EQ2, Itemization, and You!

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Archonix, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rocksthemic Guest

    I would suggest you improve the Items in Mistmoore castle, especially from the group x 2 mobs and from some of the quest rewards in there, such as flowing cape of the dark lord. Also perhaps a few more quests involving that zone would be a great thing to have. In general... I always think that overland, contested, content should be better than instanced content, even if only by a small margin. With contested content you have to deal with everything that an MMO entails. With instanced content it's a set area where once you kill things, they stay dead (with a few exceptions) This increase in risk should lead to an increase in reward. Even if you don't make the items better than instanced content at least PLEASE make it comparable or as good as instanced content. This is a whole other diatribe and rant here... but you know when you go into a zone and you only see 14 people in here and say "wow, there's no one in this zone, this place must suck" Or you only see 14 in a zone, and go "man, looks like I might as well log off, I'm not gonna find a group with this few people" Only the thing you don't realize is that there are 3-4 groups (an addition 21-28 people) inside of an instance, hidden away where you are unable to interact with them in any way. Instancing isn't a bad thing in and of itself, and I'm in no way opposed to it, but at the moment, there is virtually NO reason to camp any contested overland camp. There are perhaps 4 or 5 peices of high end loot from heroic contested mobs that are comparable to something that drops in an instance. The only one I can even think of are the legs from castle mistmoore... but I'm sure there are a few others that are actually worth doing that I don't know about or are just forgetting. Please institute proper risk vs reward for all facets of the game... solo, heroic, and raiding, and you will find your playerbase much happier.
  2. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    Enrage@Venekor wrote:
    Couldn't agree more. I don't play on a PvP server so I won't comment on that, but the Berserker fabled set bonuses are absolute crap: (3) +100 hate to outrage... seriously, +100 hate to our single target taunt? That's pretty weak. Guardians and SKs both get +defense. While defense is easy to raise and I would much prefer +parry, it's a whole lot better then +100 to ONE taunt. If it was +100 to Taunting Defense like the Guardian's (5) set bonus, it might be worthwile. (5) Focus Demolish: reduces recast time of Demolish by 30 seconds This one is marginally useful since Demolish is one of our higher damage combat arts even though the stifle component doesn't work on epics. (7) +9% Double Attack You do realize that the majority of Berserkers these days are buckler spec and already have at least 76% double attack don't you? You do realize that if I get Illusionary arm from an Illusionist it put me at over 100% double attack making this bonus do absolutely nothing don't you? With that in mind +9% is a marginal increase at best since we double attack most of the time anyway. I suppose it would be useful for a 2h berserker, but I don't know a single raiding berserker that uses 2h. It might be nice for a lower bonus, but not for the (7) one. I'd much rather have the Guardian bonus of +4% mitigation and +15 defense to their defensive stance. If you want to focus on our offensive side maybe give us +damage to furious assault when in offensive stance or SOMEthing. Most of our set pieces themselves are decent, but I'd like to comment on a couple. First off +10 in combat regen on our pants? What were you smoking?? That does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for a raiding berserker, and very little for even a solo one. The pants themselves are good and a decent upgrade from the Labs set, but come on, that focus is a friggin joke. A more useful one would be Focus: Open Wounds decreases the recast of Open Wounds by 30 seconds or maybe ups the duration of Open Wounds. Maybe reduce the recast time, duration or hate on Insolent Gibe. Something definately needs to be done because that focus is useless. The gloves are all right, but the Vitrified Dragonscale from DT are just as good with better mit. The only reason to wear the set gloves really is for the resists since our set bonuses are garbage. The shoulders aren't even close to Doomrage shoulders from Labs. Less mit, no +strength (!), and with +Wis(?). Why do I need +Wis on an item? I'm a berserker not a paladin. +Wis does nothing for me other then a marginal increase in resists. I'd much rather have +Str any day. The only reason to wear these over Doomrage are for resists. Another thing I'll add is, we need more +parry on items and less +defense. Right now defense is pretty easy to hit diminishing returns while +parry is a bit harder. I'd love to see some +Block items too. Right now you can only get that from adornments. I'd also like to mention one thing about the Warlock set bonuses since I raid with my Warlock on occassion too. Why is our (7) bonus such crap? The first two are good, but 7% reduced chance poison spells will be resisted... this is what you came up with? You do realize Warlocks have the highest casting skill in the game due to our group casting skill buff, so resists are few and far between compared to other casters. Please make it something useful like +spell crit (like Wizards (5) bonus) or +spell haste or SOMEthing useful. As it stands the Wizard (5) bonus is way WAY better then our (7) bonus. That's not right.
  3. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    [p]More 1-hand swords, rapiers, & daggers usable by Scouts, with stats suitable for 70th level raiding. I'm sick to death of people telling me to get a freekin' AXE, just to put out respectable DPS.[/p][p]Think Frostwrath (for example) only a rapier. There aren't enough choices for us REAL Swashies.[/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-Moongloom Guest

