Chains of eternity - To expensive.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Helmarf, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Magusrex Guest

    I is a a sizeable barrier....AoD should have its priced reduced once the xpac goes live AND it should be purchasable with station cash...Current xpacs should be the only thing paid for with real cash.
  2. ARCHIVED-Tuckker Guest

    Magusrex wrote:
    The issue with AOD is that it is still usable by the F2P community for the Mercs equally as much as it is usable by the returning vets for endgame raiding for the reforging and +20 AA.
    Matter of fact, EQ2 is quite a good deal with a F2P account and AOD sold separtely.
  3. ARCHIVED-yohann koldheart Guest

    Magusrex wrote:
    so you want them to drop the price and make it buyable with sc ? lol one of those two things wont happen.
    the price will drop when CoE launches , thats pretty much a given.
    they wont offer it for SC, especialy with them just having a trip sc event a few days ago.
  4. ARCHIVED-Regolas Guest

    To Malvin, sorry I can't quote on my phone. You don't need AoD. You can sit on 300AA and not reforge. It doesn't break the game not having it. The last 20AA are pretty minimal upgrades and the reforger ain't that hot, although it has some value, especially for mages and priests. If you'd played recently you could have got AoD for as little as $6.66 when it was still available for SC 9 months ago (triple SC plus half price sale) or $20 when it was advertised half price 5 or 6 months ago. It all depends on how frequently you keep checking the offers, just like a retail store. You can buy a new release DVD for full price, or wait to have it discounted, but you may miss the sale time and it's back up to full price for a while. I am choosing to pay full price x 2 accounts to have my product at release. I didn't do that with AoD and got them for $20 and $6.66 each. I bought DoV for full price on one account, but paid $3.33 for DoV on my second account. What SOE does is nothing new to any retailer. It's the consumers choice. The ones that pay full price will feel cheated if it gets discounted soon after release due to poor take up, but that's a risk you take to have the product when you want it.
  5. ARCHIVED-MindFury Guest

    Last night in game, I saw someone mention AOD price change for the 12th, that it was going to drop to $5, unsure if that's just for the day or what..but can anyone confirm/deny this for me please? I rather not buy the CE of COE if I have to pay full price for AOD when I never intended to buy AOD in the first place...If the price is going to drop to $5 for at least that day, then I would consider getting it, and the CE for COE..confirmation or denial of this would be greatly helpful in my decision of purchase.
  6. ARCHIVED-thesiren Guest

    I preordered CoE for $29.99 but I'm All-Access. If you sign up as All Access you will get the same discount.
    If you play for free, then why are you complaining about having to pay $40 for an expansion? SOE HAS to make a profit, and enough of one to continue operations, or none of us have a game to play. So forty bucks per expansion really isn't a lot if you're not even paying a sub.
    In the aforementioned WoW, not only do you have to buy the base game plus Burning Crusade and Lich King and Cataclysm to even be able to buy the new Mists of Panderia expansion, but you also have to fork over a $15 a month sub fee besides.
    Everquest 2, besides being far superior to WoW, is far less expensive to play. EQ2 is on its 9th expansion, and the first 7 are FREE, besides the few petty restrictions you have to deal with as a FREE player.