"Boosted" Character has limited Access??

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Abraxas78, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. Abraxas78 New Member

    I sort of thought that you would have all access to all the zones. I cannot access "Zek the scourge wastes" even though I am Level 121. Apparently, "Bailin" is supposed to send you mail to start the quest. I never got it. I checked with all my other characters and they never received it either. My next highest level is level 92. What level do you get this mail?
    I must say my experience with my "Boosted" character is total rubbish. Apparently, I can't hire any of the mercenaries from the latest expansion. I have no idea why. I purchased the expansion, but I cannot hire any of them. So I thought, ok, maybe check out some of the mercenaries from the previous expansion. I tried to locate the Shadowknight "Daharth Bisidia" in echo caverns. Yes, I consumed the token. I must have spent over 2 hours trying to find the location. I never did. Why do they make it so difficult?
    My advise to returning players is to play your old characters until they hit level cap. Unless you already have characters at cap, the boosted experience is not a good one.
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Zek, the Scourge Wastes is level 100. If you don't get the starting email from Bailin, or you delete it, speak with Jerol in the Village of Shin in Mara (he's the reserve postmaster, apparently :) ).

    Before you can hire a mercenary, you need to get a mercenary "coin" token. Examine it and consume the token in order to hire that mercenary.

    Some of the VoV mercs are only available if you purchased the Collector's Edition, the Premium Edition, or the Family & Friends Edition of VoV. Villax Sned is included with all but the standard version of the expansion. Dakshesh the Displaced is available with the Premium Edition or the Family & Friends Edition only. Lilac Laviara was a reward for participating in the Visions of Vetrovia beta test.

    One of the VoV mercs at least only drops in instances, and is NO-TRADE so that's the only way to get him:
    \aITEM -1446493782 -978737218:Mercenary: Kelvend Bledso\/a

    Other mercs whose coins drop in instances are tradeable. I checked the broker on Maj'Dul just now, and I find:
    • \aITEM 1083703154 1611485297 0 0 0:[Mercenary: Bellika Dollietanka]\/a (pretty cheap)
    • \aITEM 1819794602 1926495247 0 0 0:[Mercenary: Frunk]\/a (cheap!)
    • \aITEM 578284761 -1475780462 0 0 0:[Mercenary: Forlorn Harbinger]\/a (expensive!)
    Daharth Bisidia is located on The King's Cap in Echo Caverns ( 403, 238, -372 ). He's a shadowknight. I personally recommend the RoS inquisitor merc, Captain Kalael Kel'Avar. Her token is available on the broker (somewhat expensive) and you can find her in Fungus Grove in Echo Caverns ( 562, 89, -360 ).
    Twyla, Breanna and Doobius40504 like this.
  3. Lemilla Active Member

    Zones added in mid-expansion updates are locked behind the subscription. This includes Zek the scourge wastes and all Fabled zones.

    • Access to Special Members-Only Zones and Servers
    Twyla, Rosyposy and Breanna like this.
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Zek, the Scourge Wastes does not require paid AllAccess member in order to access this content. This content went free to play with GU103 on May 9, 2017.
    Twyla, Hartsmith and Breanna like this.
  5. Abraxas78 New Member

    Thank you for the responses. I understand that although I purchased the expansion, I cannot access any of the mercenaries. As to Daharth Bisidia, I simply cannot locate the mercenary. I consumed the token so it should be there, but it isn't. Perhaps it is in a different area that the indicated waypoint. Anyways, I have no interest in being in Echo Caverns. I could not even manage to travel to the zone point to get Savage Weald. It is the poorest designed zone that I ever experienced in any MMO. I am using EQ2 maps and trying to follow the waypoints, but to no avail.

    I think I will be quitting soon, as it is too frustrating. Part of the problem is the only information site available is Everquest2 wiki and it is just bare bones.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    DUDE! Did you completely ignore where I explained in detail which mercs you could get?

