Familiars -- Where have you found them?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Sigrdrifa, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I finally gave in and started a page on Familiars on the wiki.

    I'd like to get feedback from folks who have gotten familiars as drops from mobs (which familiar? what zone? which mobs?) and from Kunark Ascending PQs (which familiar? which PQ?).

    Through mining these forums and Google, I've at least got basic "where to obtain" data on every familiar except Sezaid, Skyrider, but I'd like to have as much info as possible for the folks who are hunting specific familiars.
    santargria, Hexalobular and Shmogre like this.
  2. Scrappyz Well-Known Member

    Isn't it just straight RNG? I've gotten numerous familiars from PQs, solos, and heroics and got nothing but vendor trash whereas others in guild have gotten them from the same places and got multiple fableds
  3. Kokorobosoi Active Member

    I have gotten a dark drake from the drake of the groves in OF.
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  4. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  5. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    The ones that drop from overland mobs seem to be of a fixed type depending on the mob type, judging from the posts in this thread and others. Though Leafhoppers from Vespids and Drakes from Drakes are the only examples I've seen.
  6. Ryuken Active Member

    Guildies got some fabled familiars (Hordemother Vespid among others) from Public Quests, the Jarsath Wastes one for example.

    Got a regular familiar cage from that PQ, and the Darkroot Tender from that Proving Grounds quest.

    Have yet to purchase one via shop.
  7. Carynn Well-Known Member

    I got two leafhoppers from the grasshoppers in Thalumbra. I don't know what they're called off the top of my head. I also got one via drop from the OF PQ.
  8. FracasKrusher Active Member

    Are the dropped familiars body loot, small chest, big chest, etc?

    Do mobs have to be green or is gray ok?
  9. Wizx13 Member

    Every Familiar I have gotten is from OF PQ.
    my count is 2 fabled (1 bought with tokens), 1 legendary, and 5 treasured.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    I've gotten the thalumbra leafhopper on several characters off of fire beetles in Antonica. Any fire beetle seems to do, as I've seen them from the mites in the fields near N. Qeynos, higher level ones out between the Sayer's and the claymore, and the higher ones over towards the islands with zombies. The drop rate seems pretty slow. At least it took me a while to get it on anyone.

    My main got a thalumbra leafhopper from completing the weekly overland kill in Obulous.

    The only place I personally have gotten the shadow drake was in Darklight Wood from the drakes there. If you are near the level of those drakes (even mentored) it seems to drop every time. If you are not, well I killed them for at least an hour and got no drops before I brought in an alt on another account to mentor.