Darkpaw New Year

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Ladislava, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. Ladislava Active Member

    Right so we're celebrating YAY! But errm I did my spreadsheets for decorating items, how many tokens I would need. Total came to 15,556. Okay no problem. I did this one year with Frostfell, it's just a little grinding. WRONG I mean omg it took me two days to get 40 tokens for one item. All I seem to be getting are the minted coins which I have no idea what to do with.

    I'm not against some grinding, I'm okay with that. Making the only way to get the tokens you want is to group to run a dungeon or do dailies is not cool. And don't even get me started on the 'collections' those buggers took me years doing the regular ones. And now I have to do them over again and only in a month.

    Believe it or not players do have lives outside of the game. We also have alts that we'd like to get through the new expac.

    That said I do love the white furniture and all the pretties on the merchant that I can't afford!
    Juraiya, Tkia, GrunEQ and 2 others like this.
  2. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    Yes indeed this grinding is a not wanted thing at all from all of us players grinding and rewinding the same and the same 1000 times is poorest game desigin in universe and not to Addmit yes we asked for content but the last tow Expas you have overdoen it. Content over the year should follow one by one not Expa out and in 3 month or more eraly next GU or what ever which forces us to do things until the stuff form the other contend is done. Most of us are not evan ready with the normal stuff and you come alonge weith new grind stuff which is going to feel like WORK.

    Now you added the asked Avatars ok but why this grinding around put them in a Specfific Dundgen for each of them one with a closed timer say hey ok we call it challange and you need have these requierments to kill JOB done. So everyone who want and can is allowed to do and those who not dont care.

    Next point thier are roumors about you get a BIS item from these event fine , why we need a DAM....it Event for this why cant this be part of the normal content to progress through and is it realy worth to do. Best expample for how poor a kind of these can be was last years BIS weapon our 6 Member groupe which was a groupe of 6 Raiders managed to finish the Weapon on the Last month of the expa and this Expa now we abondoned it becuase its not worth to use anymore ( wrong addo slots ) to low resolve evan it was siad this weapon was mentiont to be part or be contiuned this expansion AND IT WAS NOT and the option of the weapon it may be usefull in this expa now was the ONE and ONLY point we tourched us through to get it done. And NOW its rubbish.

    We need run H1 H2 for Gear and Shines / Some of us Raid / We need do dailys Heroic or Solo for get gear and Progress faster in Researching we need run Chrono Dundgens for these unwanted coins alot of us have alts which we like to play and you make it more and more impossible by roadblocks because you dont got the FACT and we say to you like 5 Expas now Make things once obtained by a toon on the Account ACCOUNT flag what in the name of GOD is so dfifficult to follow this ??????? why dont make stuff account flag after opened it once For Example the Chrono adornments why we are forced to do this on alts again you runin the whole spirrit of an MMORPG which was and is a MULTI toon game , but if you alway avoid us from equip alts they cant be played or not worth to leave the house because they arent use full.

    Before invent ideas like this again ask us players how and what need to be done and dont act in your own Bubble of Soap with the outcome you have produced 100% unwanted grinding stuff and rethink your math calculations in general i can rewind and reind the sentnce WE NOT WANT TO FARM 6 MONTH and PLAY 5 Month WE WANT TO PLAY GAME FROM DAY 1 END OF THE ANNOUNCMENT

  3. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    The merch on Kathrynn is just toooooo expensive, 40 doubloons for 1 house item is LUNACY when we can earn 5 +5 if member every 18 hours

    Make the items cost 1 or 2 doubloons max
  4. Denmum Developer

    There are two different sets of tokens and events being lumped together here. The avatar stuff is one thing, the Doubloons stuff is another.

