Bravado line needs a change.

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Delowen, May 4, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Delowen Guest

    I am extremely annoyed by the number of mobs in this expansion with some kind of damage shield that procs all the time. Since so many mobs have damage shields now it pretty much makes our Bravado line worthless since it drops when you take any damage.
    Would it be that overpowering to remove the "Dispells when target takes any damage" condition from this ability? Maybe lower the proc chance a little to compensate for this change? It gives us haste and a slight increase to hate gain, nothing that special (like brigand amazing reflexes).
  2. ARCHIVED-Untruth Guest

    Given the inherent self buffs that other classes have, i don't think it would be asking too much at all for it to be a flat out passive effect, considering other classes are able to permanently sustain equal or higher values with little penalties.
    The Assassin's Villain line gives flat out DPS mod in a hefty chunk with no draw-backs except that it selfbuffs agility as well, which would have been better off in a meaningful stat.
    The ranger self-buff gives less haste, but it gives in-combat move speed (Very important for solo) as well, but its up 100% of the time.
    A good deal of fighter and priest archetypes are again, able to sustain their self-buff mods at an even greater value; My zerker at level 24 had 71% haste self-buff, with near 100% uptime.
    Brigands don't get a self-buff that directly affects a dps/haste/DA mod or anything at all.

    So, why do rogues get shafted? I can't help feel that the Bravado dispel is a relic from back when the hurricane line had double it's proc value it has now with both hands proccing it combined with inspiring daring, or the wisdom line dominance era, as a balance mechanism to make sure swashy DPS didn't get too out of line.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kidou Guest

    I always thought the "Dispells when taking damage" Was to make it more useful while your in a group or something.
    It'd be awfully nice to have it a little better though.
  4. ARCHIVED-TygerMeow Guest

    I would definitely support this change.
  5. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Agreed, some fights its up for like 2 seconds at a time.