Here is some information about the 2005 Fan Faire in Las Vegas...

    "We are planning to have the Fan Faire June 9th through the 12th at the Hilton in Las Vegas. The contract is still being finalized so this may not be the Final Final date but it is looking good.

    See you there.

    Brenlo Bixiebopper
    Community Relations Manager"

    The info is from the EQLive Boards and can be found in this thread...

    I hope to see people from all the EQ games there...

  2. ARCHIVED-Zeb Guest

    I hope to see people from all the EQ games there too. I bet it will be a fun time.
  3. ARCHIVED-Adal Guest

    Do we get to dress in costume? I so I will be there!
  4. ARCHIVED-Zeb Guest

    Of course...wear a costume. I think a lot of people are going to dress like humans.
  5. ARCHIVED-Nolrog Guest

    See, that's why humans shouldn't be in the game. That would force everyone to work on their costume a bit harder.
  6. ARCHIVED-Vindicis Guest

    Thanks for the notice!
  7. ARCHIVED-Dranzya Guest

    Glad they finally got the thread going! Fan Faire is a definite experience to live!!
  8. ARCHIVED-Dranzya Guest

    But how will they adjust to the different server tables? I know some EQ 1 players play 2, but as it stands that is a lot of tables. the NO Fan Faire didn't have near enough space to seat our servers, I had a seat at my server table, went to get a drink and was ousted. I had to go sit in the back of the room. :( oh goes on!!
  9. ARCHIVED-Starrla Guest

    I hope you post the dates for sure soon.
    My work schedule is coming out in the next week to fill in the days we want to work and with it being summer and high demand for vacations, I need to ask for it off early.
    Hurry!! please :)
  10. ARCHIVED-CrymsonAnClover Guest

    I hope the dates are moved sooner. Vegas in June just sounds too hot for my cold blood. Mid to upper 80s in the middle of the day? Guess I'll be only enjoying the nite life!
  11. ARCHIVED-Clandor Guest

    Won't be quite the same without GM Vannoth there, but you know, you can't make fun of Brenlo and screw up the sponsors names while the sponsors are sitting in the audience and expect to maintain your position.
  12. ARCHIVED-Ericman0 Guest

    Sweetness I would love to go!! I should start looking into some hot pink robes!
  13. ARCHIVED-Vates_Sacer Guest

    OOOOOO YEPPIE. I come back, along with the rest of my military buddies from our deployment around that date, but it would be wise to put it off till that next weekend, no one ever seemed to showup when they where early in the month, best to do in the middle, that way they have time in the month to take care of business, then have plenty of time to pick up and finish business at the end of the month after the fun :) Just my 2 cp's though.
  14. ARCHIVED-Goranom Guest

    Im going and im gonna look like my hairy dwarf character. I just hope I can grow a beard in time...

    Good .... Im coming >:D , Some people I NEED to meet Face to Face

    *Cracking Knuckles*
  16. ARCHIVED-Ornotank Guest

    I was just wonderin is there a age requirement to attend , I've been asked several times and wanted to know... thanks
  17. ARCHIVED-Yaskel Guest

    So is there gonna be a fan faire in England?
    After that ill gotten venture that never happened in France, you would have a lot more success.......
  18. ARCHIVED-CH-merchant Guest

    CAn we get an update to confirm this? Hate to buy airline tickets on a whim.
  19. ARCHIVED-Drackore Guest

    Trust me, GM Vannoth made these events worthwhile. When SoE let him go after the New Orleans Fan Faire...the outcry was heard around the world.

    I'll be curious to hear about this new one. If yer gonna go, by all means provide feedback (prolly not on these'll get deleted). ;)
  20. ARCHIVED-Berek-Halfhand Guest

    I'm defiantely going to be going. This will be the first time that I have met any of the community and I'm looking forward to meet you all!