    For earning heirloom doubloons:
    • 5 fabled collection turn-ins per month each month reward doubloons.
    • Ballads of Zimara daily tradeskill missions now reward doubloons during 2024
    • Daily level 5+ mission from the book in the avatar camp (quest-giver will be added to Qeynos/Freeport for this on the 9th) rewards doubloons.
    • Monthly new tradeskills achievements reward doubloons
    • I think there is more earned from adventuring writs, but not 100% positive on the details
    The price is still on the high side for these, and there may/may not be more internal debate on that, but for an event that is running for the full year, where you will be able to pool all your doubloons from alts together, it isn't anywhere near as crazed as needing the same amount of coins during a live event that lasts only a couple of weeks.
    More items will be added to the vendor each month, but other than a few mirage items that are tied to events, everything stays on the merchant for the year once they are added.
    Juull and Breanna like this.
  5. Evilary Well-Known Member

    That sounds like we have multiple ways to collect the doubloons, the only issue I see at the moment is the fact low level adventure classes cannot do the daily book until the next patch which is when we lose the ability to get the mirage item from Frostfell until the end of the year.
    GrunEQ and Juraiya like this.
  6. Denmum Developer

    Sadly, yes, but at least it WILL be available again for most of December, and people have pre-warnings on the Mirage items that will be more limited. (I will call them out each month, like the two Mirage belted quivers that will be available only during Erollisi Day events.) I could have just left the Mirage Blizzard Grizzly Cub Carrier to only be out in December, but when I set this up last month, I didn't know where they were putting that daily book. The best laid plans of mice, men ... and halflings! :D
    Twyla likes this.
  7. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    More items will be added to the merchant, and here lies the problem I see with this being a horrid grindfest for doubloons if the prices stay the same. Really, 40 of them for 1 house item is bad, really bad. Some of them like trees or plants we would like to get multiple of, I mean multiple. This isn't like Moonlight enchantments where we know the event will come around every month forever and we can always buy more. This event is only for 1 year.
    Ladislava, Juraiya, Kattt and 2 others like this.
  8. Juull Member

    This may be asking a lot, but could we possibly get the persistent items flagged with the month they were added to the vendor? It'd be super awesome to be able to search a monthly flag so that I can see how many new items there are, and how many doubloons I will need to acquire that month. I've got one of everything that is available right now, so I am trying to get an idea of any extra doubloons I might expect to buy duplicates of my favorite items.

    Thank you!
  9. Yozilie Active Member

    3k tokens PLUS trade (x's 3) in for a weapon? Seriously? I dont have 20 toons to farm these blasted things ..... Nor do I have the time SMH

    Total game kill.
  10. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    What weapon requires 3000 doubloons?
  11. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    Not doubloons, Minted celebration tokens for rank 4 weapons, check merchants by heralds
  12. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Well, they didn't specify what weapon or what token, so I had to question it.

    That said, these aren't weapons that raiders are supposed to just instantly obtain. I wouldn't expect anything less than September at the earliest to obtain them.
  13. Denmum Developer

    There will be much confusion in these posts as there are two very different merchants with two very different sets of tokens.

    I can only speak knowledgeably regarding the doubloons and the Darkpaw Celebrator (house item/fluff) merchant. :)
    Breanna and Twyla like this.
  14. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    thanks for bringing some clarity to this Denmum.

    To beginn with I am on Kaladin TLE server.
    I better get the Backpacks soon to late for the bear backpack, o well, I like that the little bears are awake in the mirage.
    It appears that here on Kaladin there is only one currency, the doubloons.
    Where do I get those tradeskill missions from ? and how do I get that achievement?
    Maybe I have to read all about this event again.
    I don't get a quest from the book at the avatar camp once I got one from Qeynos or Freeport.
  15. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    From Burnish the TS daily NPC in Aether Wroughtlands in the Ballads of Zimara expansion.

    As for January's achievement. Achievements > Tradeskill > Year of Darkpaw
    GrunEQ likes this.
  16. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Er, not on a TLE server you don't.
  17. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    thanks for the info Crusashorn that means no tradeskill missions on Varsoon.
    At least we get the doubloons on Varsoon for everything, including the Avatar missions.

    Ok who want's to kill an Avatar ?
  18. Zizinana Active Member

    Hello! Maybe you can help?I play Thurgadin.
    There is an achievement - "Masquerades of Divinity: Tarew Marr [Instanced]"The question is - where to kill the avtar? And how can I kill him so that the achievement will count on my server?
  19. Stardrama Member

    I noticed the book & box that offers the dubloons quests in Freeport in the dock area by the Enrollisi setup. But I can't find the one in Qeynos. Is there one? It doesn't seem to be on the docks & it isn't by the Enrollisi Merchants like it is in Freeport. Where is it? My good/neutrals would be slaughtered going to Freeport to use the box!
  20. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    They are in North Qeynos near the castle, across from that dock.