choosing race for paladin

Discussion in 'Paladin' started by ARCHIVED-LordTavaren, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-LordTavaren Guest

    Hello all got a quick question i been working on a paladin lately and been wordering if racial traits should be worried about or would by 80 most of em become trivial?

    Currently i am running a wood elf paladin get 3% power, Snare reduction mod, drink length increase, range crit and length mod, + wis, + save vs disease, AE fire dmg spell others are not worth mentioning hehe.

    So was curious if like by 80 i could still be fairly equivalent to any other paladin of other race or should i possibly worry about starting over and take like human or barbarian for the defense mods and hp % increase.

    Any and all response are appriciated and thank you again.
  2. ARCHIVED-graewulf Guest

    Racial bonuses don't make any real difference at higher levels. Go with what you want to play and/or looks coolest to you. My Pally's a Half-elf! ;)
  3. ARCHIVED-LordTavaren Guest

    Cool thx what i kinda figured appriciate the response and all.
  4. ARCHIVED-Valphine Guest

    As for a human & barbarian 3% of max health is pretty much if are lvl 80 with 11-12k hp (300+ health ). Also the 7+ Defense for human is not bad. So Imo race choice is kind of important, not life depending tho.

  5. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    I play as a teir'dal pally, low starting strength and stam, but I've MTed raids in T7 (not raided yet in t8). The race isn't that important, it is more cosmetic, so pick a race you like and just be the best you can be with it :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Jaale Guest

    Kerra Pally for the Mit debuff.......
  7. ARCHIVED-caeleran Guest

    Understand that at higher levels the differences become minimal, but I know from other classes that at lower level those racials can really have a profound effect.

    In looking at the racials (and some have mentioned a few above), are there 2 - 3 races that seem to stand out as very beneficial early on in the early levels?

    You know, for those min / maxers among us ;).
  8. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    Ratonga for sure

  9. ARCHIVED-Erithorn Guest

    * performs a mind wipe ritual immediately *

    Wrong... female ratonga Paladin in drag..... my eyes.. must pray....


    I will say this... I have a High Elf, and enjoy the way I look in Pally gear... But i wish i had some kick'in run speed like a kerra! Other than that. Nothing much, play what you want to see. Now... watching an 80 Arasai Shadowknight tank is just plain freaking wrong!!! Little tiny winged creature, just waiting to get plucked. Seems just too strange.
  11. ARCHIVED-Transen Guest

    I went with Ayr'Dal (half paladin on EQ1 was also half elf so I just carried on the tradition) and have been very happy with the choice, especially when they revamped racial traits.
    Piercing Stab: A melee attack that does piercing damage + reduces enemies physical resists/mitigation (very helpful whether you're tanking or meleeing).
    Forest Navigation: +5% to runspeed total (stacks with all buff/worn runspeed enhancements...not mounts).
    Hardiness: +1.5% to both health and power (since paladins need both, very nice to have)
    Mixed Heritage: +1.0% to Melee and Ranged crit chances as well as +5 to parry (personally think paladins should have recieved the focus and spell crit bonus on top of the other 2 as the class in itself is a mixed bag of both melee and sorcery but still very nice and the parry increase obviously helps in the tanking department).
    Elven Reflexes: +5 AGI (agility increases avoidance, paladans get hit less often, healers very happy...'nough said).
  12. ARCHIVED-Excalibre3377 Guest

    Ogre, Barbarian, Dwarf for the min/max tankers.
  13. ARCHIVED-DaFriar Guest

    I personally play a human, however I've always wondered about the dwarf paladin, having yet an extra AE from racial traits.
    I just can't get over human harvesting time reduction.. mmmmm
  14. ARCHIVED-Malzbier Guest

    I play a Dwarf Paladin, now lvl 40. I think the Dwarven AE Strike is very useful. Using the AE-cast, the paladin 360-strike, followed by the 360' knockdown-strike from the CON-line (AA) makes the 360' Dwarven strike very useful for initial aggro.
    Plus the Dwarf gets + 5 for defence, +3% health and the butcherblock-body with a large non-combat health-regeneration from racial abilities.
    Of course only the damage of the Dwarven Strike and the health-reg from butcherblock-body grow in level.