EQ2 Video Tours Requests (Houses, Guild Halls, Dungeons)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Ocarinah, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    This was on Facebook?? :confused:

    Good lord, Zuckerberg... X-P

    Geroblue likes this.
  2. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Yup, told me it was fake. This was back when you could provide text as part of a challenge. I typed in how it was used. An actual person replied, apologized, and took the ban off of me.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    Updated video list:

    Ladoga Guild Hall Decorated by SIrin
    A Miracle of Rare Device Decorated by Leucosia
    Azkaban Decorated by Shanette
    Water, Lava and BOOM-to-be Decorated by Spiritmaker AKA Uwkete
    Build-a-Bot Workshop Decorated by Shanette
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    BAN?! :eek::mad:

    Geroblue likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Cool! :D Looking forward to 'em! :)

    Lunarosa likes this.
  6. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I think it was for a week or a month. My opinion is those fact checkers know nothing about reality.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, cheer up; nowadays they're probably gonna use AI. ;->

    Geroblue likes this.
  8. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    I don't think I have ever seen anyone use a T4 guild hall like this O.O I was amazed!
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Nope, that pink elephant represents things you're gonna see only when you're really, really drunk out of your gourd, so: Brewday. ;->

    Really, it's a very old trope; if you watch any of the ancient cartoons from like the 30s/40s/50s, they talk about it a lot. ;->

    According to Wikipedia: "Jack London was among the first to use the term, in 1913."

    Older than I thought... :D

    And yep, the "barriers" or "windows" at around 08:10 are Wispy Vampiric Mirrors; those, I recognize, since I use 'em a bit myself. :)

    The "wonderful lights" at around 10:35 or so look like those are the new ones; they could be Examined. :) I was wondering if Sirin had just REALLY built up everything to be able to "reach" the set decoration lights that come with the Hall! :D

    The Guild Hall Portal thingee at 12:27 could be for the "Guild Hall" Prestige House that was offered? Not sure. :-/

    The alcove around 15:50 might actually be part of the guild hall outside (and the bit you tried to Examine might be considered part of the waterfall item?), or it may be items making it up; not sure on that one, either. Beautiful effect, though! :D

    At about 18:20: do you recognize those darling li'l houses?! :D Those are SO CUTE! Where do they come from?! :D

    Lunarosa likes this.
  10. Zizinana Active Member

    Hello) thanks for the review.The door to the guild is a new personal home.
    After some time, I will definitely invite you there to visit, the house is 98% ready, but I need to wait for the fire festival, otherwise I don’t have enough necessary materials)

    I took the tier 4 ghee because I was afraid that I would use too many items to create a labyrinth) But I still have a lot of space left, so maybe someday I’ll make a couple more rooms in this gh))
    Lunarosa and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  11. Zizinana Active Member

    Yes, this is an element of the guild hall)

    Yes, this is a portal to a prestigious house

    This house can be taken in the event instance in the echo caverns
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    Omg, duh, I knew that XD Things like to slip right out of my brain when I'm recording lol

    I know I have seen them used before, but I don't know where they come from. They are adorable!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    This review reminded me, the tile in the water, about EQ's Forgotten Halls. Those halls would make a great prestige house. Or those pools with the tile would be a great add-on to Deep Retreat, or other prestige house with water features.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Lunarosa like this.
  14. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    Howdy everyone :D I'm sorry I haven't had a video out in a bit. I had the flu and then I was recovering from having the flu lol. I'm much better now. I finally got back over to test today and recorded "A Miracle of Rare Device ~ by Leucosia". I recorded it with my dad, The Intelligent Donkey and I should have it edited and uploaded in the next couple of days. I also hadn't realized that you had also mentioned the house you did Uwkete in this swap and I've added it to the video list. I had a blast touring this house and my dad (who actually new the poem) had a ton of fun pointing out all the similarities between the house and the poem.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Awesome!! :D

    Yeah, Leucosia did an AMAZING job, didn't she? I love it to this day! :D

    (Though I think I should shorten the message range for the "woman wailing for her demon-lover" [not sure I could change even that if it's Published]... ;->)

  16. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    Here it is! Finally finished! My dad and I had a blast finding all the parts of the poem within the house. This piece was very well done <3

    I need to apologize for the sound on the video. My dad was using his phone to record and it caused some echoing in parts of the video. I hope that it doesn't distract from the beautiful work Leucosia has done.

  17. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Lots of good settings !
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Darlin', thanks for the video, but it was the three Summer holidays! :D Oceansfull, Scorched Sky, and Tinkerfest! :D

    And Quellious is the deity of Peace; Xan's kind of a rebel that way. :)

    The line, "A damsel with a dulcimer" is a little confusing (my bad in my notes; sorry! :(), 'cause a) we don't actually have real dulcimers here in EQ2, sadly (I should fix that...there's a harp in the room I could use...), and b) the "woman wailing for her demon-lover" is the one with a musical instrument, rather than the one who looks like "an Abyssinian maid"...but I do think the icy lute thing fit better with the Ghost Actor. ;->

    who loves your dad; such a font of knowledge! :D But let him know that I only did "Xanadew" as a name 'cause "Xanadu" had already been taken (or maybe not; I like the idea that he thought I was even more of a scholar of the poem than I am)... ;->
  19. Lunarosa Well-Known Member

    I'm feeling better, plus a three day weekend, so that means more videos! I was finally able to tour Shanette's Azkaban build and it is incredible!

  20. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I like it, but I kept getting lost. Then you went outside.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Spextasy like this.