Not A Bug Defiler Epic spell upgrade bug

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Roxtar, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. Roxtar Member

    The replacement for the Defiling Hex ward is Defiling Hex ward II. It does not have defiled circle option like the 125 does. This part of the spell is missing and it is most helpful as defilers get over looked for groups for mystics because of bolster. Defiled circle gave 114k group potency buff at celestial. Would like to see new 130 version have this part of the spell as well. I don't believe this was intentional.
  2. Chath Well-Known Member

    The level 130 version of this does have it, but both versions only gain this effect at higher tiers. (master? grandmaster? one of those). I believe the version is identical in terms of potency so you won't find the higher level one to be an upgrade if you have celestial, though. It'd be nice if it was marginally better.
    Roxtar likes this.
  3. Roxtar Member

    Thank You I had no idea
    Chath likes this.
  4. Roxtar Member

    Even at expert Defiling hexward does not have defiled circle at 130
  5. Caith Developer

    Defiling Hex Ward I and II both gain the modifier to spiritual circle at the Master tier. Many of the epic spells gain functionality at higher ability tiers.
    Roxtar likes this.