Eliminate TS Mount items off ordinary mobs in Raid Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Bhayar, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    While we all appreciate the idea of loot drops off common mobs to help augment loot drops, please eliminate the trade skill horse equipment. It's completely useless when you're in an adventure raid zone. You want to help TSers (of which I'm one), have that stuff dropping in weekly TS in Forlorn Gist, We're there to gear up raiders, not TSers. TYVM.
    Beee, Mercychalice, Jinksie and 2 others like this.
  2. Fannoncodder Member

    Instead of eliminating them, maybe split them up so that TS related gear only drops from TS missions. Not all of us are there to "gear up raiders".
  3. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I agree. There is a very clearly defined divide between adventurering raiders and crafters in the playerbase where very few crafters would ever actually benefit from being able to earn mount gear they can use from adventuring content.
  4. Gninja Developer

    We'll discuss it.
    Breanna and Beee like this.
  5. Seth Well-Known Member

    R.I.P. All Crafters that actually look forward to it. Maybe you should learn to enjoy crafting more ? :)
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I know that when my raid opens a box and finds crafting tack in it, there is real disappointment among everyone, including those of us that craft. Ideally, the raid crafting tack could be a rare drop from the TS weekly or something,.

    Also, why does tack with ability mod drop more than anything actually useful? So far as I am aware, ABMod caps at double your biggest hit or heal, and the gear itself has plenty of ABMod. I don't know why anyone would actually want ABMod tack.
  7. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    You really could have just stopped at "it's useless". I don't know anyone that uses anything for crafting that is not the harvesting bonus gear, coldain prayer shawl, or earring of the solstice. Not even the cobalt maker gloves have much purpose tbh. Experimenting is a nice idea, but pretty useless. The act of making something is generally trivial - *Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, return to the monstrosity of combines that was PoP. So the durability/progress increase stuff is also useless. Pretty much if it doesn't pertain to harvesting/bountiful harvest, it's really not worth the time to even loot the box beyond a discovery achievement. Most raids just let them rot or greed roll them out and yeet them outta of the bags when they land.

    What we would really like to see outta raids are things that pertain to adventuring. Saddles with doublecast, bardings with potency, shoes with fervor. Overcap items, Mount speed, etc. The good stuff. Anything related to adventuring. Things that would be considered a priority in raid.

    If you're wanting to drop tradeskill items in a raid, perhaps a suggested return of tradeskill raids like what we had at lvl 80. Not that they'd be done very much I don't think. The rewards would have to be pretty good to entice folks to do them more than once or twice.
  8. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Most classes have at least one ability that, even if you cut it in half, would be an astronomical amount of AB Mod, which is why getting it higher is nice, but not a priority, because aiming specifically for that would be totally ridiculous.
  9. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    The crafting tack does virtually nothing, and you can craft 100% successfully without it. The rare harvest chance stuff is the bit which looks useful but as we've discovered, does nothing. This statement from you is unhelpful as you're literally defending empty chests.
  10. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    As the title indicates, I was only concerned about TS horse items dropping in RAID ZONES. Nor did I suggest eliminating them from the game. Raid gear should drop in raid zones, TS stuff drop in TSing quests, etc. It's a fairly simple concept.
    Pixistik likes this.
  11. Uwopo Active Member

    For what it's worth, this is being done. TS tack patterns are being removed from the raid chests and should be made available elsewhere.
    Xianthia likes this.