Dispel Beneficial spells on priests

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Celestia, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I know the fury/warden has an AA ability that does this, but what about everyone else? I looked through the channeler AA's and I see nothing. Which sucks because the Bonecleaver takes forever to kill after he casts that Level the playing field ability he has.

    I would interrupt, but it doesn't seem to work anytime I try.

    Are there any other priests with a dispel beneficial stuff on them?
  2. Suidakra Active Member

    Channeler does not have a beneficial dispel. You have to buy Hizite Energy Inverter(?). I'm not 100% sure on the name.

    Maybe not exactly Hizite, but an inverter that can dispel high enough.
    tasnee likes this.
  3. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    Indeed this is the case unlike the Channeler has many atvanatges against the other healer classes one of its disatvantages is that it has no real despell as every other healer can skill via AA, as my preposter said you need by Inverter items for this Addon Forlorn from VoV will work on all Encounters and they are cheep in production if you can craft your self or use the Invert Items form RoR but they are more expensive
    tasnee likes this.
  4. Tyrval Active Member

    Went through a mountain of inverters on our first kill of h3 bonecleaver and pretty sure our channeler did too, sometimes there's just no helping it.
    tasnee likes this.
  5. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Yep, the struggle was real. Thanks for the tip though guys! I appreciate it.
  6. zzmax929 Member

    Just FYI... Mystics and Defilers can have one too if they spend the AA points. The ability is Scourge on the 1st AA page.
    tasnee likes this.