    It's on top of a ginormous mushroom. I don't recall, but I think you probably have to fly to get there. Just get someone to group with you who CAN get up there, then use Call of the Veteran or Call of the Tinker to go to them!
    Geroblue, Rosyposy and Twyla like this.
  7. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    Boosting as a fresh eq2 player is very harsh. I would recommend starting from scratch and learn the game, pick up a merc from your starting city and start leveling and questing from lvl 1. Do some leveling agnostics at lvl 20+. Do some heritage quests (purple feathers). You have weeks of learning the ins and outs of this game.

    As for the wiki being bare bones? It has damn near every single quest and item in the game and tons of information about each expansion and where to start each expansions story. Try using the search function there typing the quest name you are stumped on or typing in mercenary or dungeon timeline or expansions.
  8. Abraxas78 New Member

    "Boosting as a fresh eq2 player is very harsh. I would recommend starting from scratch and learn the game, pick up a merc from your starting city and start leveling and questing from lvl 1."

    Thank you for the feedback. I am a returning player. I am not new to the game. My main is a Level 93 Defiler. When I came back, she was level 68. I have truly enjoyed playing the content. I didn't want my post to sound overly negative. When she reaches level cap, she has all the tools to succeed, ie; Levelled Familiar, Mercenary, mount, Trades, Plat, Guild etc.

    The bad experience has been strictly with the boosted character that lacks all of the above. Also, I regret choosing a Conjuror as my boosted character. I don't like its gameplay at all. I wish they would treat a character boost as a slot that you can try different classes. This is what Everquest does. It is not a trial account. Your progression is reset if you choose another class. I know it does not take long to level a character these days. However, I cannot sit in agnostic dungeon all day doing the same instances over and over again. It is mind numbing.

    As to EQ2 wiki, yes it has a lot of information. You couldn't play the game without it. However, I also find it lacking. I am sure that I am not the first player to have problems navigating in Echo Caverns. You will search in vain to get any help with that. I think the problem is no player comments.
    Hartsmith likes this.
  9. Shimmerman New Member

    If you are a returning player, you should know very well that Zones are not made with the intention of being easy, all you have to do is go to Jungle (VOV) and its readily apparent you must fly everywhere, so while we understand your frustrations, the way around it all is do the quests, get flagged and fly
    As for the rest, EQ2 Wiki is not your only avenue for information, you have /General - Hey Server I have a question or I need help. and I'm sure whatever server you are on Someone will help you with your Merc finding issues.As by now we all know where they are. Just make sure you have the contracts signed before you get there as no one wants to waste time.
    If you decide to quit because you you do not have that "Easy button" good luck to you but I think it sad if you do.
    But that is the Culture we are all getting used to,
    Try to reach out to peeps on the server, they will help.
    Twyla likes this.
  10. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    I can honestly say I rely on info from Wiki and Zam for the vast majority of my game play and can confirm there are some places that either have not been updated after changes in game because it is technically old content, or the info isn't clear enough.

    Regarding Daharth, you are not the only one that spent hours and hours searching, and because that character has so many other quests to do (following the storyline) he cannot fly (which is really sad for a fae, lol) inside that zone. Other world events have placed my ability to do the pre-reqs for flight on the back burner. Several months later, I totally forgot I even used Daharth's token until this post.

    This is where Wiki, Zam and all the other resources that came up when I googled the info was lacking. The fact this particular merc requires flight to just to get to where he's located should be noted. Oor of Umbra is another one that my character spent an excess amount of time searching for but couldn't get to. Other world events have placed my ability to do the pre-reqs for flight on the back burner. Several months later, I totally forgot I even used Daharth's AND Oor's tokens until this post.
    Breanna likes this.
  11. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    The joy is that the wiki is editable by everyone. If you see data missing, you can add it.