    [p]An idea I had. [/p][p]How about a series of dungeons/instances to get set items (and these being desirable of course). i.e. Raid dungeon A's end named mob drops a random foot item (or 2 or several) for class sets. Then another totally different dungeon would have the end named mob drop a shoulder item. etc. etc. Of course there would be some progression in difficulty in that the chest piece dungeon would be much much harder than say the gloves one.[/p][p]This way you get many different things happening. You get several different dungeons to explore and enjoy. You have a type of progression to go through. Would give much more that could be done at end game with raid types. Would be able to give a sense of progression to itemization. [/p][p]More content is always better than one (or a few) dungeon(s) that is used to drop everything. [/p][p]These dungeons could come out over time in between expansions (i.e. Unrest coming out after last expansion) to give people something new to look forward for.[/p][p] (as a sidenote)[/p][p]Why do rogues not get blunt? I always picture rogues in back alleys with black jacks and clubs beating you over the head and stealing your cash.[/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Kaishodan Guest

    [p]I hope I didn't miss this though the 19 or so pages that I looked through... alot of awesome ideas and hope that alot of them get considered. My idea would be to incorporate the AA lines a bit more with gear, maybe through quests that would result in an AA line specific item that can only be used when you have claimed that last AA and only can use it while you have that AA.[/p][p] Since the KoS AA lines have weapon specific procs or bonuses, I think it would make sense.[/p][p]ie.- STR line for Crusaders is an axe. Once the Crusader chooses the final AA point, Avenger, it could open up a quest of sorts resulting in an uber axe with the stats, procs, and damage related to the STR line. Something that could only be used while the Crusader is using the Avenger ability. The item could not be equipt without it. This could be used for all fo the AA lines. We could even respec, quest for the next AA item but could only use said item while using the specific endline AA title.[/p][p] [/p][p]Another thing I would like to see for SKs is taunt procs, as well as more class specific weapons and jewelry for all classes, quested or dropped. No need to see a Paladin with an evil looking scicle(sp?). [/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-Jeger_Wulf Guest

    [p]Two suggestions:[/p][p]As a troubadour, I get real tired when I see a drop with high int and power, only to see it is for Mages, Paladins, and Shadowknights. These items are highly desired by troubs, too.[/p][p]When you have a nice high-end item, don't make it farmable for gold. a case in point is Yeddahd's Cadaceus staff, which is nearly unobtainable on my server. It's camped 24/7 because it can be transmuted for a nice profit and is is in a nice camp zone.[/p][p]Thanks for asking for feedback! :)[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-GwenRelentless Guest

