Fabled Wastestalker Earring

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Holbeck, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Holbeck Member

    I could have posted this in the Items/Equipment forum but I wanted views from priests.


    I'm not sure I understand the description on this.

    "When this effect reaches 5 increments, it will daze the wearer and grant 82.5% potency to heals and wards for 15 seconds."

    I'm assuming that is a good thing? I wasn't sure about the 'daze the wearer' bit...
  2. Koko Well-Known Member

    A character using the earring is essentially 'permanently dazed' (forgoes auto attacks) in exchange for an 82.5% increase for heals/wards.

    Could be good, could be bad. Depends on what is desired.
  3. Elumina New Member

    Right, it just means you can't auto attack and it is the same as the Gullible Ear Spike earring from Bolgin. I tend to save it for raids when I'm probably not going to be in melee range anyway and not so worried about contributing to damage done.
  4. Torri Active Member

    Daze means you cannot auto-attack. So you wind up not auto attacking for 15 seconds while your heals have 82.5% more potency. It's up to you to decide if that is a worthwhile tradeoff for your class and playstyle
  5. Holbeck Member

    Thanks, that explains it for me. Not too bad for a templar trying to keep someone alive then.
  6. Kari Well-Known Member

    I used the ear spike from Bolgin when I was first gearing up my defiler in tov. The bonus to heals and wards was enough to compensate for the loss of autoattack that procs an AA ward.

    However I had to stop using it as I accumulated more jewelry that procs potency and other bonuses on melee attack, because at that point the bonus didn't compensate for the other bonuses I was losing. I am hanging onto it as an option because each new piece of gear is causing me to re-evaluate and possibly swap out what I use.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I found this proc to be totally crippling on my warden. Even just keeping the group HoT rolling requires casting a heal every 8 sec which left me effectively permanently dazed.. losing a bunch of dps.. and also a fair amount of heal procs that proc off melee hits.
    I end up with another, I'll probably try it on my defiler or inquisitor who can keep group stuff up (on easy fights) without having to cast every 8 seconds. It might be useful on shaman and/or clerics (and perhaps channeler) but, in my experience, it is worse then worthless on a warden.
  8. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    I still use the earspike which is sad due to the absolute lack of healer specific proc pieces (unless of course you want dps items in which case you must try and outbid or outroll all classes including tanks for it). Regardless earspike and the upgraded ear are decent returns for 15 sec no autoattacks, least for me.
  9. Racki New Member

    Use it on my Templar ... I can see using it on a Defiler (I dont have one but from what I understand of the class I can see its value)

    As far as my Warden / Fury / Inq and Mystic .. I wont touch it. The gains just dont out weigh the losses for me. Take this from a non-raiding view point though. 6-mans just dont require that extra pot so its no value to me. If I was raiding, I'd prob keep one in my bags for those fights where I felt I needed more HPS output or I could'ent melee for prolonged periods.

    I actually think its a great item as far as tradeoffs go though. I wish more items in the game forced you to make choices when wearing them in the same way this one does.
  10. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Shoot I'd just be happy with few more healer specific items. The few in game raid and otherwise for this xpac is kinda weaksauce tbh.