    There are a couple of folks who do go back and work on documenting older areas of the game. The TLEs keep changing things in tying to balance lower levels of gear, for example. If I am not personally playing in that content, I'm unlikely to fix the documentation for old stuff. But I do try to do as much documentation as I can for areas where I am playing, which does occasionally result in a fix to older wiki content.

    In reference to the mercs that need flight to reach them, all you have to do is get a little creative. Ask in Guild or General chat for someone who will help you for a few minutes who can already fly in those zones, then have them go stand by the merc you're after, and then you can use Call of the Veteran or Call of the Tinker to pop right to the merc and hire them. Or get a conjy to go there and use Call of the Hero to bring you there. Or get a guildmate to plant a rally flag by the merc for you and use the flag to get there. There might be other ways to do this as well that aren't popping into my head at my present state of caffeination.

    The range of alternate methods other than unlocking flying to get to the mercs is the main reason the wiki doesn't say anything about how to get there. You could, I guess, add a note to each along the lines of "Must be able to fly to access this merc, or get help from someone who can fly to reach it".
    Twyla and Rosyposy like this.
  12. Abraxas78 New Member

    The mercs were not an issue. With unlocking Luclin, I was able to access many of them. Unlocking Zek was no big deal either. Took only a few minutes. To unlock flying for these zones, you complete the signature series correct?
    Also, if I want a Mercenary to only heal, I put it on follow only correct? Disable Protect and Assist? It is only the Inquisitor mercenary that will heal reliably and also cleanse? I cannot get the Paladin or Mystic Mercenary to heal reliably at all.
  13. FuRiouSOne Well-Known Member

    Correct to all. Never used a mystic merc so not sure there. Most all the newer relevant healer mercs are inquisitors.
    Twyla likes this.
  14. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    Mystic mercs do heal and cure, its been my experience with them that while they may be great in a group that already has a healer sp they can do most of the curing, they alone cannot keep up with the requirements of upper level content, ie... you die

    This could be because of how I play, cant say for sure, but Inq seems to do best for me. cept for Tarsil, she is just a shiny waste
    Breanna likes this.
  15. Abraxas78 New Member

    Well I took the Templar and it is not much better than the Mystic or Paladin for healing. Yes, it might heal you once or twice, but it is just as likely to stand there and watch you die. This is with it set to follow only. Ridiculous. I am stuck at Dedraka. As a conjuror, I can't even get past the first boss as I need a healer that will heal and cleanse. I tried using potions but that didn't help. I will probably get guild help. If I can't even do the first boss which is presumably the easiest, I don't hold out much hope for the rest.
  16. axxis32 Member

    So, explain how I can access Daharth Bisidia on those mushroom caves? I have done luclin? signature quest and unlocked flying, but YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to fly in that cave. So, PLEASE tell me how to get to that fricking stupidly place to hire that stupid merc
  17. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    You can totally fly in Echo Caverns.
  18. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    Maybe you can, but I cannot since I have not gotten to a place where I can complete the pre-req's for flight in that zone which is what the OP has stated is their current obstacle to getting Daharth.

    To the OP. I was able to get that merc on a lot of my mercs without flying but only by asking in game for someone who was able to spare a moment to use CoV. I agree that that zone is a really sucky place to try to game in when you are not familiar with it. I hated it during my initial walk throughs when trying to reach certain mercs. However, after several return trips, I've become a little more familiar with the layout of the terrain and am finding it more fun to play in. So give it time and it will grow on you; like a myconid. :p
  19. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    In that case, I second the recommendation to get someone to go to that spot and allow you to travel to them using Call of the Hero (if your helper is a conjuror), Call of the Veteran, Call of the Tinker, etc.

    I know that on Maj'Dul, it's not unusual to see someone asking for a few minutes' worth of help to get to something, and generally people are nice and offer to assist.
    Twyla likes this.
  20. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Just ask in gen chat! Several times I have seen a plea from a returning player that needed assistance in finding or getting to a merc. I happily assist when I can!
    Breanna and Hartsmith like this.