    My Opinion of the Wizard Fabled set armour:
    Right now I'm wearing almost a full set of Dracomancer from Labs (Dont have the Draco boots because I have better ones from Nizara) which I generally like very much.
    However, our guild is just starting to tackle EoF raid zones, so I've been looking at the stats of the EoF Fabled set and I must say I'm a little bit underwhelmed by the set as a whole. The problem? The effects.
    I've read this entire thread (all 20 pages) and I totally agree with many of the other Mages that effects are what really turn us on. (but of course there has to be a good firm minimum base of stats like Int and Power too!)
    (I'm leaving out resists and secondary stats because I'm generally happy with them on the set armour)
    Robe of Temporal Foresight:
    The effect on the Robe of Temporal Foresight is laughable. Cease?? I hardly ever use the spell because its almost worthless. When I manaburned for 75k I don't get agro, but even if I did, no amount of cease would save me. I lived because we have a really good tank. Anyways, my Dracomancer Vest has exaclty the same amount of Int (30). The only thing I would be gaining is some power.
    My suggestion for the Robe of Temporal Foresight: 38 int, 170 power, Effect: Mana Sieve.
    Cap of Temporal Foresight: 27 int 160 power.
    The power is where it should be, but my Grand Dracomancer Cap has 30 int AND flowing thought V. I'm not sure the extra 50 power would be worth looseing the flowing thought. Concidering the difficulty of obtaining the Cap of Temporal Foresight, my Dracomancer Cap is looking pretty good to me right now.
    My suggestion for Cap of Temporal Foresight: 35 Int, 160 power, FT VI.
    Cowl of Temporal Foresight: 23 int 160 power, increases dmg done by spells by 20.
    23 int? Why does the trend seem like we are going backwards here with intellegence? I thought stats were supposed to increase with the difficulty of the raid? My draco mantle has 28 int, 110 power. Again 50 power increase, which is good. But 20 increase in dmg? I mean yeah its better then nothing but It doesnt seem very significant. Nothing to drool over. Overall I guess looseing the 5 int would be worth it. Still I hate to have to loose one stat to gain another. Doesnt feel like progression to me.
    My suggestion for Cowl of Temporal Foresight: 29 int, 160 power, increases dmg done by spells by 2%.
    Cuffs of Temporal Foresight: 18 int, 150 power.
    Wow that's pretty sad. This time I would be looseing 10 Int to gain 50 power. (40 power when I wear my relic cuffs which have 110 power) I'd probly rather have the Feathered Circlet of Acumen that Fitzpizzle drops which has FT VII. I want to be able to regenerate mana asap after a manaburn. Fitzpizzle is easy to kill too.
    My suggestion for Cuffs of Temporal Foresight: 30int 160 power, FT II.
    Gloves of Temporal Foresight: 38 int, 180 power.
    Thats more like it. The only problem is my dracomancer gloves have Mana Font, which gives me 200 power instantly and every two seconds. Thats a really really nice thing to have right after you have manaburned and the necros and conjorers are passing out hearts and shards as fast as they can. Again, I would loose a really nice effect for more power and intellegence. Even if i did have this item I would still put my draco gloves on in the middle of the fight for the effect, which is annoying but worth it.
    My suggestion for Gloves of the Temporal Foresight: 38 int, 180 power, Mana Font (or and upgrade to Mana Font)
    Pantaloons of the Temporal Foresight: 38 int, 160 power, Focus: Ice Nova (reduces cast timer by 12 seconds)
    These are good. Nice job. These would be worth it. Love the effect, and the power and int increases are proportionally better. They also have 170 health which is not crutial but definatly a nice to have for a squishy caster like me.
    Suggestion for Pantaloons of the Temporal Foresight: none, leave them as they are.
    Slippers of the Temporal Foresight: 32 int, 150 power
    Well this one is a bit hard for me to compare. I wear the New Tannan Soles of Ritual from Nizara which are better then any KoS shoes I've seen drop. They have 30 int and 125 power. Still, they were very easy to obtain compared to EoF raid zones. For me these shoes would be a 2 int and 25 power increase. Draco boots have 26 int and 100 power. So for someone with draco boots the set slippers would be an improvement, but still kinda boring. For me to really want them they would have to have an effect since the stat increases (besides resists) are negligable.
    My suggestion for Slippers of the Temporal Foresight: 32 int, 150 power, some kind of ward effect.

    Set Bonuses:
    (3) increases damage of firestorm by 60.
    Firestorm is a nice spell, but unfortunatly in a raiding situation I dont get to use it too much since open AE's are ususally frowned upon. I don't really see this as a desireable set bonus. More desirable would be decreaseing mana costs by 1.5%.
    (5)increases damage spell crit chance by 8%
    This one I could go for. If I start collecting these set pieces, it would be for this effect only since the other two are essentially worthless in an every day raiding context.
    (7)increases damage done by spells by up to 50.
    Doesnt seem like a whole heck of a lot. Certainly doesnt seem like a reward better then increaseing crit chances by 8%. Shouldn't the reward for having 7 pieces be better then having 5? I would MUCH rather see a spell haste effect.

