Disable Mercenaries in Contested Zones.

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Corydonn, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Yep. I believe YOU personally can solo it on your mystic. Not everybody though equiped in HM and avatar gear. Have you tried it to solo in lesser than that gear?. Would be interesting to know your experience.
  2. Quabi Active Member

    I solo'd up to the boss, died a couple times, and logged over to test Channeler during the preview. I haven't been motivated enough to wade through the HP again since then.

    Plus, it's not a contested zone, so I don't really care about it (at least not within the context of this thread :)).
  3. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    While this is true, one well-geared mystic should not a 6-person team make. :) The comment was not along the lines of insulting those who cannot solo it, but to say that since it is soloable by anyone that it is too easy - I mean, I have more trouble with Dreadcutter which is the token starter zone for COE.

    Same goes for Clefts. The entire zone feels like I'm just power-leveling some level 50 character because it can be pulled room to room. I really can't do this in Sleeper's Tomb Contested so it doesn't make much sense why Clefts is basically some loot pinata to anyone with Steward Gear or better. That people can AFK and kill the named with their mercs says it's far, far too easy.

    I don't want the difficulty ramped up to raid levels... but c'mon. Make it at least hard enough to wipe out a hireling if you're not pressing buttons.
    Estred and Ragna like this.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    More like pain-in-the-butt enough. I duo'd that place on a Guard/Defiler combo. Took forever was no challenge at all save the last boss due to the focus-damage if we missed an interrupt. Overall boring and very low chance at an adornment. The gear wasn't worth it for out level of play so we never went back.
  5. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Yep. We tried it duo with lock and my fury EM and steward geared. HP of trash is insane considering that both of us Aoe casters. So we would pull a half of a zone and it would take forever to kill them.

    When I was talking about difficulty I wasn't talking about intricate scripts but rather how long it takes to bring mobs down with less than full group without a tank. Mercs btw die right on a spot. It's just tank and spank that goes seems forever.

    But don't feed me that this zone can be done solo on non-healer with no merc (mercs useless) and in no HM gear.

    Clefts are easy to solo. True.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    The Harpies are ok for HP... the Snakes in Scornfeather though.

    The Harpies have about 28 Million HP. The Snake Named's have about 125 Million.
  7. Draylore Well-Known Member

    IMO the problem is not so much with allowing Mercs or not.....its that in a zone called "Fabled blah blah" one would expect difficulty. This zone is anything but that....... Most players don't even need mercs and can kill these so called 'contested' bosses in their sleep. Hell even the x2s can be duo'd. Last i check x2 did not mean 2 players. To make the best yellow adorns drop there is just asking for this kinda trouble where people that actually want to enjoy a zone or whatever are shut out. The best of stuff should come from the hardest stuff to do not the easiest. RNG and low drop rate is not a substitute for "challenge"....but that is something that SoE seems to have forgotten for sometime now.

    But as we know if stuff is not easy then all these 'stuff is too easy' QQs would just be replaced with 'stuff is too hard' QQs from the entitlement crowd........SoE really cannot win anymore.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    Online gaming communities in a nutshell. The challenge as a developer is to know which complaints are valid and which are just players complaining for the sake of complaining.

    As someone said once. If you make complaints on the forums and nothing changes. Chances are it wasn't actually a valid problem in the game. If however change does come from it, you actually hit on something that WAS a real issue in the game.

    I think Extra Credits said that about League of Legends in his video about "Perfect Imbalance"
    Khadoc likes this.
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    idk, I mean the zone isn't Hard, but I wouldn't call it push over easy, if you do room pulls (10+mobs or more at a time) their debuff can be rough if you aren't super geared
    Edit and by super geared, I mean any gear that exceeds the zone (if you take a look at the loot, not the key loot but the normal dropped loot, they aren't that amazing, the zone was made to be "simple"
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    You are right, I can pull 15-20 enemies only because of my Gear and we can burst them down before the -160% healing recieved actually get's me killed.
  11. Crychtonn Active Member

    Clefts now is the same as it was back in DoF. A nice easy farm area. The current version being a bit harder with them adding see invis mobs. It was great back in DoF going in there to sneak from named to named on my ranger battling to get the first hit on the named against the other players.

    New Clefts isn't near as fun because there are just way more botters / farmers then in DoF. Weird to say that but it's true. Today there's a toon plus merc perma parked at every named. You never saw that back in DoF.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    The zones should be made harder, I absolutely should not be able to solo them on my guard.
  13. Ayrid Member

    You can't disable mercs from the zone, if you did, the pet classes would also have to have their pets disabled since they can auto attack. Maybe the key here is to grey out the mercs/pet ability to auto attack or attack to defend themselves - this way a player has to be there to send pet to attack or attack first to get the merc/pet to assist.

    (Camping Named mobs is sooooo Everquest 1....lol)
  14. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    As a bruiser, I encourage anything that will make it harder for non-FDers to move between names with impunity. :p :D :p

    Furthermore, the answer to people farming the holy hell out of Fabled Clefts is quite simple, actually -- up the respawn to where people no longer find it profitable.
  15. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Restarting after a long break i really used the gear from there, and i got exasperated by always the same guild ("les gue.....rs") farming the area, most of the time afk with a mercenary.

    I was thinking they were after t10 manas, or may be their plan is to sell this gear to newcomers with no equipment at all.
    But no apparently according to what you say they are after keys. I actually got two bad keys (copper) when they were not monopolizing the area.

    And no you don't need to use a boot, you simply need to come and loot each 30 mn (or whatever is the time).
    Since exquisite chest last for long you can be totally afk. The two guardians can be easily soloed by a mercenary.

    With people like this we better have no contested mobs at all.