Duoable Raid Zones?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by BorgQueen, May 12, 2014.

  1. BorgQueen New Member

    My guildmate and I are a 94 Mystic and Illusionist. We were wanting to get some trophies to decorate our absolutely barren guild hall (we just hit guild level 30), but we're a small guild and we're the only two that play consistently. Are there any raid zones (with trophies) that we might be able to duo and kill the boss if we chronomage/just run through?
  2. Ucala Well-Known Member

    the old DMP, HoF, Deathtroll.
    the raid zone in living tombs. Darathar.
    Chel'dak out in mystic lake
    Tomb of the made crusader, YiS, Potao, Zarrakon.
    at 95 with some good decent gear you could dou the lair of the dragon queen out in SF. (easy mode)
    and perah celsis (EM)
  3. BorgQueen New Member

    Wow, thanks! We'll have to try those. Any suggested chrono levels to make it possible but fun?
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    they are all different.
    Darather is a 50s raid zone (but you need to do an access quest to get the zone)
    Mayong is the 70s I believe, as well as ST, HoF and DMP (also need an access for DMP though)
    I forget living tombs level, I want to say Cheldak is in the 50s?
    YiS, ToMC, Zarrakon you could do at the level you are at now, the zone is set for 80s
    lair of the dragon queen and Perah Celsis were around at level 90, also a zone you don't need to mentor for.

    some things that pop in my mind that I forgot is lady Vox out in permafrost (contested) drops a gh trophy, best to check to see if they are up.
    and also Munzok, a zone set for mid 80s, you don't need to really mentor for that zone.
  5. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Thought the Living Tombs raid zone was 60's but it has been a while.
  6. Alejo Member

    Check out the raid timeline here - http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Raid_Timeline

    At 95 I've been able to solo parts of Tier 9, and everything Tier 8 and earlier with the exception of some that have scripts requiring more than one person. I'm guessing duo, with some mercs you should be able to handle most everything T8 and below.
  7. thulia Active Member

    you can kill the mobs grey and still get the trophy
  8. Cutting New Member

    Aiden from Ward of Elements looks pretty cool.
  9. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Ones you could probably duo.

    Tier 5 - Vox (Permafrost). Darathar (Fire and Ice Questline).
    Tier 6 - Godking (Silent City), Djinn Master,
    Tier 7 - Lord Vyemm. Tarinax, Venekor (Maybe was T5?), Wuosi, Mayong Mistmoore, Clockwork Menace,
    Tier 8 - Trakanon, Gynok Moltar, Leviathan, Aiden, Munzok.
    Tier 9 - Vuulan, Perah Celsis, Rhoen Theer 1 rune.