    General suggestions:
    Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see jewelry sets to go with our armor. I would say my gear right now, and my guild's raiding ablity is at the top of KoS instanced raids. Contesteds are camped to heck so I dont know if we would be able to kill any of them if we had the chance but we put down Vyemm and Tarinax like clockwork, completely clear Lyceum and kill the crab on the Isle of Mara on a regular basis. We can Kill two named in emerald halls and one in Freethinker's. Anyways the point is, I raid weekly and I'm still wearing a lvl 57 fabled ring (Shimmering Ember Ring) because most jewelry has both int and wisdom on it and I have to go up against all the wisdom people and all the int people for jewlery and my dice suck. In general I think good caster jewelry drops too rarely and there are just too few raid dropped caster jewelry items and jewlery sets would definatly help this predicament.
    Thanks for listening!
  8. ARCHIVED-GwenRelentless Guest

    [p] [/p][p]sorry double post[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-Jvaloth Guest

    [p]I was a bit upset about the Beserker armor set.[/p][p]If you look at all the other plate tank classes, they all get defensive boosts, mit boosts, and otherstuff that helps them tank. Zerkers got double attack.[/p][p] [/p][p]Last I checked Zerkers were tanks, we should get tanking boosts.[/p][p] [/p][p]If anything, we should get a riposte/parry boost on par with 20 defense. Giving Guardians a mit boost on their set piece? We should get decreased time on our mit buffs/dmg shield abilities...[/p][p]Something tank related. We are not swashbucklers in plate armor. We are tanks, many of us Main tanks of raid guilds. [/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Sarkoris Guest

    I will post from the perspective of a raiding Necromancer.
    First off. What makes an item uber. Well that depends on the person and the class they play in my opinion. So I will start with some general ideas then get specific on the classes I mentioned which may also apply to other classes.
    General effects - have their place on lower end items but on high end items are pretty bleh !! By general I mean regen II, FT IV etc. All well and good when getting your feet wet in higher end content but from end game mobs is out of place. And they certainly have no place on class specific gear. These should have an effect that relates to the class in question.
    Class Specific:
    Lets look at the strengths and weaknesses of the class and see how we can enhance it via class armour. First off as mentioned above lets lose the general effects. Strengths of the class are: Great power regen via our lich/archlich line. This enables to do long term solid DPS which is enhanced by our pets damage even if we do run out of power (power drain for example). Solid line of dots, a very useful lifetap nuke which does respectable damage and helps heal us offsetting the hp drain of the lich/archlich line of spells. Very very good utility such as FD, res and heart lines of spells. Weaknesses: Low burst damage and great dependancy on pet damage for a respectable damage total. If pet dies often to unavoidable AOE we are a very average DPS mage.
    Now lets see how Necromancer class gear can help. As others have mentioned, pet focuses such as increased mitigation, +crit chance (spell and melee/CA so it applies to all pet types) etc, increased hit chance and/or short term hp buff. Dot focuses. Im not just talking +spell crit here but things like faster reuse, + duration etc. Tailor them to the class in question like a bigger + crit chance but on specific line of spells like lifetap, or archlich proc.
    Basically when I see generic focuses I'm not impressed. Show me some thought and I value the item higher.
  11. ARCHIVED-Miroh69 Guest

    Love for you guys to think about this Class set change more than just half-*****. Thanks,
  12. ARCHIVED-couching Guest

    For Monk EoF fabled Class set, The 5 pieces bonus is +15 deflection. The 7 pieces bonus is adding haste, mitigation, defense on our offensive stance. It is horrible. The effect is really useless. Why? It's plain and simple. How could a monk with 5 pieces or full suit of class armor needs more avoidance? It's a slap on our face. I can get 70% avoidance already in group without this bonus. The 7 pieces bonus is even worse. Why do we need more haste? I can get 280+ haste with group buff in raid already and the haste cap is 200. This bonus won't help us even 1 dps in raid with offensive stance. What's the purpose of adding mitigation and defense in our offensive stance. huh? When I need to off tank in raid, I will switch to defensive stance rather than offensive stance or we should tank mobs in raid with our offensive stance? When guardian 3 pieces bonus is adding extra avoidance, why don't give monk 5 pieces bonus extra mitigations so we can tank better. NO? Ok, why don't you give us some extra critical hit percentage or double attack so that we can deal more damages as bruiser or other scouts classes? When a guardian 7 pieces bonus is adding extra mitigation and avoidance on their defensive stance, we got mitigation and avoidance boost on our offensive stance? lol It's really ridiculous. Are we a tank or a dps class? If we are a tank, give us tools to be a tank. If we are a dps class, give us tools to be a dpser! It is really ridiculous that monk got shafted so much in this expansion. The itemization for monk is totally screwed.
  13. ARCHIVED-wesleyarts Guest

    [p]ok, Here I go![/p][p]Some pieces of the Trufaith Fabled armor sucks. Templars armors should have wisdom in all pieces.[/p][p]Named Vamp in the pool room before Sage Vicent Roon in CMM drops a cheap wood chest. Always! Please that guy is hard to get and hard to kill. Sage should not drop wood anymore his repop time of 20-25 minutes is too long.[/p][p]The Epic x 2 mobs in Castle Mistmoore still drop loot that is in no way commensurate to the challenge. Vikomt gives a wood chest 90% of the time. Princess Cherista and Huntmaster Viswin drop loot that isn't any better than the heroic mobs in the same zone - and in some cases identical to heroic drops (class chests).[/p][p]The Flowing Cape of the Dark Lord remains as perhaps one of the best examples of how awful EQ2 itemisation is. For an epic signature quest, requiring an x2 raid of level 70 players (and a good few hours running round killing 60+ heroics), the reward is a cloak with +25 spell damage and +25 to healing spells. To put this in context, there is a cloak from Gnomeland HQ, usable at level 37, from a quest soloable at 40, that gives +25 spell damage. [/p][p]The Sol Ro deity cloak from a heroic questline, gives +65 spell damage. A fabled cloak from Emerald Halls, arguably the hardest raid instance in the game, gives +50 spell damage. Both cloaks have no other stats - the Ro cloak is simply better.[/p][p]Poets Palace nameds suck droping good chest. Wood wood wood all the time. Fix it. I like the zone but the rewards are not worth of the time expended.[/p][p] [/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Phalong Guest

    My main character is a Shadow Knight. I raid 4 to 5 days a week in a semi hard core guild. We zonewide average aobut 20k-22k Raid DPS. We have the typical class drops that most classes already have. For example: Paladin drops when our paladins have the loot. We are tlaking aobut 2 paladins in the guild with 2 or 3 peices of set gear, and other classes without any.
    Something that IMO should. be changed. Ive got lots of toher suggestions based on raids, but to keep it on items I will go with what I know.
    For Shadow Knights, Id like to see less WIS and more INT based items. I enjoy tanking, so gear with STR, STA, AGI, and INT would be BEST.
    Currently the higher end raiding gear that IVe got has anywhere form 150-170HP and about the same for power. IMO, I woudlnt go too crazy with this, otherwise youll end up with +500HP items similar to EQ1.

    Insted, ID like to see better focus effects. Agro has always been difficult for the shadow Knight, and id like to see some improvement on hate. Either in procs, or focus effects. Life tap and dot focus effects woudl be nice as well.

    Possible Chest Item:
    Mitigation: 600
    STR: 40
    STA: 40
    AGI: 40
    INT: 40
    Health: 190
    Power: 175
    With some decent resistance all around and a focus taunt effect maybe. Something to improve is recast and effectivness.
    This is something that has been scaled for this expansion or maybe next.
    [EDIT] I'd also like to add that a nice focus effect for our Power Tap would be nice as well. Give something back to the Shadow Knight who enjoys tanking both groups and Raids.
  15. ARCHIVED-Rhymez Guest

    Brigand Wayward Set First of all whats that joke focus on the BP ? 60 dmg to Devitalize a 1min recast Combat Art ? The KoS relic bp adds 180 dmg to Malicious Assault which is on a 30sec Reuse Timer also the Swashbuckler bp focus is a way better 40dmg to Inspiration Id rather see some debuff enhancement lets say by 5% for Devitalize than 60 useless dmg to it , 60 dmg aint the big deal i got the bp but i switch via macros the bps as soon as Devi is up also 180 to malicious wouldd have been great to keep it but i hardly see anyone using the wayward bp unless he got the full set , i dont use it with a few exceptions when i need the hitpoints for some fights like contested mayong or avatars to eat the AEs im getting more from my Static Coat or when i get the Robe of Resplendant Battle in my hand , The Leg Focus is great Restrain recast reduced to 40sec that is very nice Lets get to the Bonus : Full set bonus is great and its imo how it should be, 8% melee crits 3 set bonus that is another joke 1 more trigger off the offstance dmg proc ? Id find it better if it would slightly raise the melee skill Component of Dauntless Advance lets say +10 , 200 extra dmg per minute is hardly what i was looking for can do that with one auto attack swing easily would like to have +10 to skills due to to the lack of +slashing gear in the game +piercing is so easy to get and some of us if u believe it or not we use Slash Weapons 5 set bonus ? are you serious ? 15sec less recast on Despairing Thrust why do I want a 15sec less recas on a CA which debuff component is up for 35sec and is on a 30sec recast already ? some of you will now telling me its dmg adds up 4 times usable per minute but that is also not the big deal devs not for a 5 piece bonus , Id rather see Double Up on a shorter reuse time lets take the 15sec just there this kind of suggestion wouldnt make the set overpowered but slightly more desirable than it is now the look of the set is great btw and also the stats on it adds a lot of hp and avoidance i especially like the legs , legs hat and shoulders are the best set pieces imo And Please add more High Delay Weapons and go away with 2.5 delay make round numbers Illu haste plus haste item delays my weapon to 1.4 delay and since debuffs are vital i have to spam them off first if id be just a dps class i wouldnt mind about any delay but what high delay weapons do we have ? Bisected Saber 4sec random named and than even more lotto, Axe of Natural Order 4sec which hasnt drop yet in the 30+ times i killed Wuoshi already, Clearcutter 3sec which never dropped for us every time the crocodile was up and i think it was 10 times up yet in my 30 EH visits Grinning Dirk of Horror 4sec delay aswell as rare as [I cannot control my vocabulary] I dont wanna have more drop chances but i want more weapons with high delay and a dmg spread that suits it more variety pls we got some crazy amounts of low delay weapons which end up being vendored/transmuted or wahtever since no one wants them or needs them i dont need any uber procs stats just high delay and a suitable dmg spread im still stuck with my Folded Scale Blade
  16. ARCHIVED-Supernova17 Guest

    Conjuror: Silent Incantation set Plantoons of Silent Incantations. Focus: Increases the trigger chance of Ember Seed by 5% - We already have AA's to improve the trigger chance of this spell. It is the weakest Mage damage proc on epic fights. Why? Because all of it's damage occurs IF it is on the mob when it dies and IF another mob in the encounter is still alive at which point it will do extra damage to them. In raids, the damage this does on single targets is laughable, my auto attack out damages it and you're rarely going to get many AE procs to trigger. Did I mention it will constantly get overwritten every time someone else procs it? When Wizards get 12 seconds off their Ice Nova (upgraded from Ice Comet) and our "big bang" spell gets neglected which is also the same level progression and recast as Ice Nova (Blazing Avatar), we feel kinda shafted. We are a DPS class. Why don't we have a focus on the pants that adds to our damage, rather than a laughable proc for someone else's damage? Set Bonuses: 3 - Reduces recast of Expiation by 25 seconds. Ok, this one takes the cake. Sure it gives our group a tiny bit of power and health, but guess what? We just gained all of our pet's hate, which "can" make us pull aggro, move the mob out of position, aoe the raid and get us killed. If that doesn't happen, we just lost our capability to do maximum DPS. We can continue on without the pet and do meager damage, or spend 10 seconds doing no damage re-summoning and 5 seconds rebuffing the pet. We feel shafted by this choice. 5 - Increases the damage amount of Pyreshield by 15. Great, our damage shield goes from 60 to 75 damage. Factor in the fact that most raid tanks aren't getting hit that much and that we already have an AA to both increase damage and resistibly, this bonus is useless. 7 - +8 Disruption. + 8% spell crits. We have Unabate as our primary raid spec (20% harder for mobs to resist our spells and those of our pets), so the Disruption is useless. 8% spell crits, finally something that benefits our DPS. Too bad Wizards got us beat again with 8% at 5 set pieces. [size="medium"]Too bad wearing a full set of our armor over KoS/TFD and pickup raid farm status EoF gear significantly lowers our DPS.[/size] These things need to be removed and replaced with something better. Some general ideas: * Snapping Mandibles - AA's reduce its casting time, its recast time is fast too, add a significant amount of damage * Fiery Annihilation - AA's speed up the DoT ticks, its cast / recast time is fast too, add a significant amount of damage per tick * Frigid Winds - Power HOG, ditch the power cost since it has such pathetic damage per tick, or leave it as is with more damage per tick * Calcify - AA's reduce its casting time, damage is decent, recast is HORRIBLE, cut it down by a good percentage * Seismic Tremor - AA's reduce its casting time, damage is decent (could add a little bit), recast could be better * Deluge - AA's reduce its casting time, spell is fine otherwise just add some damage * Shattered Terrain - AA's reduce its casting time, damage is very nice and our Vest has a damage Focus on it, recast is HORRIBLE, cut it down by a good percentage * Aqueous Horde / Pyromancy - Casting these over any other damage spell will lower your DPS, boost the damage output of these guys and lower the casting time. What I'd like to see (with the current format): * Plantoons of Silent Incantations: Reduces recast of Blazing Avatar by 12s * Reduce recast of Elemental Vestment * Reduce recast of Planeshift And in general, when are get going to get non Avatar/Mayong upgrades to the Treasured and Legendary items we high end Mages are wearing? Mystical Orb of the Invoker, Bone-clasped Girdle etc? Disclaimer: I'm not whining and I don't need to L2P. I love my class, just not the choices made in regards to the itemization and failure to compare one Mage set to another.
  17. ARCHIVED-Istaril Guest

    I'd have to say that it's easy to make a piece of loot that is "good". The question is, a) how to make several that a person can choose from [so we're not all shooting for the exact same gear) and b) how to make said items "better" that easily available items. Bone-Clasped Girdle Single handedly makes useless all other caster waist pieces. Mystical Orb of the Healer (and Invoker) are essentially irreplaceable. Righteous Scepter of the Godking has one viable upgrade in game - avatar staff. Mark of the Awakened / Ring of the Four Winds / The six-set Legendary Cleric EoF set... All of those items are very good - extremely useful. The problem is, they're too easy to get and too good. An expansion later, there's still no particularly good reason to upgrade it - and it was quested/"guaranteed" (no real farming/randomness) loot!
  18. ARCHIVED-joebyrdws6 Guest

    Hopefully Dev Types are still reading this.
    I would like to see full on sets not just armor but weapons and jewelry as well. That all go together. Some peices can be dropped in group instances and some will come from raid zones. Have the Items drop as molds like the relic does to minimize the wasted peices. 4 diffrent molds for the 4 archetypes.
    A set that completely filled our slots with great to uber gear.
    I play an assassin so I'll post what I would like to see for their set.
    Weapons DW
    Primary hand: Dagger High STR and INT bonuses and a + to slashing, Large damage range like 1-300, with a long delay, 2% melee crit and a decent poision DOT proc.
    Offhand: High INT and AGI bonuses, and a + to peircing, High damage range and and long delay with 2% spell crit for poisions, and a strong bleeding DOT.
    Armor focus'
    Head: Reduce casting time of surveillence by 50%
    Breast plate: Malignant Mark increase number of procs to 5.
    Legs: Exacting increase reuse time reduction by 10%
    Set bonus'.
    3: 2% melee crit
    5: 5 slashing and piercing

    Will edit later to finish.
  19. ARCHIVED-kelesia Guest

    Not to necro post, but this seems like the perfect place to post this:

    Archonix, I am heartily sick of having to loot 3 sets of legendary junk just because of 'smart-loot' and itemization. I am a templar. I wear plate. Only plate. Not leather. Not chain. I do not want the druids crap of leather, I do not want the pos that is masquerading as the shamans legendary set in RoK. I DO NOT WANT IT. Got it? Take the tags off for the classes that would never in a zillion years wear it if they had any common sense, or make this junk not smart loot.

    I AM TIRED OF BEING FORCED TO LOOT ON CRAP. Got it? Good. Fix it. Nothing has ticked me off in this game as much as the crap itemization in ROK or the lack thereof.

    Thank you.
  20. ARCHIVED-Sirenta Guest

    Hey Kel, this is necro posting, but i sincerely do know what you are talking about, having completed leather, hunting the cap of chain and now finally only need 1 more item to get the 3 Bonus on OUR Set...
    By the way, Archonix since i heard rumours that you did made the T4 sets yourself, may i ask, what the reason was, that
    the gauntlets of the Templarset, you know, the set, that bears incredible 0 points strength, are accompanied by 7 Meleecrit ???
    And i would greatly appreciate supervising meetings.

    Now i can live that i am a castdd now, but this leaves me puzzled
    The following spells do not quite follow the templarspecific itemization anymore:
    Virtue (136 Strength/Wisdom -> Wis Int seems more needed)
    HP-Buff (+15 pierce slash,etc, why not mini,subjug,disrupt)
    Unswerving Hammer (Based on Str, which is... well he now tickles the mob, not delivering any damage)
    I survived the class-reroll (LU13) and i adapted, giving up aa to get things, other classes get for free, but please bring the items back in line with spells or vice versa.